going thermonuclear on dis bitch by onehappybearin squarejerk

[–]onehappybear[S] 1 point2 points ago (2|0)

wow I'm actually kinda sad. But I need to go. It's just time.

going thermonuclear on dis bitch by onehappybearin squarejerk

[–]onehappybear[S] 0 points1 point ago (1|0)

nah, i really just need to get away from reddit. i'd been away for months and months, came back, and regret it tremendously. it's just time to move on, and i don't ever really move on unless i burn the bridge. it's the way i've always been, unfortunately, and it's probably the way i'll always be.

going thermonuclear on dis bitch by onehappybearin squarejerk

[–]onehappybear[S] 0 points1 point ago (1|0)

lol not actually changing genders, just cities / jobs / general life, dont feel like redditing anymore, etc. etc.

going thermonuclear on dis bitch by onehappybearin squarejerk

[–]onehappybear[S] 1 point2 points ago (2|0)

someone tell MJF i said hello

going thermonuclear on dis bitch by onehappybearin squarejerk

[–]onehappybear[S] 1 point2 points ago (2|0)


going thermonuclear on dis bitch by onehappybearin squarejerk

[–]onehappybear[S] 0 points1 point ago (1|0)

iunno i just feel the need to destroy a lot of things. im in the middle of a lot of changes (particularly my gender) and want to totally get rid of reddit, so im doing it.

going thermonuclear on dis bitch by onehappybearin squarejerk

[–]onehappybear[S] 1 point2 points ago (2|0)

no you were ok

going thermonuclear on dis bitch by onehappybearin squarejerk

[–]onehappybear[S] 1 point2 points ago (2|0)

please, what sort of casual faggot do you take me for?

Well what's going on this time? by rednukleusin squarejerk

[–]onehappybear1 point2 points ago (2|0)

ray bradbury tribute 2.0?

[META] Welcome SRSters! by ArchangelleZuriellein SRSArmory

[–]onehappybear0 points1 point ago (4|3)

Thanks a lot for this, it's really great. Youdabes!

[META] Welcome SRSters! by ArchangelleZuriellein SRSArmory

[–]onehappybear-2 points-1 points ago (3|4)

yep that's probably good way to do it.

[META] Welcome SRSters! by ArchangelleZuriellein SRSArmory

[–]onehappybear0 points1 point ago (4|3)

i'd go with pretty basic, broad groupings. here are some of my ideas, in no particular order with short explanations, and anyone can feel free to make additional suggestions:

  • Sexuality (for all issues related to human sexuality - LGBT stuff goes here, also perhaps anti slut-shaming stuff too?)

  • Gender (for all issues related to gender - i would guess a lot of trans information could go here, in addition to tools combatting binary understanding)

  • Feminism (counter-MRA stuff, important crime / social statistics, and other general feminist stuff)

  • Race (anti-racist stuff goes here)

  • Abloobloophilia (important information about pedos, sad that i feel this is a large enough issue on reddit that it needs its own category, maybe this could also include stuff about sex but iunno)

  • Mental (all anti-ableist / mental health / mental disorder tools go here)

  • Body (all anti-ableist / physical health / physical disorder tools go here)

that's the start for my list, and as mentioned before, anybody else can feel free to edit / add.

[META] Welcome SRSters! by ArchangelleZuriellein SRSArmory

[–]onehappybear -1 points0 points ago (4|4)

i don't mean to volunteer extra work for the mods here, but is it possible to get some sort of sticky thread that organizes all the posts in the armory? it's a little hard to sort through all this new information (which is great by the way and i super appreciate) out of order and without topic groupings

Why does everyone hate /u/karmanaut? by capn_crunch_in jerktalk

[–]onehappybear 31 points32 points ago (32|0)

who the fuck let this casual into jerktalk

How old are you guys? by [deleted]in jerktalk

[–]onehappybear 17 points18 points ago (20|2)

old enough to fuck your mom

bump by AerateMarkin squarejerk

[–]onehappybear 4 points5 points ago (5|0)

bum. heh.

Let's talk shit about other redditors. by Boobies_Are_Awesomein jerktalk

[–]onehappybear 9 points10 points ago (11|0)

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

necro post by onehappybearin squarejerk

[–]onehappybear [S] 1 point2 points ago (2|0)

good question. i want to get onto the cb chat or whatever the place where everyone hates me is because i miss a few of you guys but i don't know what time people chat or how to get into it.

Nominations: Best Copypasta by ytknowsin TheJerkies

[–]onehappybear 1 point2 points ago (4|2)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

cannot upvote more than enough only once yada yada

Nominations: Worst All-Around Redditor by ytknowsin TheJerkies

[–]onehappybear 1 point2 points ago (3|1)

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i cannot upvote this enough times, because i can only upvote it once.

Circlejerk ends when the Mayan calendar says so by CheapyPipein squarejerk

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Page 2

HEY. BESTOF AWARD THING. LETS DO THIS by GodOfAtheismin squarejerk

[–]onehappybear 2 points3 points ago (3|0)

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who let this dumb shit in here

BESTOF AWARDS. LETS DO THIS. by GodOfAtheismin squarebroke

[–]onehappybear 5 points6 points ago (6|0)

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HEY. BESTOF AWARD THING. LETS DO THIS by GodOfAtheismin squarejerk

[–]onehappybear 3 points4 points ago (4|0)

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best copypasta, best moderator shenanigans

BESTOF AWARDS. LETS DO THIS. by GodOfAtheismin squarebroke

[–]onehappybear 5 points6 points ago (7|1)

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i nominate MJF for every category

List of things about MJF We Don't Like by NigWantsKFCin squarejerk

[–]onehappybear 1 point2 points ago (2|0)

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mfw no copypasta

MFW dougiemac has so much hurt is his butt he should get checked for colon cancer by onehappybearin squarebroke

[–]onehappybear [S] 6 points7 points ago (7|0)

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guilty as charged

TIL Ayn Rand designed and drove a car that ran entirely on the crushed bones of poor people. by CircularityEnsuedin circlejerk

That was a close one, boys. /r/politics nearly reached critical mass towards the end there. The end of the election season means more variety in CB posts, says this SBer. by TheSimpleArtistin squarebroke

[–]onehappybear 3 points4 points ago (5|1)

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not sure if this is relevant but idgaf

That was a close one, boys. /r/politics nearly reached critical mass towards the end there. The end of the election season means more variety in CB posts, says this SBer. by TheSimpleArtistin squarebroke

[–]onehappybear 3 points4 points ago (6|2)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on


syncretic's finally decided to "take action" over our supposed vote brigading of bestof posts targetting CB. Was it just me or did a bunch of us get banned?  by lolsailin squarebroke

[–]onehappybear 1 point2 points ago (3|1)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

cus you totes couldn't just make new accounts.


Post here before midnight and get a free toy! by [deleted]in CircleBS

[–]onehappybear 5 points6 points ago (6|0)

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ill show you a free toy

So, who is the fran and why do you make jokes about this user? by Illuminatesfollyin squarebroke

[–]onehappybear 9 points10 points ago (10|0)

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thefran didn't know how to lol.

New 'broke sub idea, looking for input by [deleted]in squarebroke

[–]onehappybear 6 points7 points ago (9|2)

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/r/CircleBS Update by [deleted]in squarebroke

[–]onehappybear 3 points4 points ago (4|0)

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don't be sad, be glad that my real life is so awesome that i no longer have time for reddit!

/r/CircleBS Update by [deleted]in squarebroke

[–]onehappybear 3 points4 points ago (4|0)

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/r/CircleBS Update by [deleted]in squarebroke

[–]onehappybear 5 points6 points ago (6|0)

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/r/CircleBS Update by [deleted]in squarebroke

[–]onehappybear 4 points5 points ago (5|0)

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ya aco told me you did in mumble chat. you should double smug because of just how nuclear meltdown this was.

/r/CircleBS Update by [deleted]in squarebroke

[–]onehappybear 2 points3 points ago (3|0)

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saw this one coming like the asteroid in armageddon

/r/CircleBS Update by [deleted]in squarebroke

[–]onehappybear 4 points5 points ago (5|0)

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Two Weeks Notice by onehappybearin squarejerk

Two Weeks Notice by onehappybearin squarejerk

Two Weeks Notice by onehappybearin squarejerk

[–]onehappybear [S] -1 points0 points ago (1|1)

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No, I don't actually care about them. I just troll them because they are so invested in something so stupid.

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Page 3

Two Weeks Notice by onehappybearin squarejerk

Two Weeks Notice by onehappybearin squarejerk

[–]onehappybear [S] 0 points1 point ago (1|0)

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It's not really a rage quit, which is why I probably won't totally de-mod myself for a week or so. I just am going to gradually fade away into nothing, and then be gone for several months. Eventually, I will be born out of the ashes like a mighty phoenix, wielding my fiery wit as a barbarian with his axe. Then, and only then, will you know true humor.

Two Weeks Notice by onehappybearin squarejerk

Two Weeks Notice by onehappybearin squarejerk

If reddit is so fricken liberal, why does it hate feminists? by ArchangelleDworkinin circlebroke

[–]onehappybear 3 points4 points ago (6|2)

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Hey, that thing at the bottom is a hundred times better. Next time, just post that!

If reddit is so fricken liberal, why does it hate feminists? by ArchangelleDworkinin circlebroke

[–]onehappybear 17 points18 points ago (21|3)

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I think it's an auto-ban for anyone who posts in 2XC, and I think the ban message is tongue-in-cheek. I could be wrong, though.

If reddit is so fricken liberal, why does it hate feminists? by ArchangelleDworkinin circlebroke

[–]onehappybear 9 points10 points ago (15|5)

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... again, you need to be concise. You could have just said:

I am trying to qualify where I agreed and disagreed with his post, which is difficult to do using a compound thesis.

I can't even identify your thesis. Maybe that's the problem? Here is my best attempt at rewriting your post clearly, although I can hardly understand your points:

You are asserting that having a strong set of ideals gives you a moral high ground. You do not have the authority to denounce cynicism simply because of your self-proclaimed moral position.

Cynicism is not the problem here. In my opinion, it seems that cynicism on Reddit is a manifestation of disillusionment commonly affecting young adults. I would not conflate this cynicism with pessimism.

Reddit has a large population. For every 'childish cynic', there is one nihilist.

I don't know if that's what you were actually trying to say, because you spewed shit phrases like "the chimera of hopeful idealism" and "comprised of a great variance of individuals" and "supporting the assertion that the formation of ideals gives one a position of moral or ethical superiority in their right to be critical"... et cetera.

Writing is not speaking. You have ample opportunity to consider what you write. There is no excuse for poor writing except poor thinking.

If reddit is so fricken liberal, why does it hate feminists? by ArchangelleDworkinin circlebroke

[–]onehappybear 12 points13 points ago (16|3)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

It's not about "correct" or "incorrect". You need to drop your flowery, pseudo-intellectual bullshit and make your point directly. If you're trying to say, "you have misrepresented cynicism in X, Y and Z ways," just say that.

If reddit is so fricken liberal, why does it hate feminists? by ArchangelleDworkinin circlebroke

[–]onehappybear 5 points6 points ago (11|5)

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Who taught you how to write? You need to be simple and concise.

If reddit is so fricken liberal, why does it hate feminists? by ArchangelleDworkinin circlebroke

[–]onehappybear 23 points24 points ago (33|9)

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The central belief of every moron is that he is the victim of a mysterious conspiracy against his common rights and true deserts. He ascribes all his failure to get on in the world, all of his congenital incapacity and damfoolishness, to the machinations of werewolves assembled in Wall Street, or some other such den of infamy.

-- H.L. Mecken

It's a persecution complex. Redditors want to believe they are oppressed or bullied, that someone is against them. It's Christians, it's Israel and the Jews, it's feminists... it's anyone who stands to gain something by leveling a playing field dominated by white, heterosexual men. They hate women because women are friend-zoning rape maker-uppers, but hate feminists more because they are plotting to take away free speech.

Religion and Politics by [deleted]in squarebroke

[–]onehappybear 0 points1 point ago (1|0)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

Seven days a week, because fuck you, that's why.

[marketing consultation] Complainpire doesn't exactly roll off the tongue by ArchangelleGabriellein squarebroke

[–]onehappybear 5 points6 points ago (6|0)

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Not to go all conservitarded on you, but holy shit Paul Ryan. by [deleted]in CircleBS

[–]onehappybear 0 points1 point ago (2|1)

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Also, please enjoy this.

Not to go all conservitarded on you, but holy shit Paul Ryan. by [deleted]in CircleBS

[–]onehappybear 2 points3 points ago (4|1)

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Not to go all conservitarded on you, but holy shit Paul Ryan. by [deleted]in CircleBS

[–]onehappybear 3 points4 points ago (6|2)

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You know what Dougie-Mac? I wasn't trying to be a jerk, and I ended up being a jerk. So I'll be fair to you and demonstrate what I was saying about Ayn Rand. Perhaps it will be revelatory for you, but I'm sure this is all in vain.

I'm going to analyze the John Galt Speech. It's the most important thing she ever wrote by anyone's considerations and serves as a total overview of her philosophy. If you disagree with that, please take it up with the Atlas Society, because they agree with me.

Without further ado:

‘Value’ is that which one acts to gain and keep, ‘virtue’ is the action by which one gains and keeps it.

This is one of her premises. Let's continue:

All property and all forms of wealth are produced by man’s mind and labor. As you cannot have effects without causes, so you cannot have wealth without its source: without intelligence.

"Value" = wealth, "virtue" = intelligence. If you are not wealthy, you are stupid. Straight from Ayn Rand. Care to tell me again why her heroes' wealth is irrelevant?

But when you live in a rational society, where men are free to trade, you receive an incalculable bonus: the material value of your work is determined not only by your effort, but by the effort of the best productive minds who exist in the world around you.

Again, let's consider why there aren't any poor heroes in Rand's novels.

Every man is free to rise as far as he’s able or willing, but it’s only the degree to which he thinks that determines the degree to which he’ll rise. Physical labor as such can extend no further than the range of the moment. The man who does no more than physical labor, consumes the material value-equivalent of his own contribution to the process of production, and leaves no further value, neither for himself nor others.

Let me rephrase this for you: if you are a physical laborer, you are useless. How many wealthy physical laborers do you know, DMac?

The man at the bottom who, left to himself, would starve in his hopeless ineptitude, contributes nothing to those above him, but receives the bonus of all of their brains. Such is the nature of the ‘competition’ between the strong and the weak of the intellect. Such is the pattern of ‘exploitation’ for which you have damned the strong.

Again, you have to consider that she doesn't have poor protagonists, since virtue is intrinsically tied to wealth. The people at the bottom -- the poor -- are not only intellectually inept, but also live in a "pattern of exploitation" on the intellectually apt, who are rich. It's the closest thing you can say to "the poor are parasites on the rich" without explicitly saying it.

Use your mind and skill in private, extend your knowledge, develop your ability, but do not share your achievements with others.

Extolling the wealthy not to hoard for themselves.

I swear-by my life and my love of it-that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.

I know you've already disregarded this, but please reconsider in light of the fact that yes, Ayn Rand believes wealth is virtue. They're explicitly tied together in her world-view; the virtuous, who are intelligent and hard working, are wealthy. Thusly, the novel must be about the poor being parasites on the rich, since human virtue is bound to human wealth.

I know this won't change your mind, but I thought you deserved the explanation since I really did come across as an asshole.

Not to go all conservitarded on you, but holy shit Paul Ryan. by [deleted]in CircleBS

[–]onehappybear 0 points1 point ago (6|5)

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I'm just going to totally come up front with you: you're a Randroid, and even if I actually went to the trouble of arguing this, it would have no end result.

I say this largely because the real criticism to be had with the original article is his interpretation of Hayek, not Rand, and yet here I am being told how great Rand was for the middle class.

Also, food for thought for the conservative/libertarian: Rand adamantly defended abortion and favored institutionalized atheism. Paul Ryan vehemently disagrees with her on those two points. He holds her up as his idol. He's a fucking idiot.

Not to go all conservitarded on you, but holy shit Paul Ryan. by [deleted]in CircleBS

[–]onehappybear 5 points6 points ago (9|3)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

Dude, seriously? The last line of the John Galt speech is "I swear—by my life and my love of it—that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine."

The crux of her opus magnus (unless you consider the Fountainhead "better") is that the poor (by both wealth and virtue) are parasites on the rich. She very specifically has all characters who come to wealth "improperly" go bankrupt; being wealthy is a byproduct of virtue. If you aren't wealthy, you aren't virtuous.

You're the first person I've ever seen try to argue Ayn Rand didn't think that; it's one of the largest criticisms of her work. If anyone is misrepresenting her, it's you.

Not to go all conservitarded on you, but holy shit Paul Ryan. by [deleted]in CircleBS

[–]onehappybear 6 points7 points ago (10|3)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

I think Paul Ryan is a fucking idiot.

This is pretty much why, without my having to re-write it.

NINJA EDIT: Again, this is "pretty much" why. I don't 100% agree with the guy who wrote this, and he's got a few problems, but it's "pretty much" why.

The President's AMA: Jerking It in Obama's Face by onehappybearin circlebroke

[–]onehappybear [S] 4 points5 points ago (5|0)

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Thanks man. I also appreciate you adding on all the embarassing replies, just brings this whole thing around nicely.

The President's AMA: Jerking It in Obama's Face by onehappybearin circlebroke

[–]onehappybear [S] 8 points9 points ago (9|0)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

I don't always post in CB, but when I do, I get a quality post tag.

The President's AMA: Jerking It in Obama's Face by onehappybearin circlebroke

[–]onehappybear [S] 2 points3 points ago (5|2)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

Yeah, I'll admit, not all the examples are perfect. But the point was, I sort of just had to go in order of the comments and they really fit into those jerks pretty well (about 90% of the top comments at the time fell within the bounds of "jerking it").

I didn't want to go through to find all the responses, I saw the obnoxious grammar one and thought that was good enough. Reddit was miserably slow and it was hard to get through to the page as is.

The President's AMA: Jerking It in Obama's Face by onehappybearin circlebroke

[–]onehappybear [S] 8 points9 points ago (9|0)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

Thanks for doing this. I was about to write it out, saw you did a reasonable enough job giving a simple and clear explanation, and now I don't have to!

The President's AMA: Jerking It in Obama's Face by onehappybearin circlebroke

[–]onehappybear [S] 1 point2 points ago (3|1)

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Understatement of the god damn century.

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Page 4

Fuck /r/bestof  by GodOfAtheismin squarebroke

[–]onehappybear 2 points3 points ago (3|0)

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That's a really good idea, IMO.

Fuck /r/bestof [RES ignored duplicate image] by GodOfAtheismin squarebroke

[–]onehappybear 2 points3 points ago (3|0)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

If neither of them are default I would check with those mods and see if they'd be on board.

Also, I'm not really advocating a new rule; I thought about suggesting it and had the same conclusion. However, quietly asking syncretic to let all CB links get spam-filtered isn't going to be as overt as adding a rule in the sidebar (even though the people spamming CB aren't reading the sidebar).

Fuck /r/bestof [RES ignored duplicate image] by GodOfAtheismin squarebroke

[–]onehappybear 2 points3 points ago (3|0)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

But I'm sure other subs would be interested. I'd talk to mods of askhistorians and askscience (or are they not allowed in bestof? I don't know) and see if they have similar problems.

Also, I don't think this is so much about keeping CB a secret so much as keeping fucking morons from spamming threads. The people you guys need to keep out are the drive-by bestof'ers. The new subs aren't a problem; they're legitimately interested in joining the subreddit, will read the rules, and find out what they like and don't like. The people invading the sub like retards won't subscribe; they're there for one particular thread and want to spam their retarded opinions in it. If you aren't on bestof, they won't show up. Plain and simple.

Fuck /r/bestof [RES ignored duplicate image] by GodOfAtheismin squarebroke

[–]onehappybear 4 points5 points ago (6|1)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

It might help to show him this moderation log, that you guys are being seriously disrupted by bestof / depthhub links.

Fuck /r/bestof [RES ignored duplicate image] by GodOfAtheismin squarebroke

[–]onehappybear 6 points7 points ago (7|0)

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GOA, why not ask Syncretic if he would add a moderation bot that auto-removes links to CB / CB2 / whatever?

He's not super unreasonable, and I'm sure that if you showed him how much shit you have to sift through every time you guys get linked he would consider it. I also would guess other subreddits might like to be added to the "DO NOT BESTOF" list as well.

What does r/CircleJerk have against transgender people? by ZoeBladein circlejerk

[–]onehappybear [M] 1 point2 points ago (2|0)

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We do not having anything against trans people or the trans community. /r/circlejerk parodies popular posts. It so happens that one of those posts is about a transgender individual.

If any of these posts due become offensive or transphobic, please report them to let us know.

You may or may not find this entertaining. by [deleted]in squarebroke

[–]onehappybear 5 points6 points ago (7|1)

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Anyone interested in a CB Minecraft server? by [deleted]in squarebroke

[–]onehappybear 2 points3 points ago (3|0)

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i love minecraft yes pls

I can tell Mckayla Maroney has an amazing sense of humor because she can make that one face by garbageeaterin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 2 points3 points ago (4|1)

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I can tell Mckayla Maroney has an amazing sense of humor because she can make that one face by garbageeaterin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 1 point2 points ago (2|0)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

Feel free dag. But I ain't got a Twitter.

I can tell Mckayla Maroney has an amazing sense of humor because she can make that one face by garbageeaterin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 0 points1 point ago (1|0)

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I actually hadn't seen this. I guess it wasn't her original material after all!

I can tell Mckayla Maroney has an amazing sense of humor because she can make that one face by garbageeaterin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 2 points3 points ago (7|4)

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I am not impressed.


I was going to use the 'I see what you did there' face, but that's lame.

I can tell Mckayla Maroney has an amazing sense of humor because she can make that one face by garbageeaterin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 1057 points1058 points ago (1268|210)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

I actually met McKayla Maroney. She really does have a good sense of humor.

I work on the Colbert Report, and when she came on the show, I said to her, "Hey, McKayla, you seem to have a really good sense of humor about this whole 'not impressed' thing. Have you ever considered breaking into comedy?"

Sure enough, she responded, "well, actually, before I said I wanted to be a gymnast, I said I wanted to be a comedian. "

I said, "I could believe it! Do you have any favorite jokes, or a short stand-up routine I could see? I bet you've got some really funny stuff!"

So she said, "well, I do have this one bit... okay here goes. Knock knock!"

Oh, a knock-knock joke. I was expecting, you know, real comedy, like Louis CK, but maybe it was a really good knock-knock joke. "Who's there?"

"Interrupting cow."

"McKayla, I don't mean to be a jerk, but I've heard this one before," I said with a bit of annoyance.

"No, just trust me. Interrupting cow."

"Fine, I'll go with it. Interrupti-"

"Moooooo!" she shouted before I could finish. I was, ironically, unimpressed. But, before I could say anything, she says, "Knock knock!"

Another one? Well, I guess I could go with it. "Who's there?"

"Interrupting McKayla."

What the fuck? I guess this was an original joke. "Interrupting McKa-"

And then she kicked me square in the fucking nuts. Square. In. The. Nuts. And if you don't realize, Olympic Gymnasts are fucking strong. I mean, really fucking strong. I thought my balls jumped into my throat. I crumpled into a heap on the floor, and, after a weak attempt at stifling the urge, threw up all over myself.

McKayla leaned down and whispered into my ear, "I spent my entire life training to be a great gymnast. I earn a team gold and barely miss individual gold because I fell on my ass on my second vault attempt. And you smarmy cocksuckers think it's funny to make jokes about my disappointment. If you ever -- ever -- think to mock me again, I will rip your tonsils out through your anus."

And then she calmly walked away and went on to do any excellent bit on the Report. I lost function in one of my testicles due to the trauma and couldn't walk properly for several days.

All in all, I'd say she's a lovely young woman with a truly fantastic sense of humor, and we should all be impressed with her amiable demeanor.

Reddit, my girlfriend made me a coupon book full of annoying internet memes. How many of you date 13-year-old boys? by [deleted]in circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 16 points17 points ago (23|6)

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What? No. Just upvote me, you fucking weirdo.

I see your grandpa on insulin and I raise you my sister with leukemia. by Zequiin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 1 point2 points ago (2|0)

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Reddit, my girlfriend made me a coupon book full of annoying internet memes. How many of you date 13-year-old boys? by [deleted]in circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 74 points75 points ago (85|10)

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A rolled up paperback copy of The God Delusion would literally rip apart your asshole. I am calling bullshit on this story. You're a liar and a fraud, not a gentleman and a sir.

Don't worry guys, I pointed out to everyone that this story is obvious bullshit. You don't have to thank me, but if you'd like to, I think you know how to do so.

browsing NFL power rankings when I see this...  by maxkmillerin nfl

[–]onehappybear 49 points50 points ago (52|2)

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Dude, he's already a Bills fan. No need for backlash.

DAE have such severe Aspergers that they can only react to sarcastic tweets by threatening to leave the planet? by Schroedingers_gifin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 682 points683 points ago (794|111)

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I have severe Aspergers, and let me tell you this crazy awkward story from my high school years when I was super socially awkward penguin:

In my high school, only juniors and seniors were allowed to buy tickets to prom. It wasn't to socially isolate the sophomores and freshmen or anything, but it was sort of about socially isolating the sophomores and freshmen. Anyhow, the only way you could get to prom as an underclassman was to be invited by a junior or senior. It was easy for the girls -- men are so oppressed in today's society -- but a lot harder for the men.

Now, I was a pretty awkward high schooler. I was 6'2" and 185 pounds of rock solid muscle. I had a part-time job as an Abercrombie Model and another part-time job as a personal trainer. I was pretty much the definition of butthurt basement dweller, and I spent all my time toking up to about a [8.5] and watching Cosmos. Nobody really liked me because I was openly atheist and bisexual. It was a really hard, dark time in my life; I was picked on for being the most handsome, bullied for being the smartest, and constantly harassed by the Amerikkkan Police State for my harmless interest in dating Mary Jane (euphemisms are so smart).

So sophomore year of high school, I didn't expect to go to prom. I was too smart, too bold, and too handsome for anyone to take me. I figured I'd just get bullied. But I was at my locker one day after my remedial algebra class when one of the smoking hot juniors on the cheerleading squad comes up to me. She was probably 5'2" and 115 pounds of the tightest body you could ever see. She had red hair and green eyes (but not a ginger, because they have no souls) and tits like whoa (double D's for sure). I couldn't figure out why she would want to talk to me and I popped my 9-inch boner as soon as she started walking up to me. Her name was Genevieve.

"Hey, you're that weird kid with Aspergers, right?"

I swallowed really hard. "Yeah, I guess I am."

"Well, I just got made the captain of the cheerleading squad. But the initiation for captainship is that I have to take out the nerdiest loser in the school to prom and then fuck his brains out after. Would you come to prom with me?"

I literally shit my pants with excitement as I shouted "Oh Sagan almighty yes! I will go to prom with you!"

She seemed disgusted that I had shit my pants and was genuinely displeased, and averting her eyes said, "okay, go clean yourself up. I'll send you details later."

I went home and jacked off about five times, each time with increasing intensity until I was whacking it with the force of Xerxes' Persian invasion. It was glorious. Just as I'd finished for the sixth time, I heard my doorbell ring. I went downstairs and opened the door. It was Genevieve.

"Hey, I realized I don't have your e-mail address, so I have to ask you some stuff in person about prom. Do you mind wearing red flowers?"

I had a raging erection, so I knew I'd be going for a seventh whack after this. "Red flowers are fine."

"Awesome. Do you mind if we go with my cheerleading friends?" she asked next. Then she leaned in and whispered, "some are going without dates... threesome potential!" and gave me a sexy look and a wink. Double boner!

"Sounds great!" I said.

"Awesome. As a last thing, about the tickets and limousine... I need you to chip in a little bit for them. Just about tree fitty."

And it was right then that I realized Genevieve wasn't a 5'2", smoking hot huge-titted red-haired cheerleader, but was a six-story crustacean from the Paleolithic area! God damnit, Nessie had tricked me again!

"Oh god damnit Nessie, I ain't givin' you tree fitty! Get the fuck outta here!" I shouted. I ran back into the my house grabbed a broom from my front hall closet, went back to the front door and began swinging the broom wildly.

But it was too late. I'd already missed my opportunity. Spaghetti everywhere, etc. etc.

And that's why I never went to prom.

Today is my IRL birthday. I just wanted you to know that you all ruined it. by Bornhuetterin squarejerk

[–]onehappybear 2 points3 points ago (3|0)

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No I like to give handjobs. You dense motherfucker.

Today is my IRL birthday. I just wanted you to know that you all ruined it. by Bornhuetterin squarejerk

[–]onehappybear 2 points3 points ago (3|0)

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Yes, I am very handy. If you know what I mean.

Today is my IRL birthday. I just wanted you to know that you all ruined it. by Bornhuetterin squarejerk

[–]onehappybear 2 points3 points ago (3|0)

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Only in the sexual sense, and only for you.

Today is my IRL birthday. I just wanted you to know that you all ruined it. by Bornhuetterin squarejerk

[–]onehappybear 1 point2 points ago (3|1)

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Just thought you guys might get a kick out of this if you haven't seen it yet. How to use Reddit [2:59] by aco620in JerkLounge

[–]onehappybear 1 point2 points ago (2|0)

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He even got the part about Redditors and rape obsession. He's good.

Too many mods. by [deleted]in squarejerk

[–]onehappybear 1 point2 points ago (3|1)

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Sorry, my other post is inaccurate and I didn't really want to post this as an edit.

The issue was that I posted without even discussing what I did with YT beforehand. And for that matter, didn't even think about discussing it with him. Nor did anyone really seem to think about it. And, since he should have been included in any and all thoughts for the 100k mark, he decided to remove everybody for a while.

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Too many mods. by [deleted]in squarejerk

[–]onehappybear 0 points1 point ago (1|0)

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We had been using it, and that's where there was a lot of miscommunication. We had a thread two days ago where we tried to make plans for the 100k mark, but when we didn't come up with any real plan, I thought we weren't going to do anything and made a stupid "LOL 100k SUBS" post. YT was upset and decided to just go back to three mods. And here we are.

EDIT: see other response.

Too many mods. by [deleted]in squarejerk

[–]onehappybear 2 points3 points ago (3|0)

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Probably for the best. Yesterday was not a good day.

100,000 User Celebration by [deleted]in squarejerk

[–]onehappybear 0 points1 point ago (1|0)

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Well then. Never mind.

100,000 User Celebration by [deleted]in squarejerk

[–]onehappybear 0 points1 point ago (1|0)

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Is it possible to embed a video in the CSS? So that we could block out the entire page in black, and only have a video playing on repeat?

For example, I think that if CJ was just blacked out with this masterpiece playing on loop, that could be fun.

EDIT: Also I am open to any video. We could even make our own video!

Me teaching my motherless lamb to eat grass  by Nerothosin aww

[–]onehappybear 1 point2 points ago (2|0)

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Is SRS turning into Circlebroke-lite? by [deleted]in squarebroke

[–]onehappybear 2 points3 points ago (3|0)

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I don't mean that engineers are privileged people. It's the attitude of "engineers are better than other people, let's put down others who aren't engineers" which, while not necessarily pervasive in the thread (I stopped reading when he started by saying "I'm an engineer... and let's talk about how engineers are more valuable than celebrities and athletes"), is readily apparent in the post.

The bottom line is, it's a shit question that seems interesting only because Redditors are stupid.

Is SRS turning into Circlebroke-lite? by [deleted]in squarebroke

[–]onehappybear 4 points5 points ago (5|0)

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That's a damn good sketch though.

Is SRS turning into Circlebroke-lite? by [deleted]in squarebroke

[–]onehappybear 2 points3 points ago (3|0)

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You can write and ask them. I don't think you're seriously interested in participating -- you know, that whole cis scum thing I was talking about -- but after the SRS Experience(tm) I think they have a pretty high opinion of us beautiful and kind and considerate Circlejerk mods.

Is SRS turning into Circlebroke-lite? by [deleted]in squarebroke

[–]onehappybear 5 points6 points ago (6|0)

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Yeah but you're cis scum.

Is SRS turning into Circlebroke-lite? by [deleted]in squarebroke

[–]onehappybear 6 points7 points ago (7|0)

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As I see it, SRS isn't just about sexism. It's about Redditors being privileged shitlords, and in that thread, there's an engineering student demanding that people worship engineers. Sounds like privileged-shitlordism to me.

I lurk in Circlebroke but am not a super-frequenter; I just like to give advice about management, even if I have no idea what is going on. It's funny that your subscribers would even care that you overlap with SRS. Seems like that might be a good place to get more Brokers, and might also be a good place for Brokers to try a different kind of anti-jerking.

Is SRS turning into Circlebroke-lite? by [deleted]in squarebroke

[–]onehappybear 1 point2 points ago (4|2)

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Or, alternatively, Circlebroke is realizing SRS had the idea first, and they're just funnier about it than you guys.

we now have actual pedophiles posting on circlebroke by Bel_Marmadukin squarebroke

[–]onehappybear 2 points3 points ago (3|0)

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Alright MJF, for the first time ever, I am going to grace you with a serious response.

It is completely unacceptable to defend pedophilia or a pedophile, which is exactly what you are doing right now. It is one thing to offer them help; it is another to defend their behaviors.

You and I both know absolutely full well that the people on Reddit who step to the defense of pedophilia or admit to being pedophiles are not interested in working out their issues. And, even if they were, Reddit, or any anonymous Internet forum, is not the place for them to do so.

The issue is that people -- like you -- are stepping to the defense of pedophiles. "In its defense though, child predding is different than pedophilia, especially if the person knows the difference and feels bad about their disorder while not following through with it." Are you telling me I should defend pedophiles for not raping a child? That's why we should protect them? For meeting the absolute minimum standard of human decency by not raping kids?

There is no situation, ever, where it is okay to want to have sex with a child. Just because you aren't actually having sex with a kid doesn't make the urge any better, and it is inexcusable that this community not only defends (letting alone the situations where it condones) pedophilia, but actively harbors pedophiles and potential sexual abusers.

This shouldn't even be a discussion.

we now have actual pedophiles posting on circlebroke by Bel_Marmadukin squarebroke

[–]onehappybear 2 points3 points ago (4|1)

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It's not "friendly discussion" because they're defending pedophilia. This isn't a matter of disagreement; it's a matter of people promoting illegal and, more importantly, morally reprehensible behavior. That doesn't belong in CB, nor does it belong on Reddit, and it's important to discourage and remove any such "discussion".

we now have actual pedophiles posting on circlebroke by Bel_Marmadukin squarebroke

[–]onehappybear 1 point2 points ago (2|0)

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I can't find anything about pedophiles being victims of abuse here, so unless you can provide a really damn good source I'm going to say that's completely untrue (sorry if that comes across as rude, I do not intend it to be rude in any way).

And, even if it is, then pedophiles still are not victims. You have to be clear about what they are victims of; being a sexual abuse victim does not make pedophiles "victims of pedophilia." It makes them victims of sexual abuse. Being a pedophile does not qualify them as victims in any way.

we now have actual pedophiles posting on circlebroke by Bel_Marmadukin squarebroke

[–]onehappybear 2 points3 points ago (5|2)

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Pedophiles aren't victims. They're people with a disorder. Not victims.

[META POST] What's up with the term "special snowflake"? by mszegedyin circlebroke

[–]onehappybear 2 points3 points ago (3|0)

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What does it mean:

spe·cial [spesh-uhl] adjective

  1. of a distinct or particular kind or character: a special kind of key.

  2. being a particular one; particular, individual, or certain: You'd better call the special number.

  3. pertaining or peculiar to a particular person, thing, instance, etc.; distinctive; unique: the special features of a plan.

  4. having a specific or particular function, purpose, etc.: a special messenger.

  5. distinguished or different from what is ordinary or usual: a special occasion; to fix something special.

snow·flake [snoh-fleyk] noun

  1. one of the small, feathery masses or flakes in which snow falls.

  2. Meteorology. a. an agglomeration of snow crystals falling as a unit. b. any snow particle.

  3. any of certain European plants belonging to the genus Leucojum, of the amaryllis family, resembling the snowdrop.

  4. snow bunting.


[META POST] What's up with the term "special snowflake"? by mszegedyin circlebroke

[–]onehappybear 2 points 3 points ago (4|1)

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You're such a special snowflake.

BTFC is starting up again. Anyone interested in some kind of competition/wager among CB people? by [deleted]in squarebroke

[–]onehappybear 2 points 3 points ago (3|0)

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12/21 not quite old enough to drink.

BTFC is starting up again. Anyone interested in some kind of competition/wager among CB people? by [deleted]in squarebroke

[–]onehappybear 2 points 3 points ago (3|0)

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10/10 would be surprised by your geographic location again.

BTFC is starting up again. Anyone interested in some kind of competition/wager among CB people? by [deleted]in squarebroke

[–]onehappybear 1 point 2 points ago (2|0)

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No. It's in New York City. in New York. In the Northeastern United States.

BTFC is starting up again. Anyone interested in some kind of competition/wager among CB people? by [deleted]in squarebroke

[–]onehappybear 1 point 2 points ago (2|0)

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Ha, what a fucking rube. Stupid plebian, be gone! I live in an extremely wealthy county called Manhattan.

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BTFC is starting up again. Anyone interested in some kind of competition/wager among CB people? by [deleted]in squarebroke

[–]onehappybear 1 point 2 points ago (2|0)

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Wait, do you work for the City of New York?

BTFC is starting up again. Anyone interested in some kind of competition/wager among CB people? by [deleted]in squarebroke

[–]onehappybear 0 points 1 point ago (1|0)

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I don't think that's really long enough for my personal fitness goals, but I'm on a regular schedule anyhow so if you wanted a comparison partner or just a guy to bounce plans / schedules off, I would do it.

BTFC is starting up again. Anyone interested in some kind of competition/wager among CB people? by [deleted]in squarebroke

[–]onehappybear 0 points 1 point ago (1|0)

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I'm trying to put on about twenty pounds so I can jump a weight class for TKD. How long is said competition?

ALL OF MY WOOT by Fortheonehappybearxin bestmoderaterever

[–]onehappybear 1 point 2 points ago (2|0)

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Took me a while to post this, but this happened at my community college last quarter.  by KraigMacin WTF

[–]onehappybear 12 points 13 points ago (19|6)

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Do you really think a bathroom rapist cares about the sign? Don't be ridiculous. If someone is going to walk into a bathroom to rape you, they will completely disregard whatever markings are there. That's not a reason against gender-neutral restrooms.

At the moment, I hate /r/pics. by [deleted]in squarebroke

[–]onehappybear 2 points 3 points ago (4|1)

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Reddit is objectifying women? Oh my god I could not possibly be less surprised by anything.

[META] A thank you from one of the moderators of circlejerk! by onehappybearin ShitRedditSays

[–]onehappybear [S] 4 points 5 points ago (8|3)

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Ha ha you're wrong

Auschwitz era ends: A spokesperson for Auschwitz museum says the last surviving member of a group of prisoners that escaped the German Nazi concentration camp in 1942 has died. by davidreiss666in worldnews

[–]onehappybear 2 points 3 points ago (4|1)

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Armenia, Kurdistan, Bosnia and Herzegovina...

The list is long.

So, Reddit, what Redditor would you say is your VERY favorite? by Fortheonehappybearxin onehappybear

[–]onehappybear 3 points 4 points ago (4|0)

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I'll go with IAmAWhaleBiologist. He's just a genuinely good, nice guy.

[META] A thank you from one of the moderators of circlejerk! by onehappybearin ShitRedditSays

[–]onehappybear [S] 3 points 4 points ago (7|3)

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You know, he does have that sort of style. His original shitty watercolours, though, were actually really shitty, so I have a hard time believing he's an illustrator in disguise.

[META] A thank you from one of the moderators of circlejerk! by onehappybearin ShitRedditSays

[–]onehappybear [S] 3 points 4 points ago (7|3)

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At least he's a talented artist, amirite or amirite?

[META] A thank you from one of the moderators of circlejerk! by onehappybearin ShitRedditSays

[–]onehappybear [S] 4 points 5 points ago (9|4)

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No, most of us don't hate you. From what I can tell, most of the regular CJ users actually had a lot of fun too. There are a few shitposts in the comment sections you linked (can't win all of them), but I'd place good money that those posts are also mocking Reddit's views of SRS (they hate you guys, and they hate Nickelback) / their demand for any women on Reddit to post to GW. I know you guys may not always agree with our methods, but I think we share a common goal.

[META] A thank you from one of the moderators of circlejerk! by onehappybearin ShitRedditSays

[–]onehappybear [S] 38 points 39 points ago (53|14)

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When I have time, I will photoshop this.

[META] A thank you from one of the moderators of circlejerk! by onehappybearin ShitRedditSays

[–]onehappybear [S] 61 points 62 points ago (80|18)

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On a scale of 1 to 10, the modmail has been excellent.

[META] A thank you from one of the moderators of circlejerk! by onehappybearin ShitRedditSays

[–]onehappybear [S] 51 points 52 points ago (63|11)

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We decided to clear the list, only because unbenning one at a time would have been a nightmare. Although we'll likely re-ben some folks who deserve it.

Upvote to kick SRS mods out of circlejerk EDIT: WE DID IT EVERYONE! by [deleted]in circlejerk

[–]onehappybear [M] 12 points 13 points ago (17|4)

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We'll get there soon. We promise. There's just a lot of bens that need to be un-benned and we're trying not to prioritize any users.

Except for the users who do really nice things for their hard-working team of mods. Those users might get un-benned a little faster.

Upvote to kick SRS mods out of circlejerk EDIT: WE DID IT EVERYONE! by [deleted]in circlejerk

[–]onehappybear [M] 28 points 29 points ago (45|16)

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No but seriously, none of them are unbanned yet. So they can't come out.

u can't take away my free speech! u'll rue the day, admins! by ArchangelleDworkinin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 5 points 6 points ago (12|6)

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u can't take away my free speech! u'll rue the day, admins! by ArchangelleDworkinin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear [M] 17 points 18 points ago (27|9)

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Lol guess where else you're banned from

u can't take away my free speech! u'll rue the day, admins! by ArchangelleDworkinin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear [M] 12 points 13 points ago (17|4)

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were da dags at

u can't take away my free speech! u'll rue the day, admins! by ArchangelleDworkinin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear [M] 9 points 10 points ago (19|9)

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SRS pls 

We'll have to do this again sometime soon. I promise!

Removed Moderators (temporarily) by [deleted]in squarejerk

[–]onehappybear 0 points 1 point ago (2|1)

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MFW your jimmies are starting to rustle:


Removed Moderators (temporarily) by [deleted]in squarejerk

[–]onehappybear 0 points 1 point ago (1|0)

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MFW you think you can pass off randomness for absurdity:


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Removed Moderators (temporarily) by [deleted]in squarejerk

[–]onehappybear 1 point 2 points ago (2|0)

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Somewhere slightly over 3.5k, apparently. Although the person who banned me claims to have manually banned about a quarter of them. Which is really weak.

Removed Moderators (temporarily) by [deleted]in squarejerk

[–]onehappybear 0 points 1 point ago (1|0)

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MFW your gifs aren't even of faces:


Removed Moderators (temporarily) by [deleted]in squarejerk

[–]onehappybear 0 points 1 point ago (1|0)

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MFW all of my gifs are more relevant than yours:


My black roommate loves this picture  by topmaster99in WTF

[–]onehappybear 21 points 22 points ago (32|10)

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Yeah, you're a fucking racist.

Removed Moderators (temporarily) by [deleted]in squarejerk

[–]onehappybear 0 points 1 point ago (1|0)

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MFW you don't realize I hate you:


Removed Moderators (temporarily) by [deleted]in squarejerk

[–]onehappybear 1 point 2 points ago (2|0)

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I'm still a mod and you're not

MFW: http://i.imgur.com/WkpDg.gif 

Removed Moderators (temporarily) by [deleted]in squarejerk

[–]onehappybear 1 point 2 points ago (2|0)

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Oh. So it's just the SRS version of the RB Tribute. =/

Removed Moderators (temporarily) by [deleted]in squarejerk

[–]onehappybear 0 points 1 point ago (1|0)

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Okay I lied I have another question: how fucking awesome is the modmail right now? I don't want to read all of it in a week or whatever so can you briefly describe the jimmies and the rustling?

Removed Moderators (temporarily) by [deleted]in squarejerk

[–]onehappybear 0 points 1 point ago (1|0)

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The only question I have: why the fuck are they modding so many people?

The archangelles from SRS are now in control of r/circlejerk by tptbrg95in SubredditDrama

[–]onehappybear 1 point 2 points ago (3|1)

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contact a circlejerk mod, user name earltweed


Removed Moderators (temporarily) by [deleted]in squarejerk

[–]onehappybear 2 points 3 points ago (4|1)

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I know he can. Why else would I say that he's a good for nothing, knuckle-dragging gooch gobbler who earns his living by licking the sweaty taints of late-middle-aged bankers?

Removed Moderators (temporarily) by [deleted]in squarejerk

[–]onehappybear 2 points 3 points ago (4|1)

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Officially voting not to bring by IAAWS in the post-SRS semi-apocalyptic CJ land.

If Pope John Paul II was such a good guy, how come his name wasn't Pope Ron Paul II? by Ragebomberalphain circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 5 points 6 points ago (6|0)

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No apology necessary. Feel free to tell us how much you hate Rampart, but just be sure to do so in non-spamming ways!

If Pope John Paul II was such a good guy, how come his name wasn't Pope Ron Paul II? by Ragebomberalphain circlejerk

[–]onehappybear [M] 10 points 11 points ago (12|1)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

Please don't spam.

Michael_J_Fucks just got [X] TOLD by onehappybear. AMA about my hurt feelings!  by Michael_J_Fucksin Braveryjerk

[–]onehappybear 7 points 8 points ago (11|3)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

Thinking of starting Muay Thai, but have some questions.... by Jord113in martialarts

[–]onehappybear 4 points 5 points ago (5|0)

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Knock outs rarely, rarely, rarely happen in practice. If you are planning on competing, that's a different issue, but I've never seen someone knocked out in a sparring practice and I've been fighting competitively for five years.

TIL if you rearrange the letters in "Neil Degrasse Tyson Atheist," they spell "Yes Hesitant Ents, God is Real." CHECKMATE ATHEISTS. [7] by schwodain circlejerk

[–]onehappybear [M] -15 points -14 points ago (29|43)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

As much as I want to allow this, no ASCII please.

8===============================D by [deleted]in ShitRedditSays

[–]onehappybear 12 points 13 points ago (16|3)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

Just wanted to make sure!

Also, who cares if OP did it on purpose or not? Free dildz!

8===============================D by [deleted]in ShitRedditSays

[–]onehappybear 19 points 20 points ago (26|6)

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Click the link. Free purple dildz!

MMA request: Emma Stone vs. Emma Watson by Frosted_Anythingin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear [M] 1 point 2 points ago (6|4)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

This isn't America. This is the Internet. I've removed your post for your snarky attempt to include "Le" in your post. Don't be a smartass.

MMA request: Emma Stone vs. Emma Watson by Frosted_Anythingin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear [M] 0 points 1 point ago (3|2)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

Please don't spam.

MMA request: Emma Stone vs. Emma Watson by Frosted_Anythingin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear [M] 5 points 6 points ago (10|4)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

Please don't spam.

MMA request: Emma Stone vs. Emma Watson by Frosted_Anythingin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear [M] 0 points 1 point ago (9|8)

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Don't spam "le". In fact, don't use "le" at all.

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Page 8

Matt Forte & Bears Agree On Contract! by Koobahin nfl

[–]onehappybear 9 points 10 points ago (11|1)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

They had a lot of injuries last year, but the unit was playing pretty solidly until Cutler got hurt.

Matt Forte & Bears Agree On Contract! by Koobahin nfl

[–]onehappybear 30 points 31 points ago (33|2)

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Seriously. Picked up Brandon Marshall for a 3rd rounder, resigned Forte to a sensible deal, made (what I think will be) a smart choice by promoting Tice rather than find someone from outside the organization to replace Martz, and did a pretty decent job in the draft, IMO (I like Alshon Jeffrey a lot).

Pretty good start for a new GM, if you ask me.

EDIT: Almost forgot about Michael Bush and Jason Campbell, thanks to jswat and fedex09 for reminding me.

MMA request: Emma Stone vs. Emma Watson by Frosted_Anythingin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 10 points 11 points ago (16|5)

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Nope. No idea.

MMA request: Emma Stone vs. Emma Watson by Frosted_Anythingin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 14 points 15 points ago (19|4)

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Do you know why I have you RES tagged as "good at finding things"?

MMA request: Emma Stone vs. Emma Watson by Frosted_Anythingin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 68 points 69 points ago (92|23)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

Do you know why I have you RES tagged as "rear naked muff choke"?

DAE Remember when circlejerk was good? by GodOfAtheismin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear [M] 39 points 40 points ago (43|3)

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The amount of high mods in this thread is [2] damn high!

DAE Remember when circlejerk was good? by GodOfAtheismin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear [M] 40 points 41 points ago (47|6)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

Verifying the verification.

DAE Remember when circlejerk was good? by GodOfAtheismin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear [M] 19 points 20 points ago (26|6)

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PD, we specifically told you when you first came on: under no circumstances may you ever use your moderator status to whore for karma!

You crazy rulebreaker! Oh, you! 

No but seriously, I thought we agreed not to do this karmawhoring stuff? I mean, it's pretty inappropriate to abuse our positions of authority to acquire meaningless internet points. We don't need to stoop to the levels of AndrewHitler1985 or Hitlernaut or ProbablyHitlerOnYou.

A serious post regarding this subreddit. by Affenzahn375in circlejerk

[–]onehappybear [M] 5 points 6 points ago (9|3)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

Don't spam RES.

Today I gave the pizza delivery guy a $10 tip. Reddit, when did you realise that you were humble and generous? by benjamaminin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear [M] 1 point 2 points ago (2|0)

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Just one guy counting up to about 200.

Today I gave the pizza delivery guy a $10 tip. Reddit, when did you realise that you were humble and generous? by benjamaminin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear [M] 1 point 2 points ago (2|0)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

Unfortunately, there's no way for me to block off the unnecessary stream of [deleted] comments.

At least, not that I know of. I'll have to investigate now, but I don't believe there's a way.

Today I gave the pizza delivery guy a $10 tip. Reddit, when did you realise that you were humble and generous? by benjamaminin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear [M] 1 point 2 points ago (2|0)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

I have removed your thread because you cheated and skipped ~270 numbers.

On a more serious note, please do not create spam threads like this. It is no better than spamming RES, "so brave", or "le", and is a pain in the ass for us to clean up.

Reddit, my boyfriend just died. I needed some cheering up, so here is me having some [f]un at the [m]orgue ;) by deevoseein circlejerk

[–]onehappybear [M] 4 points 5 points ago (10|5)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

Play by the rules or get fucked.

You guys are all awesome. by nickjacksonDin Compliments

[–]onehappybear 1 point 2 points ago (2|0)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

Thanks! You're also great!

Douchebag Dentists by IBEATUPKIDSin AdviceAnimals

[–]onehappybear 3 points 4 points ago (6|2)

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Or, you know, you could brush twice and floss once daily.

I'm not saying he's a bad guy, I'm just saying his OkCupid picture is not getting him laid.  by SarahHeartzUnicornsin funny

[–]onehappybear 5 points 6 points ago (6|0)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

I will always upvote Ignatius Reilly.

My religious Mom and 673 religious Facebook friends say they are fine with me being Gay.....Should I still be gay? by TheYellowBastardin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 0 points 1 point ago (2|1)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

Go nuts, brohemian.

Reddit..my uncle has down syndrome....let's give him UP SYNDROME by omgitsthepastin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear [M] 5 points 6 points ago (7|1)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on


Not allowed.

Reddit..my uncle has down syndrome....let's give him UP SYNDROME by omgitsthepastin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear [M] 25 points 26 points ago (28|2)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

Take off that silly tinfoil hat. You look ridiculous in it! I am definitely, in no way, absolutely under all circumstances, not Hitler. In fact, you could probably give me the nickname, NOTzi!

And you can trust me. I'm on the internet. And my name is in green. And you don't really think someone would do that, do you? Just go on the internet and tell lies?

Reddit..my uncle has down syndrome....let's give him UP SYNDROME by omgitsthepastin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear [M] 23 points 24 points ago (29|5)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

Take off that silly tinfoil hat. You look ridiculous in it! I am definitely, in no way, absolutely under all circumstances, not Karmanaut. In fact, you could probably give me the nickname, KarmaNOT!

And you can trust me. I'm on the internet. And my name is in green. And you don't really think someone would do that, do you? Just go on the internet and tell lies?

Reddit..my uncle has down syndrome....let's give him UP SYNDROME by omgitsthepastin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear [M] 18 points 19 points ago (22|3)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

You're most certainly welcome! Have a wonderful pizza day!

Reddit..my uncle has down syndrome....let's give him UP SYNDROME by omgitsthepastin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear [M] 19 points 20 points ago (24|4)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

Congratulations! Though your post has been removed, you have won an all-expenses paid subscription to /r/braveryjerk, Reddit's premier destination for ASCII spam, image macros, and general misbehavior! Please enjoy your trip!

Reddit..my uncle has down syndrome....let's give him UP SYNDROME by omgitsthepastin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 127 points 128 points ago (161|33)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

What is Down syndrome? -- Everything the atheist needs to know about Trisomy 21

Down syndrome is a genetic condition in which a person has 47 chromosomes instead of the usual 46. That's one extra chromosome, for the stupid fundies who failed their maths (and that's why they're retarded).

Causes, incidence, and risk factors

In most cases, Down syndrome occurs when there is an extra copy of chromosome 21. This form of Down syndrome is called Trisomy 21. The extra chromosome causes problems with the way the body and brain develop.

Down syndrome is the most common single cause of human birth defects.


Down syndrome symptoms vary from person to person and can range from mild to severe. However, children with Down syndrome have a widely recognized appearance.

The head may be smaller than normal and abnormally shaped. For example, the head may be round with a flat area on the back. The inner corner of the eyes may be rounded instead of pointed.

Common physical signs include:

  • Decreased muscle tone at birth

  • Excess skin at the nape of the neck

  • Flattened nose

  • Separated joints between the bones of the skull (sutures)

  • Single crease in the palm of the hand

  • Small ears

  • Small mouth

  • Upward (read: upvoting!) slanting eyes

  • Wide, short hands with short fingers

  • White spots on the colored part of the eye (Brushfield spots)

Physical development is often slower than normal. Most children with Down syndrome never reach their average adult height.

Children may also have delayed mental and social development. Common problems may include:

  • Impulsive behavior (like Republitards)

  • Poor judgment (like fundie bigots)

  • Short attention span (like 00's kids! Not like 90's kids!)

  • Slow learning (like all of the above!)

As children with Down syndrome grow and become aware of their limitations, they may also feel frustration and anger.

Many different medical conditions are seen in people with Down syndrome, including:

  • Birth defects involving the heart, such as an atrial septal defect or ventricular septal defect

  • Dementia may be seen

  • Eye problems, such as cataracts (most children with Down syndrome need glasses)

  • Early and massive vomiting, which may be a sign of a gastrointestinal blockage, such as esophageal atresia and duodenal atresia

  • Hearing problems, probably caused by regular ear infections

  • Hip problems and risk of dislocation

  • Long-term (chronic) constipation problems

  • Sleep apnea (because the mouth, throat, and airway are narrowed in children with Down syndrome)

  • Teeth that appear later than normal and in a location that may cause problems with chewing

  • Underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism)

Signs and tests

A doctor can often make an initial diagnosis of Down syndrome at birth based on how the baby looks. The doctor may hear a heart murmur when listening to the baby's chest with a stethoscope.

A blood test can be done to check for the extra chromosome and confirm the diagnosis.

Other tests that may be done include:

  • Echocardiogram to check for heart defects (usually done soon after birth)

  • X-rays of the chest and gastrointestinal tract

Persons with Down syndrome need to be closely screened for certain medical conditions. They should have:

  • Eye exam every year during infancy

  • Hearing tests every 6 - 12 months, depending on age

  • Dental exams every 6 months

  • X-rays of the upper or cervical spine between ages 3 - 5 years

  • Pap smears and pelvic exams beginning during puberty or by age 21

  • Thyroid testing every 12 months


There is no specific treatment for Down syndrome. A child born with a gastrointestinal blockage may need major surgery immediately after birth. Certain heart defects may also require surgery.

When breast-feeding, the baby should be well supported and fully awake. The baby may have some leakage because of poor tongue control. However, many infants with Down syndrome can successfully breast-feed.

Obesity can become a problem for older children and adults. Getting plenty of activity and avoiding high-calorie foods are important. Before beginning sports activities, the child's neck and hips should be examined.

Behavioral training can help people with Down syndrome and their families deal with the frustration, anger, and compulsive behavior that often occur. Parents and caregivers should learn to help a person with Down syndrome deal with frustration. At the same time, it is important to encourage independence.

Adolescent females and women with Down syndrome are usually able to get pregnant. There is an increased risk of sexual abuse and other types of abuse in both males and females. It is important for those with Down syndrome to:

  • Be taught about pregnancy and taking the proper precautions

  • Learn to advocate for themselves in difficult situations

  • Be in a safe environment

If the person has any heart defects or problems, check with the physician about the need for antibiotics to prevent heart infections called endocarditis.

Special education and training is offered in most communities for children with delays in mental development. Speech therapy may help improve language skills. Physical therapy may teach movement skills. Occupational therapy may help with feeding and performing tasks. Mental health care can help both parents and the child manage mood or behavior problems. Special educators are also often needed.

Expectations (prognosis)

Persons with Down syndrome are living longer than ever before. Although many children have physical and mental limitations, they can live independent and productive lives well into adulthood.

About half of children with Down syndrome are born with heart problems, including atrial septal defect, ventricular septal defect, and endocardial cushion defects. Severe heart problems may lead to early death.

Persons with Down syndrome have an increased risk for certain types of leukemia, which can also cause early death.

The level of mental retardation varies from patient to patient, but is usually moderate. Adults with Down syndrome have an increased risk for dementia.


Experts recommend genetic counseling for persons with a family history of Down syndrome who wish to have a baby.

A woman's risk of having a child with Down syndrome increases as she gets older. The risk is significantly higher among women age 35 and older.

Couples who already have a baby with Down syndrome have an increased risk of having another baby with the condition.

Tests such as nuchal translucency ultrasound, amniocentesis, or chorionic villus sampling can be done on a fetus during the first few months of pregnancy to check for Down syndrome. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends offering Down syndrome screening tests to all pregnant women, regardless of age.

TL;DR: This is your essential information on Down syndrome from the NIH / US National Library of Medicine. It's quite an interesting read, so I recommend you at least peruse.

is this a good idea? I vote no. by [deleted]in JerkLounge

[–]onehappybear 3 points 4 points ago (4|0)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

Awful idea, and I think it won't take off. Why it is an awful idea:

This subreddit exists for you to recognize, call out, or publicly shame redditors.

Hey, you know what's awesome about intentionally subjecting another person to public humiliation? Nothing.

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Page 9

Q: Since this was a heated discussion in the other post, thought i might ask this here. by ForgonMreemenin martialarts

[–]onehappybear 6 points 7 points ago (8|1)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

Are you seriously suggesting that all of the reasons for practicing MAs suggested in the FAQ are moot? Your points don't even make sense, and you're a dick about it too.

I'll take it from the top, for the sake of discussion:

If you're legally allowed to, carry a gun... fighting sports are effective under very controlled circumstances

There was a thread yesterday about this "carry a gun" bullshit and running away. It's self-defense when you can't avoid the fight. Some fights are unavoidable, and having been in a fight before, I'm extremely thankful for my martial arts training. Even if the practice just teaches you to keep your head when shit hits the fan, martial arts is and always will be practical for self-defense. Just because I can't kick a bullet out of the air or necessarily fight off five men with knives doesn't mean I won't come out on top if a bar fight breaks out.

You could play almost any other sport and get the same fitness benefit

So what? Those sports aren't any better or more practical or easier to practice than MAs. And jogging and lifting weights are often part of martial arts. "You would be better off jogging and lifting and stretching and working heavy bag routines into your training schedule... and come to think of it, maybe roll once or twice a week, jump rope before your workouts, and add in some high intensity cardio in the form of sparring." Oh, wait, that's what most martial artists do with variation.

Unarmed fighting is not that useful when shit hits the fan.

Spoken like a man who's never been in a fist fight.

Stop with this nonsense voodoo horseshit about achieving inner peace

Oh no, someone finds martial arts calming? If someone else does something that you don't do or don't understand, it must be voodoo nonsense. This is the only reasonable response.

Also, I didn't realize that meditating to clear your mind or calm down is even remotely comparable to orgasm. And by "I didn't realize", I mean they're entirely different and serve completely different neurological purposes, let alone psychological ones.

Ping pong players can be competitive too.

You keep trying to negate reasons to do martial arts either because you just disagree or because they apply to other things. Just because there are other competitive sports doesn't mean competition is an invalid reason to practice MAs. I could just turn it around and say "Why play football for the competition? You can get that competition in martial arts." See? Not a compelling counterpoint.

Fighting sports is a skill, but being able to fix your car is a better one.

Uh... what does that have to do with confidence building? I'm glad your a confident guy, but people do martial arts precisely to learn to deal with people like you. "Go see a shrink, get a job and learn some real skills." My, what helpful advice! I bet people just love talking to you.

Just because YOU practice martial arts for fun doesn't mean EVERYONE ELSE has to practice for fun as well. All of the reasons listed in the FAQ are perfectly justifiable reasons, and just because they're not YOUR reasons doesn't mean they're wrong.

What's a best friend for?  by Kiyikoin WTF

[–]onehappybear 42 points 43 points ago (50|7)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

Yeah, you'll never marry because you're too afraid your wife will cheat on you by blowing a stripper in a porno. Definitely, that is the reason.

EDIT: For those of you who will wonder, the gentleman I responded to said something similar to "That's the reason I'll never get married [because of the girl in the great-grandparent comment]". He was a bit more degrading towards women, though I can't remember exactly what he said.

My whole family re-created photos for Father's Day! by [deleted]in funny

[–]onehappybear 26 points 27 points ago (42|15)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

I don't mean to be a dick, but I'm pretty sure that gentleman's hairline has receded a bit too far for a bowl cut like that. It wouldn't quite work if he tried, unfortunately, and then his pseudo-bowl-cut would ruin what is otherwise a very nice retake.


[–]onehappybear 0 points 1 point ago (1|0)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

Bitstrip picture of Ron Paul. Not allowed.


[–]onehappybear [M] 17 points 18 points ago (21|3)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

Don't do that.

Do secret agents like James Bond and Jason Bourne actually exist? by knowsfckallin AskReddit

[–]onehappybear 12 points 13 points ago (15|2)

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You. I don't like you.

Met this fellow while hiking in Mongolia, and he seemed to want a glamour shot.  by onehappybearin aww

[–]onehappybear [S] 2 points 3 points ago (3|0)

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I think it would be really hard to camp alone, nor do I think you'd want to. Mongolia just isn't developed in a way that would make a solo adventure possible. There definitely isn't enough food for gathering, and there definitely isn't the right infrastructure that, if you tried going alone and had trouble, you could get help or find a lodge.

Met this fellow while hiking in Mongolia, and he seemed to want a glamour shot. [RES ignored duplicate image] by onehappybearin aww

[–]onehappybear [S] 2 points 3 points ago (3|0)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

No problems with bugs whatsoever, and I was pretty much just in shorts because it was up in the high 30s Celsius most days. There are lots of grasshoppers and beetles and butterflies and such, but not so many bitey things in my experience.

Depends what kind of south Asian, I think. I know they despise the Chinese, but I don't think there's a lot of ill will towards Koreans / Thai / Vietnamese etc. But, Mongolian is impossible to decipher and nearly impossible to learn, so basically if you don't have a guide communication is extremely, extremely difficult (at least as far as I could tell).

I don't think there's any drugs at all. I sure didn't come across any, although I don't smoke so I can't be sure. There's more than enough drinking, but again, since it's not particularly safe for travelers I didn't really go out. I'm not really sure there's accessible nightlife in Mongolia, and I don't even think it's worthwhile to make such a trip and then waste it partying. Just not that sort of country.

Effectiveness of Tae kwon Doe by Kallardin martialarts

[–]onehappybear 11 points 12 points ago (13|1)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

Not every kick in TKD is chambered.

Met this fellow while hiking in Mongolia, and he seemed to want a glamour shot. [RES ignored duplicate image] by onehappybearin aww

[–]onehappybear [S] 0 points 1 point ago (1|0)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

Met this fellow while hiking in Mongolia, and he seemed to want a glamour shot. [RES ignored duplicate image] by onehappybearin aww

[–]onehappybear [S] 0 points 1 point ago (1|0)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

I believe he belonged to the nearby lodge, or one of the other travelers in the area.

Met this fellow while hiking in Mongolia, and he seemed to want a glamour shot. [RES ignored duplicate image] by onehappybearin aww

[–]onehappybear [S] 0 points 1 point ago (1|0)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

Met this fellow while hiking in Mongolia, and he seemed to want a glamour shot. [RES ignored duplicate image] by onehappybearin aww

[–]onehappybear [S] 0 points 1 point ago (1|0)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

This is it . The other dog in the photo ran off to kill birds so I didn't really photograph him at all.

Met this fellow while hiking in Mongolia, and he seemed to want a glamour shot. [RES ignored duplicate image] by onehappybearin aww

[–]onehappybear [S] 1 point 2 points ago (3|1)

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I think he was owned by the lodge I stayed near.

Met this fellow while hiking in Mongolia, and he seemed to want a glamour shot. [RES ignored duplicate image] by onehappybearin aww

[–]onehappybear [S] 2 points 3 points ago (3|0)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

See above! Let me know if you have more questions.

Met this fellow while hiking in Mongolia, and he seemed to want a glamour shot. [RES ignored duplicate image] by onehappybearin aww

[–]onehappybear [S] 3 points 4 points ago (5|1)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

It was great. I came from Japan, so it was a big change of pace. The landscape is beautiful, there are no trails, and there aren't really other people once you get out into the mountains.

I was with a friend who was Mongolian (I'm from white and from New York) which made travel a lot easier. Apparently, locals generally dislike foreigners who aren't Russian. I was mostly in eastern Mongolia (this photo is from Terelj National Park), but apparently if you go through through the west from Russia north of the Gobi, there's a lot of great hiking as well (although a lot of it is only accessible by horseback).

The only city (Ulan Bator has 50% of Mongolia's population) is absolutely insane, though. There are basically no traffic laws and the development associated with the economic boom has caused borderline hysteria in the city. Cars drive on the sidewalk, buses disregard other vehicles on the road, there are no crosswalks, vehicles drive on whatever side of the street they want, cars have steering wheels on the left and the right... and so on. Also, half the buildings are straight out of the Gorbachev Catalogue for Late-80s Soviet Architecture, while the other half are bizarrely modern office towers and apartment complexes. It just looks ridiculous, although I don't have any great cityscape shots that really shot it.

All in all, though, it was an amazing experience. If you're serious about doing it, go through a tour agency (they have hiking tours, especially in the west I think) because it would be hell to try and do it yourself.

Met this fellow while hiking in Mongolia, and he seemed to want a glamour shot. [RES ignored duplicate image] by onehappybearin aww

[–]onehappybear [S] 1 point 2 points ago (3|1)

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I should have a photo of the mountains he was facing. I'll be back with it shortly!

Oba[m]acare upheld! We did it, Reddit! by [deleted]in circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 4 points 5 points ago (6|1)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on


Oba[m]acare upheld! We did it, Reddit! by [deleted]in circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 5 points 6 points ago (8|2)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on


Tokyo by night from Roppongi Hills [OC] [3302x2187]  by onehappybearin CityPorn

[–]onehappybear [S] 3 points 4 points ago (4|0)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

It's Tokyo Tower, which (by night) looks a lot like the Eiffel Tower. It's bright red by day so it doesn't look quite so similar, but it's disturbingly confusing in night shots.

Oba[m]acare upheld! We did it, Reddit! by [deleted]in circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 6 points 7 points ago (9|2)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

Holy shitting bravery, Batman.

Top comment is proof, I believe.

Oba[m]acare upheld! We did it, Reddit! by [deleted]in circlejerk

[–]onehappybear [M] 65 points 66 points ago (122|56)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

I actually went on to /r/Republican earlier just to see how they were reacting to r/politics recent focus on health care. I have to say, I rolled my eyes at the number of r/politics users apologizing.

I think it is sad that some liberals would feel that they have to apologize for other liberals criticizing any political views whatsoever, let alone one of the most intolerant and violent ones. If you're over in /r/Republican apologizing then you're really just playing right into the whole "political views are above criticism" thing.

Here's my take on the subject:

I have zero respect for any religious fundies and conservative zealots. I have respect for people, regardless of their beliefs as long as they treat others with that same respect, so to me there's nothing to apologize for. Just because I criticize republicans doesn't mean I hate politics though.

If you're a republican and you treat others with respect and kindness regardless of their beliefs, race, gender or sexual orientation then I have nothing but respect for you as a person. I also fully respect your right to your shit political views. I still don't have respect for republicanism itself, and will not apologize for criticizing a political views that frequently promotes violence, hatred and bigotry. Same goes for any other belief system that causes harm.

Get fucked, Faux News.

Also, cake day, moderator, karma.

EDIT: Downvotes? Really?


[–]onehappybear [M] 27 points 28 points ago (32|4)

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This is very interesting. I also have cake next to my name. Oh hey, did anyone else notice that my comment is also green? Because I sure didn't.

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Page 10

How do i get explosive hips/kicks? by [deleted]in martialarts

[–]onehappybear 3 points 4 points ago (6|2)

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I don't mean to come across as a dick, but this is really bad advice.

Resistance bands are for single-direction exercises. You shouldn't use resistance bands for exercises where you intend to move in multiple directions. The band will only pull in one direction, so for example, if you try and do a roundhouse kick with a resistance band on your ankle, after your hip turns over, the band will be pulling your ankle back behind your body and towards the ground. You'll either fuck your hip or your knee, and either way that's really bad.

You can still do strength training for your kicks with the bands. Isolating directional movements in kicks -- through banded lunges, for example -- can help with explosiveness. Performing kicks with bands on, however, will cause a lot more harm than good.

Upvote to merge /r/atheism and /r/politics into /r/confirmation_bias by Sastrugiin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear [M] 2 points 3 points ago (9|6)

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No ASCII please.

Donna Summer dead at 63 by Trishlovesdolphinsin Music

[–]onehappybear 9 points 10 points ago (15|5)

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Religion caused 9/11. But I'm too politically correct to say it was Islam specifically. by sdf33433in circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 138 points 139 points ago (164|25)

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I fear for my generation because a 12 year old didn't know a pop culture reference from 20 years ago by Worst_Lurkerin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 0 points 1 point ago (2|1)

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I fear for my generation because a 12 year old didn't know a pop culture reference from 20 years ago by Worst_Lurkerin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 2 points 3 points ago (4|1)

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Actually, that's just speculation. It is unlikely that "squirtle" actually comes from squirrel + turtle because the Japanese name for the same pokemon is "Zenigame" which literally translates to "pond turtle".

I fear for my generation because a 12 year old didn't know a pop culture reference from 20 years ago by Worst_Lurkerin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 9 points 10 points ago (11|1)

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I think so. It's sort of like a Karma Train, but it crushes all opposition. It probably looks like this. 

I fear for my generation because a 12 year old didn't know a pop culture reference from 20 years ago by Worst_Lurkerin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 0 points 1 point ago (4|3)

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Nah bro, ctrl+c from here, and then just had to clean up the obviously wrong stuff and format.

I fear for my generation because a 12 year old didn't know a pop culture reference from 20 years ago by Worst_Lurkerin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 1 point 2 points ago (4|2)

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I fear for my generation because a 12 year old didn't know a pop culture reference from 20 years ago by Worst_Lurkerin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 41 points 42 points ago (46|4)

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Dude literally, I was about to ban you for calling yourself Anne Frank, and Reddit wouldn't let me and I was like "SONOFABITCH I KNEW I SHOULD'VE POSTED THE TL;DR GIF SECOND".

I fear for my generation because a 12 year old didn't know a pop culture reference from 20 years ago by Worst_Lurkerin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 99 points 100 points ago (110|10)

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I fear for my generation because a 12 year old didn't know a pop culture reference from 20 years ago by Worst_Lurkerin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 484 points 485 points ago* (581|96)

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Today, you learn about the etymology of English Pokemon Names.

001 Bulbasaur = bulb + Greek sauros (lizard)

002 Ivysaur = ivy + sauros

003 Venusaur = Venus fly-trap + sauros

004 Charmander = char (as in burning) + salamander

005 Charmeleon = char + chameleon

006 Charizard = char + lizard

007 Squirtle = squirt (as with water) + turtle

008 Wartortle = war + tortoise + turtle

009 Blastoise = blast + tortoise

010 Caterpie = caterpillar

011 Metapod = metamorphosis + pod

012 Butterfree = butterfly + free

013 Weedle = worm + needle

014 Kakuna = cocoon

015 Beedrill = bee + drill

016 Pidgey = pigeon

017 Pidgeotto = pigeon (and something else, who knows?)

018 Pidgeot = pigeon + jet

019 Rattata = rat + attack

020 Raticate = rat + eradicate

021 Spearow = spear + sparrow

022 Fearow = fear + sparrow

023 Ekans = snake, backwards

024 Arbok = cobra, backwards

025 Pikachu = pika (not the animal, the onomatopoeia for electric sparks) + chu (onomatopoeia for mouse's squeak).

026 Raichu = rai, Japanese for thunder + chu

027 Sandshrew = sand + shrew

028 Sandslash = sand + slash

029 Nidoran F = nido, Japanese for twice (as in twin)

030 Nidorina = "Nidorino" + -a (female suffix)

031 Nidoqueen = nido + queen

032 Nidoran M = same as 029

033 Nidorino = nido + -rino (male suffix)

034 Nidoking = nido + king

035 Clefairy = clef (as music) + fairy

036 Clefable = clef + fable

037 Vulpix = vulpine (term for foxes, as bovine is to cows) + six

038 Ninetales = nine + tails. (This Pokemon's name and appearance are derived from the nine-tailed fox spirit Kitsune, a creature from Japanese mythology.)

039 Jigglypuff = jiggle + puff

040 Wigglytuff = wiggle + tuft

041 Zubat = zubatto (onomatopoeia for a target being successfully hit) + bat

042 Golbat = golden + bat (referring to a type of fruit bat)

043 Oddish = odd + radish

044 Gloom = gloom

045 Vileplume = vile + plume

046 Paras = "Parasect", minus 'ect'

047 Parasect = parasite + insect

048 Venonat = venom + gnat

049 Venomoth = venom + moth

050 Diglett = dig + -lett, diminutive suffix

051 Dugtrio = dug + trio (there are three of them)

052 Meowth = meow + mouth

053 Persian = Persian cat, as in the breed

054 Psyduck = psychic + duck

055 Golduck = gold + duck

056 Mankey = monkey + lanky

057 Primeape = prime (as in the best) OR primal OR primate + ape

058 Growlithe = growl + lithe (as in limber)

059 Arcanine = arcane + canine

060 Poliwag = polliwog (as in tadpole) + wag.

061 Poliwhirl = polliwog + whirl

062 Poliwrath = polliwog + wrath

063-065 Abra, Kadabra, and Alakazam = as in the magic words!

066 Machop = macho + karate-chop

067 Machoke = macho + choke

068 Machamp = macho + champ (as in the best)

069 Bellsprout = bell (referring to its head) + sprout (young plant)

070 Weepinbell = weeping + bell

071 Victreebel = victory + bell

072 Tentacool = tentacle + cool

073 Tentacruel = tentacle + cruel

074 Geodude = geo-, Greek prefix meaning "earth" OR geode, + dude (as in slang for man)

075 Graveler = gravel + -er (one who does _____ )

076 Golem = golem, a creature from Jewish mythology, a living being made from clay or earth.

077 Ponyta = pony + either (1) -ita, diminutive suffix, (2) tail, or (3) bonita, Spanish for beautiful.

078 Rapidash = rapid + dash

079 Slowpoke = slowpoke, slang for slow person

080 Slowbro = slow + bro, short for brother

081 Magnemite = magnet + mite, OR magnetite, a highly magnetic mineral

082 Magneton = either (1) magneton, a unit of magnetic movement OR (2) magnetron, the core of a microwave

083 Farfetch'd = far-fetched

084 Doduo = dodo (as in the extinct bird) + duo

085 Dodrio = dodo + trio

086 Seel = seal

087 Dewgong = dugong, the sea cow, similar to the manatee

088 Grimer = grime + -er

089 Muk = muck (as in filthy sludge)

090 Shellder = shelter

091 Cloyster = cloister (to seclude, cover up, or hide) + oyster

092 Gastly = gas + ghastly (meaning scary or horrible)

093 Haunter = haunt + -er

094 Gengar = doppelganger (a mimic or impersonator)

095 Onix = oni, Japanese for demon, + onyx (a black rock)

096 Drowzee = drowsy + zzzzzzz... (onomatopoeia for sleep)

097 Hypno = hypnosis

098 Krabby = crabby

099 Kingler = king (crab) + angler

100 Voltorb = volt (unit of electrical measurement) + orb (round ball)

101 Electrode = electrode (a device conducting electrical current)

102 Exeggcute = egg + execute

103 Exeggutor = egg + execute + -er (executioner)

104 Cubone = cute OR cub OR cueball (fat bald person) + bone

105 Marowak = marrow (as in bone marrow) + whack (to hit)

106 Hitmonlee = hit + mon (meaning monster, as in Pocket Monsters) + Bruce Lee (martial artist)

107 Hitmonchan = hit + mon + Jackie Chan (martial artist)

108 Lickitung = licking + tongue

109 Koffing = coughing

110 Weezing = wheezing

111 Rhyhorn = rhinoceros + horn

112 Rhydon = rhinoceros + -don (meaning tooth in Greek

113 Chansey = chancy (meaning risky)

114 Tangela = tangle

115 Kangaskhan = kangaroo + khan (as in Genghis Khan)

116 Horsea = seahorse (rearrange the letters)

117 Seadra = sea + Hydra (a Greek mythical beast), or sea + dragon

118 Goldeen = goldfish + queen

119 Seaking = sea + king. (No-brainer.)

120 Staryu = star + you

121 Starmie = star + me (see 'me and you')

122 Mr. Mime = mister + mime

123 Scyther = scythe + -er

124 Jynx = jinx (a bad luck curse)

125 Electabuzz = electric + buzz

126 Magmar = magma

127 Pinsir = pincer

128 Tauros = Taurus (Latin for Bull)

129 Magikarp = magi (king) + carp

130 Gyarados = gyakusatsu (massacre) + gyakkyo (hardship)

131 Lapras = Pierre-Simon Laplace, mathematician writing books on the sea and tides.

132 Ditto = dittos (Greek for 'to double')

133 Eevee = evolution, or E + V, first two letters of evolution.

134 Vaporeon = vapor + -eon

135 Jolteon = jolt + -eon

136 Flareon = flare + -eon

137 Porygon = polygon (shapes used for certain computer images)

138 Omanyte = omu (Japanese for nautilus) + ammonite (extinct sea creature that Omanyte resembles strongly) OR omu + night

139 Omastar = omu + star

140 Kabuto = kabuto (Jap. for helmet) + kabutogani (Jap. for horseshoe crab, on which Kabuto is based.)

141 Kabutops = Kabuto (above entry) + Triops (a kind of shrimp)

142 Aerodactyl = prefix aero- (meaning air, as in aeroplane) + pterodactyl

143 Snorlax = snore + lax (easy-going)

144 Articuno = Arctic (Polar region) + uno (Spanish for one)

145 Zapdos = zap + dos (Spanish for two)

146 Moltres = molten + tres (Spanish for three)

147 Dratini = dragon + tiny + mini OR teeny

148 Dragonair = dragon + debonair (meaning suave)

149 Dragonite = dragon + draconite (a jewel fabled to be inside a dragon skull)

150 Mewtwo = mew (sound a cat makes) + two (because Mewtwo was cloned from Mew.)

151 Mew = mew (sound a cat makes) OR myo (Jap. for unique or strange)

TIL in high school Neil DeGrasse Tyson and Ron Paul held a student down and cut his hair. That student's name: Adolf Hitler. by iwastheopin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 91 points 92 points ago (105|13)

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I think this is a great opportunity for me to share my excellent collection of Presidential portraits.

Here is the album 

In case you are wondering, none of these were created by me. I don't know who did all of them, but the ones I do know were by Sharpwriter, at sharpwriter.deviantart.com
. It features, in no particular order:

  • Franklin Delano Roosevelt
  • Abraham Lincoln
  • Teddy Roosevelt
  • Thomas Jefferson
  • George Washington
  • John F. Kennedy

I will be more than happy to add any other great portraits people can find.

This article on Terrell Owen's current life makes me sad. He's in denial of his career being over. by fobbymasterin nfl

[–]onehappybear 7 points 8 points ago (16|8)

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$50,000 per month is $600,000 per year. 99.5% of the country would be thrilled to have that kind of income.

TIL that supporting Gay Marriage makes you qualified to run a country for another 4 years. by [deleted]in circlejerk

[–]onehappybear [M] 1 point 2 points ago (3|1)

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You're about to be sorry. Don't do that.

Makes me laugh every time!  by argonautsin funny

[–]onehappybear 167 points 168 points ago (209|41)

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I used one yesterday.

Le TIL, Le IAMA, Le Ron Paul, Le Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Le Cats, Le Bacon, Le Weed, Le Pokemon, Le Skyrim, Le Minecraft, Le atheism, Le Mass Effect 3 ending, Le SOPA, Le CISPA, Le Doctor Who, Le Boobies, Le Peter Dinklage, Le Upvotes to Le Left, Le Free Karma, Le please. AMA (X-Post from /r/le) by i_like_pretty_thingsin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 53 points 54 points ago (61|7)

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Hey man, I couldn't quite read this because it was in Rage Comic format, and I only read Facebook Screenshot format. So, after some lengthy translation, I believe this is what happened:

Facebook translation here. 

Congratulations on your first blow job, by the way!

Just realized Mario and Luigi were Italian. When did you guys realize you had Fetal Alcohol Syndrome? by enectivexxin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear [M] 0 points 1 point ago (2|1)

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Just realized Mario and Luigi were Italian. When did you guys realize you had Fetal Alcohol Syndrome? by enectivexxin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear [M] 2 points 3 points ago (3|0)

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Some Minecraft abstract art for your enjoyment. You might say "I could have done that!" Well, you didn't.  by obiwanobiin Minecraft

[–]onehappybear 13 points 14 points ago (18|4)

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I think - for the most part - it semi-qualifies as pop art (albeit bad pop art). The big cow head stuck out as a particular example. But the pieces generally lack a message or intention, and rely heavily on popular / recognized imagery (cows, chickens, ghasts, the creeper).

The colors / ore images are closer to abstract expressionism than abstraction, but since OP wasn't trying to create a particular message, I'm not inclined to label it as such.

Maybe the first two (the log frames with slimes) could possibly qualify as Dada, but even so... I think most of these pictures are just crap.

Le Atheist Derping like a bau5 Rage [First][Cakeday][True Story][X-Post from r/atheism][FIXED] by joetheschmoe4000in circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 320 points 321 points ago (362|41)

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Justin Bieber's effect on females who aren't 13 years old  by PoisonIvvyin funny

[–]onehappybear 0 points 1 point ago (1|0)

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I don't think per-seat rating is useful; most drivers aren't carpooling. I couldn't find the census numbers, but this article says 88% of drivers in the US are solo drivers. So, for efficiency purposes that's important, and you're right, those are much more efficient than the Smart Car.

But, I don't think the reason for purchasing a ForTwo is because it's extremely efficient anyways. It's efficient for its price (again, taking into account that most drivers are solo drivers). Smart Cars start around $12k, while a Fusion goes around $29k, a Prius at $24k, a Civic Hybrid at $25k, and the Insight at $18k.

If you convert that into $/mpg, the ForTwo comes out around $330/mpg, the Fusion around $725/mpg, the Prius around $480/mpg, and the Civic around $620/mpg, and the Insight around $440/mpg.

So, in terms of $/mpg, which I think is the important measure here, the Smart ForTwo seems to reign supreme.

Also, just for the sake of interesting comparisons, we can include both of our measures by dividing the $/mpg by the number of seats. Then, the ForTwo would be $165/mpgseat , the Fusion $180/mpgseat , the Prius $120/mpgseat (better), the Civic $155/mpgseat (better), and the Insight $220/mpgseat

Summarily, the ForTwo probably ins't the absolutely most efficient vehicle on the market -- it looks like the Civic Hybrid and Prius are more efficient by combined economic and fuel efficiency measures -- but is definitely the cheapest while still giving you good fuel efficiency.

Justin Bieber's effect on females who aren't 13 years old [RES ignored duplicate image] by PoisonIvvyin funny

[–]onehappybear 0 points 1 point ago (1|0)

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... because it's half the price.

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Page 11

Justin Bieber's effect on females who aren't 13 years old [RES ignored duplicate image] by PoisonIvvyin funny

[–]onehappybear 11 points 12 points ago (13|1)

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Sorry, didn't mean to break the jerk. Herp derp, Bieber sucks! Pay attention to me because I also hate someone else who is popular and successful! Upboats to da left.

Justin Bieber's effect on females who aren't 13 years old [RES ignored duplicate image] by PoisonIvvyin funny

[–]onehappybear 0 points 1 point ago (2|1)

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From wikipedia:

The Smart fortwo is the most fuel-efficient gasoline-engined car for sale in the US... the Smart achieves 33 city and 41 highway, though the Smart fortwo, which is not a hybrid, costs about half as much as a hybrid in the US.

That's pretty efficient, and technically it's only less efficient than the Prius, Fusion, Civic Hybrid and Insight.

Justin Bieber's effect on females who aren't 13 years old [RES ignored duplicate image] by PoisonIvvyin funny

[–]onehappybear 17 points 18 points ago (29|11)

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He never said that. It was put out as a joke and a bunch of morons took it seriously.

Because, you know, nothing made up has ever been on the internet. 

THIS TOTALLY HAPPENED OKAY  by karmapolice3000in magicskyfairy

[–]onehappybear 19 points 20 points ago (26|6)

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Dude, it totally did, check out the story.

Yeah I am totally going to say this is real based on this other comment as well.

Clearly, Christians want to genocidally murder atheists, liberals, and gays. What makes even more sense is that someone would agree with them.

Most importantly, though, this is a born-again fundamentalist Christian mother from the south who is claiming she wants to kill high-school atheists. OBVIOUSLY REAL. CANNOT POSSIBLY BE PANDERING TO THE R/ATHEISM DEMOGRAPHIC FOR KARMA.

DAE not believe in religion, but feel the need to obsessively talk about religion all day, everyday?? by buckeyegoldin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 2 points 3 points ago (4|1)

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Nope! Keep guessing!

DAE not believe in religion, but feel the need to obsessively talk about religion all day, everyday?? by buckeyegoldin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 9 points 10 points ago (12|2)

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Nope! Guess again!

DAE not believe in religion, but feel the need to obsessively talk about religion all day, everyday?? by buckeyegoldin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 11 points 12 points ago (14|2)

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Ok, but if you want to get banned, you have to guess the number I'm thinking of.

DAE not believe in religion, but feel the need to obsessively talk about religion all day, everyday?? by buckeyegoldin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear [M] 20 points 21 points ago (23|2)

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If you want, I can ban you, and then you'll never see us again.

You will, however, literally become Hitler if I have to ban you.

Why are liberals called "left" even though they are always right? by thefranin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear -2 points -1 points ago (5|6)

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Why are liberals called "left" even though they are always right? by thefranin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 5 points 6 points ago (8|2)

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Why are liberals called "left" even though they are always right? by thefranin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 5 points 6 points ago (7|1)

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I would frame it a little bit differently; the Right emphasizes individual liberties, while the Left emphasizes collective liberties. So the Right doesn't stand "against" equality, but they promote the rights of single people. The Left isn't "for" equality, but they promote the rights of the group. Saying one side is for/against equality is sort-of correct, but it's really an issue of individual vs. collective liberty.

Honestly, I was quickly messing around and grabbed some loose definitions off Wikipedia; I probably should have proof-read a little bit first. If you're interested in a lengthier discussion feel free to shoot me a message.

Why are liberals called "left" even though they are always right? by thefranin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 4 points 5 points ago (10|5)

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Hey, I didn't get my Ph.D. in smugness just by being an atheist.

Oh wait, yes I did.

Why are liberals called "left" even though they are always right? by thefranin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 10 points 11 points ago (12|1)

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Actually, this is another case of homonym confusion. Political libertarianism / liberalism is not the same as philosophical libertarianism / classical liberalism, but I haven't the time to explain it at present. If you're much of a reader, pick up Liberalism by Von Mises, The Road to Serfdom by Hayek, Capitalism and Freedom by Friedman, Anarchy, State and Utopia by Nozick, and finally Illiberal Libertarianism by Freeman. Then you'll have a good understanding.

Also, Ron Paul isn't really a libertarian, it's just the sort-of next-best label we can put on him. He's really just a republican with even crazier ideologies.

DAE hate mainstream bands like Nickelback, but love underground bands like Radiohead? by Capt_Icanhasin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 7 points 8 points ago (9|1)

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Congratulations! You've graduated to the next class!

Advanced Circle-Jerking 2101: Graduate Level Jerking.

Today's Lesson: Jerking So Hard That You're Not Even Jerking Anymore.

Honestly, I can understand why some (professional) musicians regard Noise as music. When you can look past the "noise" and understand distortion/cacophony and repetition/variation principles, there's something to be had. However, I think most of it gets lost on the folks just looking for the fringe of the avant-garde, even though Noise dates back practically to the late 1800s.

DAE hate mainstream bands like Nickelback, but love underground bands like Radiohead? by Capt_Icanhasin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 2 points 3 points ago (5|2)

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I don't think Merzbow "fans" are any more musically inclined than the teenagers who fall over themselves for Justin Bieber. They're just the opposite end of the retarded spectrum.

However, I'd be blaspheming against artistry if I said Merzbow wasn't significantly more talented and creative than the Biebs (Merzbow is brilliant in his own right). But I can't appreciate him as a musician so much as an artist. I admire him tremendously for pushing boundaries -- and doing it well since the 70s -- but anyone claiming they like Merzbow because they enjoy listening to his music is just retarded. Is he extremely important to the art of music? Yes. Is his music any good? Certainly. Is it enjoyable? Absolutely not.

Why are liberals called "left" even though they are always right? by thefranin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 141 points 142 points ago (169|27)

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Well, this is a pretty classic case of homonym confusion.

Technically, "politically left" or "politically right" is unrelated to factual accuracy ("right" and "wrong"). Let me enlighten you about the origins of the left-right political spectrum and its associated positions, and then condescendingly explain how to define "right" and "wrong" (which is what OP is, LOL).

The Left-Right Political Spectrum

Historical Origins

The terms Left and Right were coined during the French Revolution, referring to the seating arrangement in the Estates General; those who sat on the left generally supported the radical changes of the revolution, including the creation of a republic and secularization. Those who sat to the right of the president's chair were broadly supportive of the institutions of Ancien Régime (the aristocracy).

Politically Left

In politics, the Left, left-wing and leftist generally refer to support for social change to create a more egalitarian society (a society promoting total equality). Leftism involves concern for the disadvantaged, and assumes that there are unjustified inequalities that should be reduced or abolished. The term applies to a broad range of political and social movements ranging from socialism, anarchism and communism to reformist movements such as social democracy and social liberalism.

Politically Right

The Right, right-wing and rightist has been defined as the support or acceptance of social hierarchy. Inequality is viewed by the Right as inevitable, natural, normal, or desirable, whether it arises though traditional social differences, or from competition in market economies. The term originally designated traditional conservatives and reactionaries, its usage has been extended to apply to liberal conservatives, classical liberals, libertarian conservatives, Christian democrats and certain types of nationalists.

Right and Wrong

Definition of Right:

right - [rahyt] - right·er, right·est, noun, adverb, verb, adjective

  1. in accordance with what is good, proper, or just: right conduct.

  2. in conformity with fact, reason, truth, or some standard or principle; correct: the right solution; the right answer.

  3. correct in judgment, opinion, or action.

  4. fitting or appropriate; suitable: to say the right thing at the right time.

Definition of Wrong:

wrong - [rawng, rong] - adjective

  1. not in accordance with what is morally right or good: a wrong deed.

  2. deviating from truth or fact; erroneous: a wrong answer.

  3. not correct in action, judgment, opinion, method, etc., as a person; in error: You are wrong to blame him.

  4. not proper or usual; not in accordance with requirements or recommended practice

TL;DR Why do you guys always skip straight here? I put so much effort into my posts. Please, for the love of all that is holy, humor me and read through this stuff. I know it's not funny. I know you don't have the time, nor do you care. But this is a relationship! I can't give everything! I need to get something in return!

OMG 9Gag just stole my intellectual property! BTW check this movie i torrented. by rhetorical_fuck_assin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 28 points 29 points ago (33|4)

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I think now is probably a good time to enlighten you all with A Brief History of Piracy, by Onehappybear (not taken from wikipedia at all).

Ancient Origins

It may be reasonable to assume that piracy has existed for as long as the oceans were plied for commerce. The earliest documented instances of piracy are the exploits of the Sea Peoples who threatened the Aegean and Mediterranean in the 14th century BC. These pirates were known to wield cutlasses, a type of sword common in that era. In Classical Antiquity, the Illyrians and Tyrrhenians were known as pirates, as well as Greeks and Romans. During their voyages the Phoenicians seem to have sometimes resorted to piracy, and specialized in kidnapping boys and girls to be sold as slaves.

During the 1st century BC, there were pirate states along the Anatolian coast, threatening the commerce of the Roman Empire in the eastern Mediterranean. On one voyage across the Aegean Sea in 75 BC, Julius Caesar was kidnapped by Cilician pirates and held prisoner in the Dodecanese islet of Pharmacusa. He maintained an attitude of superiority and good cheer throughout his captivity. When the pirates decided to demand a ransom of twenty talents of gold, Caesar is said to have insisted that he was worth at least fifty, and the pirates indeed raised the ransom to fifty talents. After the ransom was paid and Caesar was released, he raised a fleet, pursued and captured the pirates, and had them crucified.

As early as 258 AD, the Gothic-Herulic fleet ravaged towns on the coasts of the Black Sea and Sea of Marmara. The Aegean coast suffered similar attacks a few years later. In 264, the Goths reached Galatia and Cappadocia, and Gothic pirates landed on Cyprus and Crete. In the process, the Goths seized enormous booty and took thousands into captivity.

Middle Ages to 19th Century

The most widely known and far reaching pirates in medieval Europe were the Vikings, warriors and looters from Scandinavia who raided mainly between the 8th and 12th centuries, during the Viking Age in the Early Middle Ages. They raided the coasts, rivers and inland cities of all Western Europe as far as Seville, attacked by the Norse in 844. Vikings even attacked coasts of North Africa and Italy. They also plundered all the coasts of the Baltic Sea, ascending the rivers of Eastern Europe as far as the Black Sea and Persia. The lack of centralized powers all over Europe during the Middle Ages favoured pirates all over the continent.

After the Slavic invasions of the Balkan peninsula in the 5th and 6th centuries, a Slavic tribe settled the land of Pagania between Dalmatia and Zachlumia in the first half of the 7th century. These Slavs revived the old Illyrian piratical habits and often raided the Adriatic Sea. By 642 they invaded southern Italy and assaulted Siponto. Their raids in the Adriatic increased rapidly, until the whole Sea was no longer safe for travel.

After the Arab raids on the Adriatic coast c. 872 and the retreat of the Imperial Navy, the Narentines continued their raids of Venetian waters, causing new conflicts with the Italians in 887–888. The Venetians futilely continued to fight them throughout the 10th and 11th centuries. In 937, Irish pirates sided with the Scots, Vikings, Picts, and Welsh in their invasion of England. Athelstan drove them back.

Four Chinese pirates who were hanged at Hong Kong in 1863 The Slavic piracy in the Baltic Sea ended with the Danish conquest of the Rani stronghold of Arkona in 1168. In the 12th century the coasts of western Scandinavia were plundered by Curonians and Oeselians from the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea. In the 13th and 14th century pirates threatened the Hanseatic routes and nearly brought sea trade to the brink of extinction. The Victual Brothers of Gotland were a companionship of privateers who later turned to piracy. Until about 1440, maritime trade in both the North Sea and the Baltic Sea was seriously in danger of attack by the pirates.

As early as Byzantine times, the Maniots (one of Greece's toughest populations) were known as pirates. The Maniots considered piracy as a legitimate response to the fact that their land was poor and it became their main source of income. The main victims of Maniot pirates were the Ottomans but the Maniots also targeted ships of European countries.

Modern Piracy

Seaborne piracy against transport vessels remains a significant issue (with estimated worldwide losses of US$13 to $16 billion per year), particularly in the waters between the Red Sea and Indian Ocean, off the Somali coast, and also in the Strait of Malacca and Singapore, which are used by over 50,000 commercial ships a year. A recent surge in piracy off the Somali coast spurred a multi-national effort led by the United States to patrol the waters near the Horn of Africa. In recent years, shipping companies claimed that their vessels suffer from regular pirate attacks on the Serbian and Romanian stretches of the international Danube river, i.e. inside the European Union's territory, starting from at least 2011.

Modern pirates favor small boats and taking advantage of the small number of crew members on modern cargo vessels. They also use large vessels to supply the smaller attack/boarding vessels. Modern pirates can be successful because a large amount of international commerce occurs via shipping. Major shipping routes take cargo ships through narrow bodies of water (such as the Gulf of Aden and the Strait of Malacca) making them vulnerable to be overtaken and boarded by small motorboats. Other active areas include the South China Sea and the Niger Delta. As usage increases, many of these ships have to lower cruising speeds to allow for navigation and traffic control, making them prime targets for piracy.

Also, pirates often operate in regions of developing or struggling countries with smaller navies and large trade routes. Pirates sometimes evade capture by sailing into waters controlled by their pursuer's enemies. With the end of the Cold War, navies have decreased size and patrol, and trade has increased, making organized piracy far easier. Modern pirates are sometimes linked with organized-crime syndicates, but often are parts of small individual groups.

The International Maritime Bureau (IMB) maintains statistics regarding pirate attacks dating back to 1995. Their records indicate hostage-taking overwhelmingly dominates the types of violence against seafarers. For example in 2006, there were 239 attacks, 77 crew members were kidnapped and 188 taken hostage but only 15 of the pirate attacks resulted in murder. In 2007 the attacks rose by 10% to 263 attacks. There was a 35% increase on reported attacks involving guns. Crew members that were injured numbered 64 compared to just 17 in 2006. That number does not include hostages/kidnapping where they were not injured.

Modern piracy can also take place in conditions of political unrest. For example, following the U.S. withdrawal from Vietnam, Thai piracy was aimed at the many Vietnamese who took to boats to escape. Further, following the disintegration of the government of Somalia, warlords in the region have attacked ships delivering UN food aid.

Environmental action groups such as Sea Shepherd have been accused of engaging in piracy and terrorism, when they ram and throw butyric acid on the decks of ships engaged in commercial fishing, shark poaching and finning, seal hunting, and whaling. In two instances they boarded a Japanese whaling vessel. While non-lethal weapons are used by the Sea Shepherd ships, their tactics and methods are considered acts of piracy by some.

Modern definitions of piracy include the following acts:

Boarding Extortion Hostage taking Kidnapping of people for ransom Murder Robbery Sabotage resulting in the ship subsequently sinking Seizure of items or the ship Shipwrecking done intentionally to a ship

The Pittsburgh Pirates

The Pittsburgh Pirates are a Major League Baseball club based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. They play in the Central Division of the National League, and are five-time World Series champions. The Pirates are also often referred to as the "Bucs" or sometimes the "Buccos" (derived from buccaneer, a synonym for pirate).

The franchise joined the National League in its sixth season in 1887 and was competitive from its early years, winning three National League titles from 1901 to 1903, playing in the very first World Series in 1903 and winning their first World Series in 1909 behind Honus Wagner. The Pirates have had many ups and downs during their long history, most famously winning the 1960 World Series on a walk-off home run by Bill Mazeroski, the only time that Game 7 of the World Series has ever ended with a home run. They also won the 1971 World Series behind Roberto Clemente and the 1979 World Series under the slogan "We Are Family", led by "Pops" Willie Stargell. Overall the Pirates have won five World Series and lost two. The five that the Pirates won were all seven-game Series. After a run of regular-season success in the early 1990s (making the NLCS three straight years), the Pirates have struggled more recently, with 19 consecutive losing seasons to date, the longest in North American professional sports history.

TL;DR No, you don't get a TL;DR for the history of piracy. You can read it and learn it. It's extremely important.

DAE hate mainstream bands like Nickelback, but love underground bands like Radiohead? by Capt_Icanhasin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 213 points 214 points ago (245|31)

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Hey, sorry to hijack your comment, but I would like to unnecessarily emphasize this point that you've made, even though it's not a very good point.

Look, it's really not hard to know the difference between mainstream garbage and true music. For your convenience, I've made two lists: the first is of "mainstream garbage" and is labeled as such, while the second is "underground wondermusik" and is full of all the best music that nobody else in the world except us here on Reddit have ever heard.

For your convenience, I've also listed how many views each youtube video has.

Mainstream Garbage (total crap consumed by idiots)

Nickelback: How You Remind Me -- 33.7M views

Skrillex: Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites -- 77.3M views

Justin Bieber: One Less Lonely Girl -- 162.3M views

Miley Cyrus: 7 Things -- 165.0M views

As you can see, these all have a lot of views, which means that they are mainstream crap and nobody likes them and they are awful that's why people listen to it.

Underground Wondermusik (best music ever made totally awesome)

Radiohead: Creep -- 24.6M views (way less than Nickelback OMG!)

Deadmau5: Ghosts N' Stuff -- 27.5M views (way less than Skrillex OMG WTF!)

Gotye: Somebody That I Used To Know -- 162.2M views (wait wtf that's like the same as that Justin Bieber video...)

The Lonely Island: I Just Had Sex -- 165.1M views (whoops this one has more than the Miley Cyrus one...)

Yeah so this didn't work out exactly as I expected. Whoops.

Disregard the last statement about my underground wondermusik. Obviously all music that is popular sucks, unless I like it in which case it does not suck.

TL;DR: Stop liking what I don't like!

Hey /r/atheism, isn't it pathetic that Christians use IDIOTIC FAIRY TALES to strengthen their beliefs? Ps- here's in idiotic story about me owning a fundie family. I fabricated it to strengthen our beliefs by ForamenOvalein circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 98 points 99 points ago (112|13)

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Hey, I may only be in the ninth grade, but here's a bunch of oversimplifications of complex philosophical arguments I don't really understand that surely disprove the existence of god (LOL I didn't capitalize it because I don't care).

Empirical arguments

Empirical arguments depend on empirical data in order to prove their conclusions.

  • The argument from inconsistent revelations contests the existence of the deity called God as described in scriptures—such as the Jewish Tanakh, the Christian Bible, the Muslim Qur'an, Hindu Vedas, the Book of Mormon or the Baha'i Aqdas—by identifying apparent contradictions between different scriptures, within a single scripture, or between scripture and known facts. To be effective this argument requires the other side to hold that its scriptural record is inerrant, or at least to assert that a proper understanding of scripture gives rise to knowledge of God's existence.

  • The problem of evil contests the existence of a god who is both omnipotent and omnibenevolent by arguing that such a god should not permit the existence of evil or suffering. The theist responses are called theodicies.

  • The destiny of the unevangelized, by which persons who have never even heard of a particular revelation might be harshly punished for not following its dictates. The argument from poor design contests the idea that God created life on the basis that lifeforms, including humans, seem to exhibit poor design.

  • The argument from nonbelief contests the existence of an omnipotent God who wants humans to believe in him by arguing that such a god would do a better job of gathering believers.

  • The argument from parsimony (using Occam's razor) contends that since natural (non-supernatural) theories adequately explain the development of religion and belief in gods, the actual existence of such supernatural agents is superfluous and may be dismissed unless otherwise proven to be required to explain the phenomenon.

  • The analogy of Russell's teapot argues that the burden of proof for the existence of God lies with the theist rather than the atheist. The Russell's teapot analogy can be considered an extension of Occam's Razor.

Deductive arguments

Deductive arguments attempt to prove their conclusions by deductive reasoning from true premises.

  • The Ultimate Boeing 747 gambit is a counter-argument to the argument from design. The argument from design claims that a complex or ordered structure must be designed. However, a god that is responsible for the creation of a universe would be at least as complicated as the universe that it creates. Therefore, it too must require a designer. And its designer would require a designer also, ad infinitum. The argument for the existence of god is then a logical fallacy with or without the use of special pleading. The Ultimate 747 gambit points out that God does not provide an origin of complexity, it simply assumes that complexity always existed. It also states that design fails to account for complexity, which natural selection can explain.

  • The omnipotence paradox suggests that the concept of an omnipotent entity is logically contradictory, from considering a question like: "Can God create a rock so big that he cannot lift it?" or "If God is all powerful, could God create a being more powerful than himself?". Similarly, an omnipotent god would know the position of all atoms in the universe over its ~14 billion-year history as well as its infinite future. To know that, god's memory needs to be bigger than the infinite set of possible states in the current universe.

  • The problem of hell is the idea that eternal damnation for actions committed in a finite existence contradicts God's omnibenevolence or omnipresence.

  • The argument from free will contests the existence of an omniscient god who has free will—or has allotted the same freedom to his creations—by arguing that the two properties are contradictory. According to the argument, if God already knows the future, then humanity is destined to corroborate with his knowledge of the future and not have true free will to deviate from it. Therefore our free will contradicts an omniscient god. Another argument attacks the existence of an omniscient god who has free will directly in arguing that the will of God himself would be bound to follow whatever God foreknows himself doing throughout eternity.

  • A counter-argument against the Cosmological argument ("chicken or the egg") takes its assumption that things cannot exist without creators and applies it to God, setting up an infinite regress. This attacks the premise that the universe is the second cause (after God, who is claimed to be the first cause).

  • Theological noncognitivism, as used in literature, usually seeks to disprove the god-concept by showing that it is unverifiable by scientific tests.

  • The anthropic argument states that if God is omniscient, omnipotent, and morally perfect, he would have created other morally perfect beings instead of imperfect humans.

    Inductive arguments

    Inductive arguments argue their conclusions through inductive reasoning.

  • The atheist-existentialist argument for the non-existence of a perfect sentient being states that if existence precedes essence, it follows from the meaning of the term sentient that a sentient being cannot be complete or perfect. It is touched upon by Jean-Paul Sartre in Being and Nothingness. Sartre's phrasing is that God would be a pour-soi [a being-for-itself; a consciousness] who is also an en-soi [a being-in-itself; a thing]: which is a contradiction in terms. The argument is echoed thus in Salman Rushdie's novel Grimus: "That which is complete is also dead."

  • The "no reason" argument tries to show that an omnipotent and omniscient being would not have any reason to act in any way, specifically by creating the universe, because it would have no needs, wants, or desires since these very concepts are subjectively human. Since the universe exists, there is a contradiction, and therefore, an omnipotent god cannot exist. This argument is expounded upon by Scott Adams in the book God's Debris, which puts forward a form of Pandeism as its fundamental theological model. A similar argument is put forward in Ludwig von Mises's "Human Action." He referred to it as the "praxeological argument" and claimed that a perfect being would have long ago satisfied all its wants and desires and would no longer be able to take action in the present without proving that it had been unable to achieve its wants faster---showing it imperfect.

  • The "historical induction" argument concludes that since most theistic religions throughout history (e.g. ancient Egyptian religion, ancient Greek religion) and their gods ultimately come to be regarded as untrue or incorrect, all theistic religions, including contemporary ones, are therefore most likely untrue/incorrect by induction. It is implied as part of Stephen F. Roberts' popular quotation:

    “I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.”

TL;DR well fuck me, but I can't TL;DR this shit. I don't actually have any idea what this stuff means, but I know that it's full of logic and reason, and therefore it must be 100% accurate.

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Page 12

Sometimes, the system works.  by DarthContinentin funny

[–]onehappybear 25 points 26 points ago (34|8)

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It's official! Theists kill puppies so they can oppress Africans! by Lemmiwinks0141in magicskyfairy

[–]onehappybear 12 points 13 points ago (16|3)

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My favorite quote from OP.

As a teenager who totally understands trade economics, agriculture, and international aid, why don't missionaries just go to Africa and grow more food? Instead of carrying Bibles, they should carry boxes of cereal!

2010 Army National Guard Combatives tournament at Ft. Benning, GA by Black6xin martialarts

[–]onehappybear 0 points 1 point ago (1|0)

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Sometimes it's good practice for your partner. For example, sparring with lower belts.

It's unhelpful for them if I go 100% and kick their butt, and it's unhelpful to me to win lopsidedly. However, if I slow down and focus on something like footwork or timing, while not abusing an inexperienced fighter, they get to train against a better martial artist without getting unnecessarily punished. I get a different kind of practice than I would against another competitive fighter, but it's not necessarily a waste of time.

Although I generally wouldn't advise kicking in the air, because that's just unhelpful for both of you. Spar with control and light-contact so everyone can get practice.

ADAM SCHEFTER: Tebow trade may be nullified by GenerationGregin nfl

[–]onehappybear 21 points 22 points ago (22|0)

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Jay Glazer: Ny Jets have just traded a 4th round pick for Tim Tebow by BenderTimein nfl

[–]onehappybear 70 points 71 points ago (80|9)

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This pleases me.

April Fools is coming, someone grab a towel. by GodOfAtheismin squarejerk

[–]onehappybear 0 points 1 point ago (1|0)

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I thought the humor would be in doing it after April Fool's. Everyone would be all like, "oh, they'll shut it down as an April Fool's joke" and then we wouldn't do it April 1st (we could even do it in like mid-may) and then we'd call it April Fool's anyways.

April Fools is coming, someone grab a towel. by GodOfAtheismin squarejerk

[–]onehappybear 1 point 2 points ago (3|1)

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Hey. I really like this idea for a Twitter CSS. Let me know if I can help in some capacity (particularly if you need images).

Circlejerk mods are your mommies and daddies... by GodOfAtheismin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear [M] 25 points 26 points ago (27|1)

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April Fools is coming, someone grab a towel. by GodOfAtheismin squarejerk

[–]onehappybear 3 points 4 points ago (6|2)

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I know I'm late to the party, but I have a few ideas:

  • Enable link posting for the day... but prevent anyone from posting.

  • Just turn CJ into /r/atheism for the day. Have it use all the /r/atheism CSS and show those posts.

  • Steal the Declaration of Independence. Have a ridiculous series of re-directs through various channels, or better yet (CSS allowing), force visitors to accomplish a series of extremely difficult tasks in order to view the page for the day.

  • My best idea: Mod-Announcement a week before about the "closing down circlejerk" that had been previously announced. Take a very serious tone, and say that after serious discussion with Reddit admins, we have to shut down CJ. No questions asked. Tell them we don't know for sure when it's going down, as we're trying to hold out as long as possible... making our stand for free speech. Then, over the course of the week, gradually increase the severity, and then we can tell them April 1st we think we've worked everything out, and CJ is going to be okay, and we shut up about it (possibly try to include an Admin on the joke?). Then, April 4th, we abruptly shut down CJ without notice for a day, and on April 5th, Mod-post saying "April Fools!"

April Fools is coming, someone grab a towel. by GodOfAtheismin squarejerk

[–]onehappybear 3 points 4 points ago (4|0)

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I am thoroughly with nukleus on this. Anti-LGBTQ circlejerking isn't funny if it devolves into very real homophobia. I'm sure we have plenty of LGBTQ jerkers who really wouldn't appreciate it.

<----- Upvote to kill a Christian. by GrannyGrinderin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 29 points 30 points ago (35|5)

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"Verified." -- AndrewSmith1986

I just told the guy I am dating that I am post-op transgender just to freak him out. Lols by DukeTheMookin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 41 points 42 points ago (51|9)

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Hey, look, it's totally cool, and I'm not a bad guy, but I want you to know...

Post-op transgendered men and women are literally the most disgusting people on the planet. Not only could I never date one, but if someone I cared for told me they were a post-op transgender or transexual, I would literally kill them. They're fucking disgusting, abominable people, and they all need to die in a fire.

By the way, did I mention that this is just my visceral reaction to these scum of the earth, horrible fucking freaks? I'm not a bad guy at all, and I'm totally tolerant of everyone everywhere (I'm an atheist who supports marijuana legalization so I must be totally progressive). I'm a completely nice guy but this is just fucking sick.

TL;DR: I'm not a bigot, I just hate those disgusting transgendered people.

Reddit, i just printed out a test and spent 15 minutes writing things on it, what other funny things has your teacher wrote on your test? by 9001thin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 51 points 52 points ago (58|6)

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Once, in my eighth-grade fluid mechanics course (don't worry, I'm in Europe, we start training our scientists early), I filled out an exam that I definitely got an "A++ would read again" on. I mean, it was really easy and I definitely aced it.

So, I had this question:

(2) A jar of uniform area of cross section A has a hole of area a at its bottom. If there is water column of height H1 in the jar initially, what time is required for the height to become H2?

(a) (A/a) √(4/g) (√H1 – √H2)

(b) (A/a) √(2/g) (√H1 – √H2)

(c) (A/a) (4/g) (H1 –H2)

(d) (A/a) √(1/g) (√H1 – √H2)

(e) (a/A) √(4/g) (√H1 – √H2)

Being a European genius, this is how I solved it:

Rate of flow of water through the hole is av where v is the efflux velocity given by v =√(2gx) where x is the height of water column. If the height of water column changes by dx in a time dt, we have – Adx (= avdt) = a√(2gx) dt (The negative sign shows that x decreases). Therefore, dt = – (A/a)[1/√(2g)] (dx/x1/2).

Integrating between the limits x = H1 and x = H2 we obtain the required time t. Thus t = (A/a)[1/√(2g)] H1∫H2 (–x–1/2)dx or, t = (A/a)[1/√(2g)] H2∫H1 (x–1/2)dx

This gives t = (A/a) √(2/g) (√H1 – √H2), which is answer (b).

Of course, my teacher was so impressed by my ability as an eighth-grader to understand complex fluid dynamics that he wrote on my test:

"Wow, you're literally a small Carl Sagan, or perhaps a young Neil DeGrasse Tyson. I want to marvel at your feet and tell you how pretty they are. Have you met my daughter? She's in your class, and has huge boobs (don't worry I'm an ephebephile not a pedophile it's totally okay) and definitely won't friendzone you even though you're a fat turd of a teenager. You two should get together and kiss, and make brilliant little scientist babies!"

I told him that his daughter was a stupid whore slut instead, and then decided to go spank it to cartoon porn.

I can't believe I hadn't thought of this sooner!  by Rilsin Minecraft

[–]onehappybear 2 points 3 points ago (11|8)

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The mods changed the color of the upvote arrow. Seriously. For realzees this time. Check it out! by [deleted]in Braveryjerk

[–]onehappybear [M] 11 points 12 points ago (12|0)

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One does not simply misuse macro images

I will put this as politely and maturely as possible... 'HeWhoPunchesFish can suck a big bag of dicks.'

The mods changed the color of the upvote arrow. Seriously. For realzees this time. Check it out! by [deleted]in Braveryjerk

[–]onehappybear [M] 15 points 16 points ago (17|1)

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Foolish plebian. You can just alt-text instead of edit.

LOL you don't know how to alt-text? Why not try using the source button? What? You don't have RES? Well, fuck you then.

Hi reddit. This is a picture of my uncle. He is alive, but he's going to die eventually so why not give me my sweet karma right now? by eugene447in circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 16 points 17 points ago (20|3)

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I don't mean to hijack top comment (because I'm not a karma whore or anything), but this seems like a good place for my comment.

This is a picture of my Uncle Jesse back in the 90s. He just died of cancer. 

What kind of cancer? I don't know. I don't know anything about science. Ass cancer? Is that a kind of cancer? We'll go with that. Ass cancer. Oh wait, I've seen those commercials about... what's it called... mesothelioma? I think that's a kind of cancer. Yeah, that one. Mesothelioma.

He was a veteran of the first Gulf war, and was the first Greek actor ever to star in a major television series

DAE remember Full House? LOL. Also, John Stamos is not my uncle, just to be clear. Nor was in the Gulf War.
that you've probably never heard of. Really, a hero of his time, and a legend among legends.

Also, this is a pitcure of my Cat named "Karma" 

LOL aren't cats cute? And isn't it funny that I named my cat after a Reddit thing? I bet he totally gets the joke!
who we bought for my uncle Jesse when he was dying of tragic cancer. Isn't my cat cute? Upvotes for cats!

Anyways, I don't want your karma, I just want your sweet, sweet upvotes to acknowledge that my Uncle Jesse was literally the coolest man ever to walk the Earth.

Thanks for your condolences (read: upvotes!) in advance.

DAE see POTATO_IN_MY_ANUS everywhere!? Man, that guy comments a lot! We should tell him, and also point out his unique username! by aco620in circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 2 points 3 points ago (4|1)

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I wish.

DAE see POTATO_IN_MY_ANUS everywhere!? Man, that guy comments a lot! We should tell him, and also point out his unique username! by aco620in circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 335 points 336 points ago (395|59)

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Well, there's always memes as well...

  • Can't thing of something clever? Why not Zoidberg?
  • Not sure if relevant username or has Potato in Anus...
  • Relevant username? NOPE! Chuck Testa!
  • I was going to make a novelty account like you, but then I took an arrow to the knee!
  • You're not Milhouse!
  • The hilarity of this novelty account is over 9000!
  • I don't always leave contentless comments, but when I do, it's because of a relevant username.
  • Is this a relevant username? No number for Jakucha.
  • Username directed by M. Night Shyamalan.
  • Relevant username kills the crab.
  • There's always money in the banana stand!
  • Scumbag novelty account: comments, buts irrelevant username.
  • Nickleback sucks!
  • Novelty accounts for ALL THE THINGS!
  • Y U NO realize relevant username?
  • N O V E L T Y C E P T I O N
  • Hey [relevant username], when does the narwhal bacon? LOL!
  • Relevant username? Huh?
  • Relevant username. Me gusta.
  • Yo dawg, I heard you like novelty accounts, so I put a relevant username in your relevant username so you can novelty while you novelty.
  • Relevant username? Nailed it!
  • 99% of the karma is occupied by 1% of the novelty accounts! Occupy Reddit!
  • And my axe!
  • In Soviet Russia, username relevants you!
  • Novelty accounts? How do they work?
  • I herd u liek novelty accounts.
  • Carrots / waffles.

And I'm sure there's more! So if you've got nothing to add, feel free to grab off this list today!

<----Click to merge r/downsyndrome and r/gonewild by [deleted]in circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 66 points 67 points ago (75|8)

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Please understand that, even though I'm a fat virgin neckbeard, my opinion is extremely important to your self-esteem, so I will give you the most objective opinion I can.

Even though I never have a chance with someone like you because I myself am a hideous cretin, here are my thoughts on the way you look:

  • Your forehead (or should I say, fivehead, LOL) is far too big.
  • Your eyebrows are incredibly unruly. Consider threading them.
  • You only have one ear. What the hell? Also, you one ear is Dumbo-sized.
  • You face is too red. You probably have high blood pressure.
  • Why don't you have eyelashes?
  • Your eyes is look funny. They need to more Down Syndrome-ish.
  • Your features are too sharp. They need to be smoother and more dough-ish. You know, more "Down Syndrome-ish".
  • Your nose isn't stubby enough. It should have more Down Syndrome, and less regularity.
  • You don't even look like you can count to potato.

Overall rating: 2.5/10, would not bang.

I hope you understand these are positive criticisms and things you can definitely improve for your next /r/gonedownsyndrome post.

If you would like a reference for what you should try to look like, see this picture here .

Can we stop with the KONY 2012 posts? We have a black president already. by miggybin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 70 points 71 points ago (82|11)

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Everybody please read this. If you don't want to read it, skip to the TL;DR at the end. But this might be the most important thing you ever read, so please read this.

Why do we need another black president? I've done a fair bit of looking into it, and everything doesn't add up. People have said racism still exists, but I don't think so. Here are my findings. I have included sources. This will almost assuredly get downvoted to Hell (which doesn't exist, btw), but I hope to give at least one of you a better understanding of what's going on behind the scenes of the Kony-2012 election campaign.

There are always two sides to every story. This viral film has caught the attention of heaps of young folk, but it is far too late. Watching that Kony video is essentially watching old news. They started filming in 2006, but Obama got elected in 2008. In fact, he is even running agin for 2012! That means this video is telling you we might have two (2) black presidential candidates in 2012. Which is bullshit.

Yes, Obama is still the president, even though racism has been decreased by 80% because we have a black president and that means I can't be a racist even if I didn't vote for him and refuse to support him in 2012. This isn't due to my wild racism, it's due to the fact that Obama is inept because he is black. We tried the whole black president thing, and it's not working out. Let's give up, since at least we stopped racism.

Obama is trying to pass a bill that forces Americans to have healthcare coverage. That's fucked up. I'm a libertarian; the government should die in a fire. He is forcing misinformation down the throat of our youths, trying woo idealistic followers with bullshit campaign slogans, like "HOPE". Obama even combined multiple regional conflicts in the GOP primaries to make it appear that white people are inept and we need another black president. When confronted about his dodgy tactics, Obama stated;

“I agree with you that leading people to believe that racism still exists is not ethically right. It's something we've been addressing internally, focusing on getting all staff and supporters on the same page (of communication) so we can just fucking lie to you." Source can be found here somewhere.

If you read the news, or even had an ounce of interest in the on-going unrest in America you would already know this and not be fooled. Yes, awful things happen to people in 3rd world countries, but this is America, which is now a 3rd world country, if you didn't know, because of rampant barbarism and religious oppression of Ents and atheists.

I think it's only fair to say that Kony 2012 is just a fucking stupid idea, just like Obama 2012 is a stupid fucking idea.

Here is my big list of sources (unlike the people over at Kony 2012...)


Important source #1

Important source #2

Important source #3

Important source #5

Important source #potato

TL;DR I'm not a racist, or a bigot, or anything like that, but Obama sucks and Kony is gonna suck in 2012 too. So vote for your traditional white man instead, because you're cool with that.

TIL inmates get laid more than I do. by [deleted]in circlejerk

[–]onehappybear [M] 3 points 4 points ago (6|2)

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Please refrain from spamming, and please refrain from using the N-word.

TIL inmates get laid more than I do. by [deleted]in circlejerk

[–]onehappybear [M] 4 points 5 points ago (9|4)

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Can you guess where this train crashes?

Answer: Banville.

I just had to help a doctor fix his printer. IT professionals of Reddit, why is everyone else dumber than us? by [deleted]in circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 70 points 71 points ago (82|11)

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Doctors -- unless they are without borders -- are horrible people. The healthcare system in the United States is a clear reflection on how bad doctors are.

I don't want to pay for insurance, don't want to exercise, don't want to eat healthfully, want to smoke pot all day and don't want to go to the dentist or see an internist at least once per year for basic appointments. But that doesn't mean I shouldn't get free care when I develop a chronic lung disease. These things can happen to anyone, especially to those of us who don't take care of ourselves, and everyone else should pay for my laziness.

Also, doctors don't have STEM degrees. I did some research on wikipedia, and if you look at this page, or just Ctrl-F "medicine", you will see that a medical degree does not qualify as an STEM degree.

As a result of an MD not being an STEM degree, my two-year associates degree in computer science from my local community college is infinitely more valuable than the decade+ of training most physicians have.

Also, I once took the SATs and did okay (I got like a 550 in critical reading and a 520 in math), but most doctors don't even get a 33 on the MCATs. LOL, what fucking morons, I scored like over 500 points higher than them on standardized tests. I totally understand statistics.

Doctors -- unless they are without borders -- are a bunch of stupid idiots who are wasting their time in a dying field. They should switch to IT jobs, where they will work hard on Reddit all day looking at cat pictures instead of performing surgeries and trying to make accurate diagnoses for individual cases.

I can't believe doctors don't even have time to fix their own damn computers. Even though the entire purpose of my career is to know how to fix hardware and software problems so that doctors don't have to invest time learning about it and fixing these problems (and ignoring that this same reason is the only reason I am even employed), I would like to point out how dumb doctors are by comparison to me.

Fine print disclaimer : I know nothing about biology, chemistry, or physics. I do not know how to perform surgeries. I cannot identify many of the basic parts of human anatomy. I know nothing about nutrition. I have never made a correct illness diagnosis in my life.

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Page 13

In this thread we describe how much we love Skrillex. by FableForgein circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 22 points 23 points ago (30|7)

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I think people don't realize that Skrillex is actually an extremely talented musician. While many people don't enjoy his music for a variety of reasons, he personally performs the string and vocal samples for his tracks, and writes all of his melodies.

Most of his music is original work (obviously excluding remixes, which are still pretty original), which is untrue for many artists.

On a deeper level of analysis, Skrillex actually avoids using basic I-IV-V or I-V-iii-IV progressions. He demonstrates wide range of dynamic variability, making strong use of dramatic volume shifts particularly in "drops".

Lastly, it is important to note that Skrillex hasn't just been "produced" by the music industry (think: Lana Del Rey, the Jonas Brothers). He actually became popular for his own work and through his own merits. Hate all you want, the dude works hard and has earned his popularity.

Am I doing it right?  by labeillein funny

[–]onehappybear 118 points 119 points ago (162|43)

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Am I doing it right?

  • Screenshot from Facebook

  • 41 seconds old

  • Not funny, and slightly offensive

  • Whoring for attention on Reddit

Answer to original question. 

Took advantage of my best friend while sleeping over. Reddit, how did I do? [NSFW] by [deleted]in circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 115 points 116 points ago (136|20)

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It's not "taking advantage," it's "seizing the opportunity."

Look, you have to understand, women literally don't know what they want. You do know what they want. That's why you have to give it to them, either by surprise, by force, or by deceit. You want to have sex with girls? Go have sex with girls, even if they don't want you to.

Look, it's not rape if they secretly want it. And every guy knows that girls have rape fantasies! Duh! Fat neckbeards like me have fantasies about raping women, so of course women have fantasies about getting raped! Sound logic! Checkmate, misandrists!

Look, sex is literally the only important thing in life. Literally. The only important thing. Meaningful relationships are worthless. That's why I complain about having nice friends who don't want to fuck me. Friend-zoning bitches are worthless cunts who should get raped.

You did great, OP. Keep up that advantage and be Alpha. Bro-life.

I am so lonely.

Reddit, my kid killed three women today, but he said that sometimes they said mean things to him, what should I do? by mavriksfan11in circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 118 points 119 points ago (140|21)

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I'd like to reiterate how badly OP needs to see this. I mean, seriously, even though there still isn't any content here, it is incredibly important that this generic advice that most ordinary people realize immediately be repeated ad nauseam.

Did you see the list? You did? Good. But just in case you didn't, allow me to retype the list, but only bolding the important points made above. Note: this is nothing new, but I've reformatted it a bit so that it seems like I'm still contributing.

  • Get a lawyer. You really need to see that point, because if there is anything legal involved, as has been pointed out above, lawyers deal with the law.

  • Think it out. You know, like this list was thought out. That's why it's so full of information. Oh, sorry, no it isn't.

  • Fap on it. Do you have any idea how much that helps? Because I don't. I just really like to masturbate a lot. DAE?

  • The police are bad. I once saw a video about a cop who handcuffed a felon. I mean, who violates basic human rights like that? Cops do, that's who. Is this considered content? I don't really know.

I think there has been an issue explained by OP, but honestly at this point, I'm not even reading anymore. This is just a chance for me to pretend to help someone I don't really care about.

Edits go down here, right?

Edit: Something something, my internet points, something about OP maybe? Oh, right, downvotes are bad! That's what goes here!

Edit 2: I don't have any downvotes yet, but I wanted a second edit as not to be left out of the multi-edit party.

Edit 3: Did you read about Doctors without Borders? The guy I'm responded to told you to donate. I don't know anything about it, to be honest, so feel free to spend your money on marijuana instead.

Edit 4: I'm really close to having more edits than anyone else. Do I have content yet? Nope.

Edit 5: And I am the edit winner. Nice. Go team! We saved OP's kid!

Reddit, my kid killed three women today, but he said that sometimes they said mean things to him, what should I do? by mavriksfan11in circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 258 points 259 points ago (300|41)

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On the topic of having nothing to add, I also have nothing to add. I find that these threads tend to be great places for others to repeat what was said above, in such a way that it appears that I'm adding something new, when really, I've contributed nothing whatsoever.

Isn't it amazing that if you add a paragraph break, it's almost like you've added something more, when really it just makes your comment look longer? It's remarkable how piggy-backing on a thread using a lot of text can often generate empty discussion. I have nothing else to add (not that I had anything to add in the first place), but I thought I might include an additional empty sentence.

A comparison of economic policies and statistics of the EU and the USA, again in r/circlejerk by zwygbin DepthHub

[–]onehappybear 2 points 3 points ago (6|3)

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Circlejerk is a satire subreddit. No subscribers take its content seriously.

A comparison of economic policies and statistics of the EU and the USA, again in r/circlejerk by zwygbin DepthHub

[–]onehappybear 2 points 3 points ago (4|1)

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It actually doesn't even prove anything! As the original poster, I was simply mocking the way that most people here on reddit support the EU; after all, I was in /r/circlejerk. Please understand that I was intentionally manipulating statistics to support an point that's technically impossible to make.

Also, I'd add that the issue of EU-USA is one of preference and demographic diversity. The systems may work well for individuals, but they don't transfer internationally -- putting European systems into the United States would fail terribly, as would putting US systems into the EU.

A comparison of economic policies and statistics of the EU and the USA, again in r/circlejerk by zwygbin DepthHub

[–]onehappybear 3 points 4 points ago (7|3)

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Hi! Poster for CJ here.

This is the second time one of my threads has been linked in /r/DepthHub. Basically, I don't even agree with a lot of what I've posted; think of it as a hard counterpoint to the pro-EU jerk that goes on in the default reddits.

I ignored a lot of important issues (the social systems and income inequality) specifically because 1) I'm not trying to present balanced information, 2) they're well beyond the scope of 99.9% of redditors, and 3) are largely based on preferences (libertarians will never agree that nationalized healthcare is good, while marxists will always say income inequality is an automatic dealbreaker).

I also didn't do any real analysis of the debt situations and their global impacts. Frankly, most European countries won't have the social systems they have now in ten years; they are economically nonviable. Similarly, the US will have seriously reformed systems in the next ten years; our current systems are nonviable.

Summarily, the post was simply to point out that the EU-USA debate is silly, because it's almost totally dependent on personal preference. It's very easy for 20-something year-old males to say how much more they prefer Europe, because the system might very well suit you better. It's not so easy to say that European systems are better for a demographically diverse 300,000,000 person country.

Faces of /r/circlejerk  by GodOfAtheismin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 99 points 100 points ago (114|14)

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Your locks are beautiful. I particularly like the purple streaks -- they accentuate your soft features.

You are growing quite the beard! I admire a man who is willing to grace his face with the glorious mark of the lumberjack.

Your eyes... they mesmerize me. I don't know if it's the piercing gaze, or the depth of color. Either way, they're absolutely captivating.

Your biceps are huge. You must lift a lot.

I would ordinarily complain about the unibrow, but your eyebrows are so well-groomed that I'm glad there's more of them.

10/10 would bang.

My Face of /r/Circlejerk: Post Yours Too!  by [deleted]in circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 18 points 19 points ago (23|4)

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I'm very smart, and I am constantly interested in telling everyone else about my intelligence. Everyone needs to know that I'm well educated and I draw on sources that are not wikipedia.

Is it true that Americans have to actually be at work to earn their money? If true, how does this affect the nation? by [deleted]in circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 2 points 3 points ago (3|0)

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Who would want to discuss unquantifiable things like health, happiness, freedom and all the other stuff

Discuss unquantifiable things like health, happiness, freedom

Health, happiness, freedom


The United States is literally Syria. Free Bradley Manning!

I'm the black guy on the right. by bang_Noirin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 9 points 10 points ago (10|0)

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Cool. Thanks for the responses!

I'm the black guy on the right. by bang_Noirin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 12 points 13 points ago (13|0)

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Hi. I'm a big fan of your original work. A few questions:

1) You look very handsome in your photo. Confirm or deny: you are a model in your free time?

2) How do you feel about remixes? In this instance, do you like the remixed quote, or do you prefer your original?

3a) Your original quote says you went to both churches and mosques; how did it come about that you were raised in a muslim household, but attended christian schools?

3b) Assuming it is almost exclusively related to different familial situations (as suggested by your original quote), was it hard switching in and out of different religious settings?

4) Not really a question, but I will suck your big fat cock. But I'll need about tree fitty first.

Is it true that Americans have to actually be at work to earn their money? If true, how does this affect the nation? by [deleted]in circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 5 points 6 points ago (7|1)

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I was in Australia once, and there were spiders there, and I was all like "ಠ_ಠ" because the spiders were huge and like NOPE, NOPE, NOPE!

Yeah, it's Chicago. I'm saltwater, so that will certainly explain our disagreements.

I have to imagine that you're right about LTRO2; there isn't any other sensible explanation. Honestly, I'm far less informed about the European debt situation than I am the on US or China, but as I understand the politics of it, Germany is just stalling so they can use a depressed Euro for as long as possible (whether the "party" ends seems to be up to them). I think Germany pretty much said they'd take over fiscal policies for the EU a few days ago when LTRO2 passed.

I don't think anyone is suggesting debt-spending will work in Spain/Portugal/Italy/Greece (it clearly hasn't worked), but it can be used as a stop-gap until significant social reform takes place (fuckin' retiring at age 50, how does that work?).

Hey! Leave the white males alone. They're oppressed enough already, you don't need to be a damn racist about it.

Is it true that Americans have to actually be at work to earn their money? If true, how does this affect the nation? by [deleted]in circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 2 points 3 points ago (5|2)

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Is it true that Americans have to actually be at work to earn their money? If true, how does this affect the nation? by [deleted]in circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 12 points 13 points ago (17|4)

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Did someone say Ron Paul? Because I once read a book on Austrian Economics and would be more than happy to tell you about it.

Thanks for the info, always nice to see the new numbers. I wonder how they work out adding the non-Euro states as well.

I honestly don't think Ron Paul makes any sense (on the Fed issue), which means we're almost certainly from different schools of Economic thought, so we may just fundamentally disagree here. But I'm pretty sure the IMF said QE1 was fairly successful, though I haven't seen anything about QE2. Honestly, I also supported LTRO1 (and now LTRO2), and even if LTRO1 only caused a nominal surge in markets, it had a huge impact on boosting consumer confidence. I heard Andrew Ross Sorkin speak a few months back, and he alluded to European Banks being much closer to bankruptcy than outsiders thought (and now that LTRO2 was just announced, I assume he was telling the truth).

If you're just fundamentally against interventionalism, that's fine, and I respect that position. But there's sound economics behind most of these decisions. I tend not to buy into "slippery slope" arguments and don't believe in literal mandate interpretations, so we'll likely just disagree about these things.

Also, I would have guessed 20% snarky, since in fairness, he does love himself some quantitative easing.

Paul Krugman? More like, Harriet Tubman, amirite? BTW I once saw a TED talk about economics so I know all about it.

If God doesn't exist then why are all the faces of Atheism so ugly? by jking800in circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 76 points 77 points ago (98|21)

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Sigh... If I have to explain it again, I'll explain it again.

A brief lesson on Faces by Onehappybear

What is a face?

The face is a central sense organ complex, for those animals that have one, normally on the ventral surface of the head, and can, depending on the definition in the human case, include the hair, forehead, eyebrow, eyelashes, eyes, nose, ears, cheeks, mouth, lips, philtrum, temple, teeth, skin, and chin. The face has uses of expression, appearance, and identity amongst others. It also has different senses like olfaction, taste, hearing, and vision.

How do I use my face?

The face is the feature which best distinguishes a person. There are "special" regions of the human brain, such as the fusiform face area (FFA), which when damaged prevent the recognition of the faces of even intimate family members. The pattern of specific organs such as the eyes or parts thereof are used in biometric identification to uniquely identify individuals.

Is my face important?

Gestalt psychologists theorize that a face is not merely a set of facial features but is rather something meaningful in its form. This is consistent with the Gestalt theory that an image is seen in its entirety, not by its individual parts. According to Gary L. Allen, people adapted to respond more to faces during evolution as the natural result of being a social species. Allen suggests that the purpose of recognizing faces has its roots in the "parent-infant attraction, a quick and low-effort means by which parents and infants form an internal representation of each other, reducing the likelihood that the parent will abandon his or her offspring because of recognition failure". Allen's work takes a psychological perspective that combines evolutionary theories with Gestalt psychology.

Faces are also essential to expressing emotion, consciously or unconsciously. A frown denotes disapproval; a smile usually means someone is pleased. Being able to read emotion in another's face is "the fundamental basis for empathy and the ability to interpret a person’s reactions and predict the probability of ensuing behaviors". One study used the Multimodal Emotion Recognition Test to attempt to determine how to measure emotion. This research aimed at using a measuring device to accomplish what people do so easily everyday: read emotion in a face.

People are also relatively good at determining if a smile is real or fake. A recent study looked at individuals judging forced and genuine smiles. While young and elderly participants equally could tell the difference for smiling young people, the "older adult participants outperformed young adult participants in distinguishing between posed and spontaneous smiles". This suggests that with experience and age, we become more accurate at perceiving true emotions across various age groups.

How did we develop faces?

Research has indicated that certain areas of the brain respond particularly well to faces. The fusiform face area, within the fusiform gyrus, is activated by faces, and it is activated differently for shy and social people. A study confirmed that "when viewing images of strangers, shy adults exhibited significantly less activation in the fusiform gyri than did social adults". Furthermore, particular areas respond more to a face that is considered attractive, as seen in another study: "Facial beauty evokes a widely distributed neural network involving perceptual, decision-making and reward circuits. In those experiments, the perceptual response across FFA and LOC remained present even when subjects were not attending explicitly to facial beauty".

Since faces are so important, why are there ugly people?

Says Sharon Begley: Evolutionary geneticists try to explain the "Ugliness" paradox by positing that mutations for disadvantageous traits keep popping up no matter how hard natural selection attempts to wipe them out, but in their more honest moments the scientists admit that in real life undesirable traits are way more common than this mechanism would account for; “ugly” mutations just don’t occur that often. In a groundbreaking study, biologists at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland determined why, at least in one species: genes that are good for males are bad for females and, perhaps, vice versa.

The scientists studied red deer, 3,559 of them from eight generations, living on Scotland’s Isle of Rum. They carefully noted each animal’s fitness, who mated with whom, how many offspring survived, which offspring mated and with what results. Bottom line: “male red deer with relatively high fitness fathered, on average, daughters with relatively low fitness,” Edinburgh’s Katharina Foerster and her colleagues conclude in tomorrow’s issue of the journal Nature. “Male red deer with a relatively high lifetime [fitness, which includes their reproductive success, the only thing evolution cares about] sired, on average, daughters with a relatively low [fitness].” The reverse also holds. Males that were relatively less successful in their reproductive success and fitness had daughters that were extra successful.

The reason is that any particular gene-based trait may have very different effects on males than in females. Extrapolating to humans (and oversimplifying, sorry) you might imagine that a particular shape of the nose or turn of the chin would look drop-dead hunky on a male, but horsey on a woman; dad got to mate because his looks attracted a female, but the result of their togetherness produced daughters whose pulchritude was less than obvious. Traits that evolutionary psychologists tell us make women unfit for mating (having the “wrong” shape) remain abundant in the human race because the DNA for the traits, when inherited by sons, confers a selective advantage; when those sons have daughters, presto—more females with less-than-hourglass shapes. Or as the Edinburgh biologists put it, “optimal genotypes differ between male and female red deer, because a genotype that produces a male phenotype with relatively high fitness will, on average, produce a phenotype with lower fitness when expressed in a female.”

This discovery reminds me of other seminal studies that contribute to our understanding of why “bad” genes persist. The best know is the gene for sickle-cell disease, which is prevalent through the Mediterranean region and much of Africa. Why wouldn’t natural selection get rid of it? Because, it turns out, carrying one copy of the gene increases your resistance to malaria (this is explained well here), which is prevalent—surprise!—in the exact same regions.

Much of the theorizing about fitness in human biology has been undermined by empirical studies (see, for instance, “Adapting Minds” by David Buller). The study of red deer provides one more cautionary tale for those who would be tempted to weed out “undesirable” traits in the human population. On a less lofty note, it should make us think twice before we reject as a mate someone who does not conform to the “fitness” stereotype promulgated by evolutionary psychologists (such as a waist-to-hip ratio of 0.7 for women, and alpha-male behavior for men). You may think, subconsciously, that you’re choosing someone who will transmit “good genes” to your kids, but just ask yourself how that perky little nose will look on your son or those rippling pecs on your daughter.

Can you make my face less ugly?

I can't personally, because I'm not a plastic surgeon. But yes, in theory, someone else can. Maybe not for your mom though, she's really messed-up looking.


TL;DR: Atheists are ugly because God made them that way. But seriously, you really don't deserve my time if you didn't just read that. Come on. You know you want to do it. Read it. Do it. You won't. Fuck you.

Is it true that Americans have to actually be at work to earn their money? If true, how does this affect the nation? by [deleted]in circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 27 points 28 points ago (40|12)

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LOL Bernanke sucks cocks, amirite? End the Fed! End the Fed!

Eh, I wouldn't blame Bernanke. It's a complicated era for global financial institutions. While I agree that the problems we have now can't really be fixed by "inflate our way out of debt", when your only authority is over interest rates, you're in a spot of trouble.

And you can still be the top of the class, even if it's remedial.

Also, where did you see that EU unemployment number? I was using Eurostat data, just curious because I didn't realize it had come up that high.

Having taken Introductory Economics, let me assure you I know best when I say that the US should divest from financial markets and invest $2,000,000,000 (2 Trillion) dollars in solar power. End the Fed! End the Fed!

Did you know? Ron Paul hangs out with Louis CK, Jennifer Garner, and Ricky Gervais! [MODPOST]  by [deleted]in Braveryjerk

[–]onehappybear [M] 7 points 8 points ago (9|1)

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Undeniable proof that our Lord and Savior Dr. Ron Paul Sagan, Ph.D. M.D. J.D. DM.D. is the best and bravest gentleman ever to classily grace this glorious Blue Planet.

Is it true that Americans have to actually be at work to earn their money? If true, how does this affect the nation? by [deleted]in circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 30 points 31 points ago (37|6)

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LOL, you crazy Brits and your floating little island paradise!

Is it true that Americans have to actually be at work to earn their money? If true, how does this affect the nation? by [deleted]in circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 210 points 211 points ago* (255|44)

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Europe is the greatest union on Earth. All hail glorious Europe. Please completely disregard the following information about the current state of European economics.


Unemployment: The US currently has an 8.3% unemployment rate according to the Department of Labor Statistics. By contrast, Spain has a whopping 23% unemployment rate (leading all EU countries), with a low of 6% in Germany. Britain, France, Sweden, and Denmark all have unemployment rates similar to the US, between 7 and 10%, while the EU as a whole has a higher unemployment rate, at 9.9%

Public Debt: The US is currently running a debt approximately equal to (projected to be about 104%) its GDP. Though Britain benefits by being off the Euro (they can borrow cheaply given the strength of the Pound), and though Germany benefits by measures of trade surplus and competitiveness (outside the scope of this brief analysis), both still run debts around 82% and 85%. On the whole, the EU's debt is lower, at 82.3%. It is worth noting that the debt of Greece and Italy could potentially bankrupt the EU despite these lower numbers, but this issue is outside the scope of my brief analysis.

GDP growth: The US GDP grew by 3% last year according to World Bank. By contrast, the EU grew by half that, with a growth rate of 1.5% according to Eurostat. Frighteningly, this growth rate is inflated by Germany's flat 3% growth and Sweden's 3.9% growth, while most real growth rates were below 1%. Summarily: the EU is growing at a starkly lower rate than the US.

Human Development: The US has a higher human development index than all EU countries except Finland.

GDP per capita (adjusted): The US has higher GDP per capita than every EU nation except Luxembourg. The short explanation of Luxembourg's inflated GDP per capita is "foreign financial institutions." The long explanation is out of the scope of this information set.

Summary of information: The US has better economic indicators by every measure except for public debt as a percentage of GDP. Assuming equal weight in each measure -- a faulty assumption for a variety of reasons outside the scope of this brief analysis -- and excluding potential market volatilities (which would likely affect Europe more seriously), it is fair to say the US is more economically stable than the EU at present.

What about public welfare?: People argue back and forth about the benefits of nationalized healthcare, safety nets, social security benefits, and other welfare issues. This isn't an argument worth having, since many of the benefits are 1) unquantifiable and 2) a matter of preferences, governed by Arrow's impossibility theorem (which, in short, explains why it's really hard to form consensus in the United States). The US does have higher median and average income than every country in the EU except Luxembourg (stats readily available from many sources, don't feel like looking it up), and given its higher HDI ranking (see above), it is fair to say that standards of living in the US still exceed those of the EU despite a lack of universalized services. That is, the US still stacks up stronger than the EU by standard-of-living measures, even considering welfare disparities.

TL;DR: LOL, Europe is way, way better than the US! Everyone there is happier and more successful and the EU rocks and has no problems! Please ignore Greece and Italy and Spain thank you! LOL Sweden!


DAE think that Miley Cyrus's music is actually not that bad since now she's an atheist? by Immynimmyin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 52 points 53 points ago (57|4)

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Her music has been great since before I knew she was an atheist. Let's be honest, this is probably the greatest thing to happen to American pop music ever. I mean, it's so obvious that Party In the USA was just an atheist scientist decrying the free-fall of American youth into a morally degraded, Christian-influenced society. I'm not going to say Miley Cyrus is the next Christopher Hitchens, but I think Miley might be the next Hitch.

Also, let's not forget Ke$ha turned out to be our generation's Einstein. I mean, just listen to this critique of the ongoing conflict in the Middle East. She's literally the smartest person I've ever heard -- that place really is about to Blow-oh-oh-oh-oh-OH-OH-OH.

Check one item off my bucket list.  by rcaicedoin pics

[–]onehappybear 90 points 91 points ago (114|23)

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Eh, I dunno, he seems like a pretty easygoing guy. From his AMA last night:

With "popularity" comes ever more responsibility and accountability. Sometimes I regret my lost freedom to just act stupid every now and then.

I would guess he doesn't mind doing this every now and then (let's be honest, it probably doesn't happen that often), especially if he likes to "just act stupid every now and then."

An original, thorough, and understandable explanation of the Higgs Boson particle in... /r/circlejerk by hippohin DepthHub

[–]onehappybear 15 points 16 points ago (20|4)

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True satire can often be mistaken for the truth.

An original, thorough, and understandable explanation of the Higgs Boson particle in... /r/circlejerk by hippohin DepthHub

[–]onehappybear 33 points 34 points ago (43|9)

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By the time I got here, the source for my first comment was already posted.

Also, now that the joke is apparently lost, I'd like to explain that the post was satirizing the many Redditors who pretend to be scientists without really knowing anything, who just copy and paste from other Internet sources. I assumed that was evident by the preposterous specificity of my posts, and I also assumed people would realize this was not my work. Sorry for the confusion.

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Page 14

An original, thorough, and understandable explanation of the Higgs Boson particle in... /r/circlejerk by hippohin DepthHub

[–]onehappybear 30 points 31 points ago (40|9)

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Also, for my comment on the core of the earth, I pulled from this thread. Don't want to take credit where I don't deserve it.

An original, thorough, and understandable explanation of the Higgs Boson particle in... /r/circlejerk by hippohin DepthHub

[–]onehappybear 70 points 71 points ago (92|21)

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I don't mean to hijack the top comment, but I'm the poster from CJ.

Just to be clear, I owe most (if not all) of this work to the folks in /r/askscience. They're a group of amazing and intelligent folks, and it wouldn't be right for me to take credit where they've earned it.

If you guys do enjoy information like this, I recommend you subscribe and read there, as they're phenomenal with information like this.

IAmA girl on reddit. AMA. by [deleted]in circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 4 points 5 points ago (10|5)

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I was sitting on my couch the other day when all of the sudden I heard my doorbell ring.

I went to the door and there was a little girl scout selling cookies. I asked how much she wanted for the cookies and she said "I'mma need about tree fitty."

I said "Tree fitty? For all of them cookies?"

Then she said "yes I'mma need about tree fitty."

Thats when I noticed that it wasn't no little girl scout selling cookies! It was the God damned Loch Ness Monster!

Can I become an atheist with just a B.A. in physics, or do I need at least an M.Sci.? by [deleted]in circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 24 points 25 points ago (27|2)

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You could say I'm (puts on glasses) literally Hitler.


Can I become an atheist with just a B.A. in physics, or do I need at least an M.Sci.? by [deleted]in circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 99 points 100 points ago (115|15)

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I'm sorry, perhaps I overcomplicated things.

As an atheist, I earned a Ph.D. in particle physics. Therefore, as an atheist, I am an authority on all things scientific. If you'd like a further example of my atheist scientific expertise, I also received a Ph.D. in geology. Here is my atheist-geologist-particle physicist explanation of the Earth's Core.

Though we haven't drilled down anywhere near the core -- the deepest well on Earth is a bit over 12 km deep, whereas the core-mantle boundary is 2890 km down -- here's what we know for certain: we have an excellent handle on the density profile of the core, and we know that the outer core is liquid and the inner core is solid. This has been determined from seismic studies. S-waves do not penetrate the outer core, indicating that it's liquid. The density jump at the inner/outer core boundary (along with a few other factors) indicates that the inner core is solid.

From studying meteorites, we also know that there was a huge component of iron-nickel alloy in the primeval Earth; the only possible repository for this metal is the core. There are several competing theories as to how the iron got to the center of the planet, but they all involve massive partial melting of the early Earth. This process, regardless of the specifics, is called differentiation, as it's the time when the core differentiated itself from the mantle.

Our biggest gap our understanding of the core is its temperature range. We have some constraints from the melting curve of iron and from phase transitions in the mantle believed to occur just above the core-mantle boundary. However, the average temperature at the core-mantle boundary is still considered to be somewhere around 3500-4500 °C - a range wide enough to hinder many research projects.

We also know (from a combination of seismic and high pressure/temperature laboratory studies) that the core is slightly less dense than just pure iron. (The nickel component doesn't have a significant affect on the core's density). This is due to an additional light element contribution. The most likely elements, due to geochemical and cosmochemical factors, are O, Si and S (H and P are possible, but less likely). My research centered around the possibility of Si in the core, and I found that there could be about 6-9% Si down there depending on the temperature at the core-mantle boundary.

But Onehappybear, how was the density profile determined with such accuracy?

By measuring the speed of P-waves, and probably S-waves factored into it as well (I'm no seismologist). With a large network of seismic stations around the world, seismologists can look at P and S waves that have traveled through just about any part of the planet. There's some advanced modeling involved that goes over my head, but with enough data you can construct a density model for the entire planet.

Scientists have been so good at this for so long that one major compilation of global seismic studies (PREM, Dziewonski and Anderson, 1981) has stood nearly unaltered for 30 years. However, seismologists are constantly improving the accuracy of their data on smaller-scale features such as plate boundaries and boundaries within the mantle.

TL;DR I hope my atheism guaranteed geology Ph.D. clearly explained your dilemma with my atheism-branded expertise. What? You didn't read it? Fuck you! Fuck you to hell! I spent a lot of time researching and learning and teaching! Fuck you!

TL;TL;DR;DR: I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

IAmA girl on reddit. AMA. by [deleted]in circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 11 points 12 points ago (14|2)

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You want to see more? Here's an album  [NSFW].

Just FYI, the last one is an extra special surprise (winky face).

IAmA girl on reddit. AMA. by [deleted]in circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 42 points 43 points ago (44|1)

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Age: 195,000,000 years old in the Early Jurassic period

Sex: Plesiosaur.

Location: Modern Lyme Regis, although who fucking knows where that was two hundred million years earlier.

I assume you want my noodz. You can find them here 

Can I become an atheist with just a B.A. in physics, or do I need at least an M.Sci.? by [deleted]in circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 587 points 588 points ago (726|138)

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This. This. This. A thousand times this.

When I became an atheist, I decided to become a Particle Physicist. Don't believe me? Allow me to explain the Higgs boson. Warning: we about to get scientific up in this bitch.

1) Why we need the Higgs:

We know that the carriers of the weak interaction - the W and Z bosons - are massive. We observed that experimentally. We could just write down the theory and state that these particles have a "hard mass", but then we'd go into troubles. The problems with the theory of a massive gauge boson is similar to problem of "naive quantum gravity", when we go to high energies and try to compute the probability of scattering events, we break "unitarity": probabilities no longer add to 1. The way to cure this problem is by adding a particle that mediates the interaction. In this case, the interaction of the W is not done directly, but it's mediated by a spin-0 particle, called the Higgs boson.

2) Higgs boson and Higgs field

In order for the Higgs to be able to give mass to the other particles, it develops a "vacuum expectation value". It literally means that the vacuum is filled with something called the Higgs field, and the reason why these particles have mass is because while they propagate, they are swimming in this Higgs field, and this interaction gives them inertia. But this doesn't happen to all the particles, only to the ones that are able to interact with the Higgs field. Photons and neutrinos, for instance, don't care about the Higgs. In order to actually verify this model, we need to produce an excitation of the field. This excitation is what we call the Higgs boson. That's easy to understand if you think in terms of electromagnetism: suppose that you have a very big electric field everywhere: you want to check its properties, so you produce a disturbance in the electric field by moving around a charge. What you get is a propagating wave - a disturbance in the EM field, which we call a photon.

3) Does that mean that we have a theory of everything?

No, see responses here.

4) What's the difference between Higgs and gravitons?

Answered here.

5) What does this mean for particle physics?

It means that the Standard Model, the model that describes weak, electromagnetic and strong nuclear interactions is almost complete. But that's not everything: we still have to explain how Neutrinos get masses (the neutrino oscillations problem) and also explain why the Higgs mass is so small compared to the Planck mass (the Hierarchy problem). So just discovering the Higgs would also be somewhat bittersweet, since it would shed no light on these two subjects.

6) Are there alternatives to the Higgs?

Here. Short answer: no phenomenological viable alternative. Just good ideas, but no model that has the same predictive power of the Higgs. CockroachED pointed out this other reddit thread on the subject: http://redd.it/mwuqi

7) Why do we care about it?

Ongoing discussion on this thread. My 2cents: We don't know, but the only way to know is by researching it. 60 years ago when Dirac was conjecturing about the Dirac sea and antiparticles, he had no clue that today we would have PET scans working on that principle.

For other atheists who decided to become particle physicists, some clarifications:

Yes, neutrinos do have mass! But in the standard Higgs electro-weak sector, they do not couple to the Higgs. That was actually regarded first as a nice prediction of the Higgs mechanism, since neutrinos were thought to be massless formerly, but now we know that they have a very very very small mass.

No, Gauge Invariance is not the reason why you need Higgs. For those who are unfamiliar, you can use the Stückelberg Language to describe massive vector bosons, which is essentially the same as taking the self-coupling of the Higgs to infinity and you're left with the Non-Linear Sigma Model of the Goldstones in SU(2). But we know that this is not renormalizable and violates perturbative unitarity.

For those atheists who are still unsure where we currently stand on the Higgs boson:

Everything but 115-131 GeV/c2 has been excluded to 95% confidence level. About 2.3 sigma result with a Higgs mass of 126 GeV/c2 . Next year's data should get 5 sigma results on a Higgs with this mass, and 3 sigma in each of the detection channels. (on ATLAS data alone)

At CMS talk two months ago: they found a 95% confidence level exclusion of the 127 GeV/c2 -600 GeV/c2 region. They found a modest excess of signals in the "allowed" region of 114-127 GeV/c2 that is consistent with either a fluctuation in the data or a standard model Higgs boson. Their results are about 1.9 sigma excess at about 124 GeV/c2 that appears across 5 separate Higgs decay/detection channels.

For those atheists who decided not to take a Ph.D. in particle physics:

We are seeing the first hint of something. It could still disappear, but we should start to look more closely at this mass range, but only with more data will we know for sure.

However, if CMS see similar results (and at the same mass point)... things are a bit more concrete. With the data collected so far it is impossible to discover the Higgs at 5 sigma. Either way, we need more data. But this will tell us perhaps if we are on the right track, and will allow us to narrow down our search.

CMS sees something similar to ATLAS, but with less significance. It means we need more data, and we should tune our analysis to look in this mass range.

Guido (spokesperson for CMS) summed it up perfectly. What we see is consistent with SM background or the first glimpses of a SM Higgs.

TL;DR: Fuck you, man! I just completely explained the Higgs boson as a particle physicist! Fuck you! Become an atheist!

TIL THAT UPVOTES GIVE YOU FLAIR! by Figgotsin Braveryjerk

[–]onehappybear [M] 1 point 2 points ago (2|0)

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TIL THAT UPVOTES GIVE YOU FLAIR! by Figgotsin Braveryjerk

[–]onehappybear [M] 2 points 3 points ago (4|1)

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Sorry it took so long.

Here is le flair.

Le me le giving le flair

Giant stick insect, thought extinct, found on a giant rock in the middle of the ocean. Where? Of course - near Australia. [NSFL] by Gimli_The_Dwarfin WTF

[–]onehappybear 10 points 11 points ago (17|6)

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... except that at least with the other three, the irrationality of the fear relies on knowledge gaps. The snake could be poisonous, the cobweb indicates there could be a dangerous spider nearby, and the animal walking through the woods could have rabies.

Stick bugs literally cannot hurt you under any circumstances.

NINJA EDIT: Unless you try to eat them. Then, theoretically, you could choke on it and die.

Giant stick insect, thought extinct, found on a giant rock in the middle of the ocean. Where? Of course - near Australia. [NSFL] by Gimli_The_Dwarfin WTF

[–]onehappybear 2 points 3 points ago (10|7)

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Stick bugs are neither poisonous or venomous. Nobody is afraid of them; they're pretty much the cutest bugs (maybe except for ladybugs and butterflies).

My wife was furious so I wrapped my hands around her throat and called her a vicious millipede and squeezed until she stopped being a bitch. What thing have you done to an angry person that made them forget they were angry? by [deleted]in circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 16 points 17 points ago (19|2)

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I once saw a gang mugging an old woman, and I had seen someone post a story about this on Reddit, so I ran up to them (because they were fighting) and I shouted:

I will do it! I will take the ring to Mordor!

Needless to say, I got mugged too.

Reddit: My son is five, and he is begging me to 'do sex.' Are there any cool (but inexpensive) experiments we could do that would blow his dick? by jxk94in circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 58 points 59 points ago (71|12)

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Here are a few ideas:

Number 1: the Santorum surprise

Mix fecal matter, semen, and blood to create a non-Gingrichian, Santorum fluid. When left alone it will act like a natural lube but when acted upon by a force it will react like a solid. If you hold it in your hand it will run through your fingers, but if let it sit out it will harden.

Number 2: elephant "toothpaste"

Using 1 tablespoon of dish soap, a few liters of hydrogen peroxide, and breadfriend, mix some yeast in a small glass of lukewarm water. Mix the hydrogen peroxide and the dish soap in your son's butt. Add your penis and you'll see a giant "foam" explosion.

Number 3: playing with fingers

Take your butt, sprinkle pepper all over your butthole, and have him stick his tiny finger in it (nothing will happen because we know you have a gaping butthole). You put pepper on and stick your finger in his butt, and cover your finger with some soap. Pepper will run away to the sides, and he should feel a pressing sensation against his prostate!

I hope these wonderful sex experiments will work well for you and your son. You are probably the coolest dad in the world!

Enjoy your Cave Exploration!

I have 3 brave questions. by DudeWithTheNosein Braveryjerk

[–]onehappybear [M] 2 points 3 points ago (3|0)

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Don't worry I gives you flair.

I was giving my girlfriend a golden shower and then she suddenly stuck a blow dryer up my ass. When did you realize that it's possible to piss fire? by Boobies_Are_Awesomein circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 25 points 26 points ago (29|3)

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So I'd only been dating my girlfriend for a week, but this is when I absolutely knew she was the one who would make me piss fire (and don't worry, you might say we can't possibly have a healthy relationship based on the following story, but I assure you that it's completely reasonable, as we got married in a month, and it's totally completely 100% normal to marry someone you've only known for a month).

Anyhow, did I mention I'd only been dating my future wife for a week at this point? Well, we'd only been dating for a week (but I knew we'd get married really soon, specifically, three weeks later) when I decided a week was long enough. So I decided to invite her over to my house for le sexytimez (that's French for "the sexy times" because I'm such an intellectual). But she didn't know my secret move was to take all my clothes off, wave my hands over my head, do an E.T. impression, piss all over her, the bed, and the floor, and then light the whole room on fire.

As it turns out, she couldn't get out of the bed fast enough, and she ended up with terrible third-degree burns all over her body for the inferno. I was charged with arson and attempted murder (which was total bullshit, fuck the police for sure, those racist pigs) but my girlfriend was in a coma as a result of the burns and so we got married while I was in prison.

It turns out she's completely brain-dead now, since she still hasn't woken from the coma ten years later, but if she can't say no, I can have sex whenever I want, ya dig? LOL.

TL;DR did my sexy E.T. impression, lit my girlfriend on fire, went to prison, now have infinite sexytimes whenever I le want.

NO TIME TO EXPLAIN, REDDIT. LET'S GO TO THE FRONT PAGE. by lachlanhuntin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 427 points 428 points ago* (494|66)

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Acceptance Speech Edit: As Portal_2 pointed out (lol great game btw, amirite?), I'd like to thank everyone for being so brave as to give me upboats. I know how hard it is to give me the precious karma, but you guys are literally almost as brave as Ron Paul for giving me the sweet, sweet karma.

This is probably an excellent time for a totally true story I have that is in no way unbelievable and definitely happened so don't ask if it happened because it totally did and you should not ask if it's not true because it is.

Me and my friend are heading to Sonic for lunch.

Suddenly he screams, "PULL OVER!" pointing across the highway and across a jersey barrier and six lanes of oncoming traffic.


"No time to explain, GO!"

So I hit the gas and, going 300 km/h (lol metric system is so much better) barely avoid getting creamed by fourteen 18-wheelers. Across the way I see what he noticed first, a gang of angry rapists holding down a single gorgeous blonde woman in the dirt ditch beside the road and they are tenderizing her with a flurry of punches, obviously preparing to rape, murder and eat her (did I mention they were cannibals too?).

We start to get out, they see us, let her go and get in their space-shuttle / car.

A moment late another car pulls up and some older women swarm over the struck woman as the gang-rapist cannibals begin to drive away.

We hop in our red, rocket-powered lamborghini and give chase. I hand him my phone, he calls the cops. We end up leading the way on a 15,000 mile high-speed rocket car chase with the entire US Army, Navy, and FBI assembling en masse behind us.

Finally we chase the gang-rapists to a house and block the driveway with our car as they get out and run behind the house.

Knowing we have no right to chase (it doesn't count that we totally just chased them this far), we let the police (who are fuckin' pigs, lol amirite?) take it from there, but we check the car. It literally had 40 kids and 400 cats in it.

The police interviewed us later, told us that the kids belonged to the woman and if we hadn't followed the cannibals, they might not have found the car (because this story totally makes sense).

It's not a big deal, but I totally was the biggest hero of all time. Literally of all time.

Best part was on the way home we helped a fella with a broken radiator, and in the middle of getting him taken care of, the police called us after they caught the gang rapist cannibals hitlers and I got to say this awesome line, "Bro, that was Officer <derp>, they need us down at the station." Broken radiator guy was all: "Who are you?"

I'd like to reiterate that this is a totally true story I have that is in no way unbelievable and definitely happened so don't ask if it happened because it totally did and you should not ask if it's not true because it is.

Edit: totally forgot to mention that the skank bitch who we saved, even though she was like a [10] out of [10] was a friend-zoning cunt who wouldn't have sex with me after. What a bitch, amirite?

Brace yourselves... by GodOfAtheismin Braveryjerk

[–]onehappybear 12 points 13 points ago (14|1)

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Brace yourselves... by GodOfAtheismin Braveryjerk

[–]onehappybear 13 points 14 points ago (14|0)

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Brace yourselves... by GodOfAtheismin Braveryjerk

[–]onehappybear [M] 11 points 12 points ago (13|1)

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My 15 year old brother just watched a girl convert to Christianity. How do I know he is okay? by dtptampain circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 13 points 14 points ago (16|2)

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I'd like to answer this one in a style I call "Suddenly, Kool-Aid."

You've got a serious problem on your hands. I would be extremely concerned if my younger brother were watching women convert to Christianity. He might have an acute case of cowardly-lionism, theism, or worst of all, he might be a Rick Santorum supporter.

There are only a few ways to solve this problem. The first, and the one I'd recommend, is by showing him Ron Paul's glorious light. He can find out more about Ron Paul on his most excellent website.

The second way is to have him smoke up to a [10] and watch the entirity of Carl deGrasse Tyson-Sagan's "Cosmos" which he can watch for free on Hulu. Make sure he's at a [10] though, or else it's kind of a shitty show.

Thirdly, he can go on Facebook and look at all the hilarious / retarded shit people say, like "bless you" and "thank God." Then he can mock those fucking morons for being so god damn retarded and backwards, and complain about being friend-zoned and forever alone.

Lastly, he can... is that... Hey! Kool-Aid!



[–]onehappybear 4 points 5 points ago (5|0)

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An Open Letter to the Republican National Committee: I am a Liberal Redditor pretending to be a Republican so that I can score some upvotes. by onefingerattackin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 37 points 38 points ago (43|5)

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The circlejerk mods have done it again. Now the color of the upvote arrow is turquoise. by EltonJuanin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 21 points 22 points ago (29|7)

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You know what would be a really sweet job?

A blow job.

The circlejerk mods have done it again. Now the color of the upvote arrow is turquoise. by EltonJuanin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 34 points 35 points ago (41|6)

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The circlejerk mods have done it again. Now the color of the upvote arrow is turquoise. by EltonJuanin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 423 points 424 points ago (529|105)

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I made a meme poem  by Magicman287in funny

[–]onehappybear 3 points 4 points ago (5|1)

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Well then I'll just go ahead and say it.

This is a shitty poem.

[SPERMJACKIN EFFORT] Redditors paranoid women are conspiring to steal the hard earned money that they're not actually making by androcydein ShitRedditSays

[–]onehappybear 14 points 15 points ago (16|1)

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I don't think many Redditors will be breeding regardless of their vasectomy decisions. It's not exactly easy to find a mate / lose your virginity when you're always in the friend-zone.

An incident at work just prompted me to ask this question. What is the most inappropriate or TMI thing a coworker has ever said to you. NSFW by SrslyYouTooin AskReddit

[–]onehappybear 8 points 9 points ago (12|3)

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Actually, they're almost all as level-headed as this. But people seem not to understand that SRS is a circlejerk. SRS isn't for any sort of serious discussion whatsoever. If you'd like to have sensible discussion about topics you disagree with or don't understand, go to /r/SRSDiscussion. If people read the sidebar rules in /r/shitredditsays, they'd understand why so many people get benned.

I just won Novelty Account of the Year and all I got was this lousy moderatorship by relevant_rule34in circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 60 points 61 points ago (66|5)

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But where's the moderator porn?


[–]onehappybear 13 points 14 points ago (17|3)

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Last week the police showed up at hour door because someone had been caught masturbating in our garden. What is the most awkward conversation you have had with a police officer? by Warfare_by_Wordsin AskReddit

[–]onehappybear 192 points 193 points ago (246|53)

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A ten-inch man with a six-foot dick? That is awkward.

Reddit, what do you think is normal that most people think is weird/wrong? by DragonFlamezin AskReddit

[–]onehappybear 4 points 5 points ago (8|3)

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Yeah what about it?

Reddit, what do you think is normal that most people think is weird/wrong? by DragonFlamezin AskReddit

[–]onehappybear 4 points 5 points ago (7|2)

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What flower?

Reddit, what do you think is normal that most people think is weird/wrong? by DragonFlamezin AskReddit

[–]onehappybear 4 points 5 points ago (9|4)

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A boy is on his way to school, when he notices a beautiful purple flower by the side of the road. It is the most glorious, regal, and spectacular flower he has ever seen, and its beauty is a thing to behold. He bends over and plucks the flower, and sticks it in his backpack, thinking "this is the perfect gift for my beautiful teacher."

When he gets to school, he walks up to his teacher, and he says "Ms. Johnson, I picked this purple flower for you!" And he takes the flower out of his backpack -- still in perfect condition -- and hands it to her.

Ms. Johnson screams in disgust, and shrieks "Oh my, I can't believe you've done this! Go to the principal's office immediately!"

The boy is terribly confused, and quite upset, but he takes the flower and slowly makes his way, head hung low, to the principal's office. Upon arrival, the principal says, "son, why are you in my office today?"

The boy says, "well, I saw this beautiful purple flower on the side of the road, and I picked it and tried to give it to Ms. Johnson, who sent me here," and he shows the flower to the principal.

The principal screams in disgust, and shrieks, "Oh my, I can't believe you've done this! I'm calling your mother!"

The boy is terribly confused, and quite upset, but he takes the flower and sits silently, head hung low, outside the principal's office. When his mother finally arrives, she says, "son, why did I get called into school by the principal?"

The boy says, "well, I saw this beautiful purple flower on the side of the road, and I picked it and tried to give it to Ms. Johnson, who sent me to the principal, who called you," and he shows the purple flower to his mother.

His mother screams in disgust, and shrieks, "Oh my, I can't believe you've done this! I'm calling your father!"

The boy is terribly confused, and quite upset, but he takes the purple flower and sits silently, head hung low, with his mother outside the principal's office. When his father finally arrives, he says, "son, why did your mother call me here?"

The boy says, "well, I saw this beautiful purple flower on the side of the road, and I picked it and tried to give it to Ms. Johnson, who sent me to the principal, who called mommy, who called you," and he shows the purple flower to his father.

His father screams in disgust, and shrieks, "Oh my, I can't believe you've done this! This is a complete abomination, and I no longer want you as my son! I'm calling the police!"

The boy is terribly confused, and quite upset, but he takes the purple flower and sits silently, head hung low, with his mother and father outside the principal's office. When the police finally arrive, one officer says, "son, why did your father call us here?"

The boy says, "well, I saw this beautiful purple flower on the side of the road, and I picked it and tried to give it to my teacher Ms. Johnson, who sent me to the principal, who called mommy, who called daddy, who called you," and he shows the purple flower to the policeman.

The cop screams in disgust, and shrieks, "Oh my, I can't believe you've done this! I'm not even going to mirandize you, I'm going to just shoot you here and rid society of your horrible menace!"

The boy is terribly confused, and quite upset, and clutching the purple flower he is shot in the head and rises to Heaven. St. Peter looks at the boy, and says, "son, how have you arrived in Heaven today?"

The boy says, "well, I saw this beautiful purple flower on the side of the road, and I picked it and tried to give it to my teacher Ms. Johnson, who sent me to the principal, who called mommy, who called daddy, who called the police, who shot me and sent me here," and he shows the purple flower to St. Peter.

St. Peter screams in disgust, and shrieks, "Oh my, I can't believe you've done this! You deserve to burn in Hell!"

The boy is terribly confused, and quite upset, and clutching the purple flower he drops straight down into Hell, where he is greeted by Satan. Satan looks at the boy, and says, "son, you're just a child. Why have you arrived in Hell today?"

The boy says, "well, I saw this beautiful purple flower on the side of the road, and I picked it and tried to give it to my teacher Ms. Johnson, who sent me to the principal, who called mommy, who called daddy, who called the police, who shot me and sent me to Heaven, where St. Peter said I should burn in Hell and sent me here," and he shows the purple flower to Satan.

Satan screams in disgust, and shrieks, "Oh my, I can't believe you've done this! You don't even deserve to burn in Hell! You are so horrible, you can't stay here! I'm sending you back to Earth!"

With this, Satan sends the boy back to Earth, teleporting him across the street from his house. The little boy, thrilled to be back home, drops the flower and darts out into the street, where he is run over by an 18-wheeler.

Always look both ways before you cross the street.

Why is it ok to say that a thin person should eat more, but a taboo to say a fat person needs to eat less? by mrhamsterdamin AskReddit

[–]onehappybear 91 points 92 points ago (102|10)

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It is okay to express concern for others, but you shouldn't give unwanted opinions. Morbidly obese, or conversely anorexic, people have real, tangible health problems that need to be addressed. If they can't recognize it, then you should intervene.

But for ordinary people (i.e. the majority of people), telling them how you think they look is an unwanted opinion. If they ask you, tell them, but don't go out of the way to say "hey, chubby, lay off the donuts" or "do you have any fat on your bones, twiggy?" That's not expressing concern, that's expressing opinion, and you shouldn't share it if it's unwarranted and unwanted.

/r/preteen_girls has been banned! by [deleted]in SRSDiscussion

[–]onehappybear 0 points 1 point ago (4|3)

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Just to be clear, the new rule is great.

That having been said...

I made the hydra argument yesterday. And I stand by it now. I don't think the new rule solves the underlying problem; Reddit harbors pedophiles. Look through the comments on the major posts, or in discussion threads about the new rule (here's looking at /r/theoryofreddit), and it's clear that Reddit is fairly divided on the issue.

People still post CP to 4chan. They will still post CP here. They will find a way around the new rule, because that's what they do.

I think this comment in the Blog-post thread and its ensuing discussion pretty much enunciates the issue; we [read as: Reddit] aren't coming out as a community against CP. In fact, we openly support pedophiles. We're just protecting Reddit's business interests.

I hope I'm wrong, and that all of a sudden the admins will start carefully monitoring content for CP. But they won't. They say they will, but they won't, and it's only a matter of time before the next one pops up and we get PedoShitStorm 3.0.

[META] CELEBRATION: VICTORY IS OURS. by ArchangelleGabriellein ShitRedditSays

[–]onehappybear 102 points 103 points ago (134|31)

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[TW] Picture of nude child posted in r/preteen_girls [+43] - screenshot is censored but the comments are still extremely disturbing by pedos_gtfoin ShitRedditSays

[–]onehappybear 6 points 7 points ago (9|2)

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Cool. Glad I can contribute.

[TW] Picture of nude child posted in r/preteen_girls [+43] - screenshot is censored but the comments are still extremely disturbing by pedos_gtfoin ShitRedditSays

[–]onehappybear 6 points 7 points ago (9|2)

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To be honest, I don't know what the Reddit admins do, exactly, so I concede that it could be the case that strict administration could solve the problem. Take my following statements with that grain of salt.

I also don't necessarily know how easy it is to track every subreddit and figure out which ones post CP. After one or two banhammers, they won't name themselves things like "pre-teen" or "jailbait," and the links will be more inconspicuous, and so on. Reddit is an unfortunately easy place to share content -- much easier than 4chan -- and is an ideal venue for pedophiles to congregate. I am unconvinced that it's really that easy to track and find people who are actually dedicated to sharing CP. It's fucking terrible, but saying this is a problem totally solvable through strict administration doesn't make much sense.

More moderation is a part of the solution, but the issue runs far deeper than the banhammer. It would take a total community effort to get rid of pedo posts, and we're just not going to get that.

[TW] Picture of nude child posted in r/preteen_girls [+43] - screenshot is censored but the comments are still extremely disturbing by pedos_gtfoin ShitRedditSays

[–]onehappybear 15 points 16 points ago (29|13)

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I think it's more an issue of userbase, not administration.

There's not much the admins can do. It's an issue like the Hydra; every time we cut off one head of the CP snake, two grow back in its place, and the new ones are a bit more clever and a bit more careful to skirt the rules and avoid trouble.

Even if the admins were constantly, 100% vigilant for CP subreddits, they'd still pop up all the time. The admins would ultimately have to shut down Reddit if they wanted to solve the problem, and unfortunately, shutting down Reddit doesn't make pedophilia go away, it just temporarily inconveniences them until they find a new forum for sharing pics.

The issue is that the userbase seems to condone the subreddits (anti-censorship, hands-off moderation, apologists, whatever). Fighting CP involves searing the wounds after severing the heads, and preventing pedophiles from finding new venues. If redditors got half as mad as they do about marijuana laws for CP, I would guess there wouldn't be a single pedo left on this site by next week. Hell, most of them would burn at the stake at the end of pitchfork-driven witch hunts.

It's a problem the same as everything else in the world: one of education. Until ordinary redditors understand the true roots of the problem -- that these are real children who are facing real harm -- it goes unchecked.

Chicken cross the road... My fucking mind  by [deleted]in WTF

[–]onehappybear 132 points 133 points ago (151|18)

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[TW] Picture of nude child posted in r/preteen_girls [+43] - screenshot is censored but the comments are still extremely disturbing by pedos_gtfoin ShitRedditSays

[–]onehappybear 14 points 15 points ago (16|1)

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Right. That's definitely an important piece. I'll edit it above.

[TW] Picture of nude child posted in r/preteen_girls [+43] - screenshot is censored but the comments are still extremely disturbing by pedos_gtfoin ShitRedditSays

[–]onehappybear 22 points 23 points ago (29|6)

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You're right, but I'm not sure the clarification matters much from a legal perspective (feel free to correct me again if I'm wrong).

I'm under the impression that, by exempting CP from the Miller Test, it eliminates any sort of "free-speech" defense for CP. If it looks like CP, it's just CP.

Holding that child pornography is outside the protection of the First Amendment is consistent with the Court's prior decisions limiting the banning of materials deemed "obscene" as the Court had previously defined it. For this reason, child pornography need not be legally obscene before being outlawed.

I think we're relatively in agreement here, and I think I just have some terms confused.

[TW] Picture of nude child posted in r/preteen_girls [+43] - screenshot is censored but the comments are still extremely disturbing by pedos_gtfoin ShitRedditSays

[–]onehappybear 29 points 30 points ago (36|6)

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That would be a tragic mistake on their part. I assume you mean they'd compare the court cases to Dred Scott v. Sanford, in which case your defense is simple: Dred Scott wasn't grounded in any sort of constitutionality, was reversed immediately after the Civil War (the first possible opportunity), and was constitutionally irrelevant with the passing of the 14th amendment.

By contrast, New York v. Ferber hasn't been challenged in three decades, and has been the basis for further rulings on CP across multiple courts (i.e., with many different judges).

You can't argue with the pedophiles, because they can't rationally debate about CP. This is more important to use against the anti-censorship crowd who fallaciously use the First Amendment to protect CP subreddits.

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[TW] Picture of nude child posted in r/preteen_girls [+43] - screenshot is censored but the comments are still extremely disturbing by pedos_gtfoin ShitRedditSays

[–]onehappybear 139 points 140 points ago* (242|102)

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Hey guys, here's an extra weapon for your arsenal against the shit-eating morons who defend CP on this website:

Child pornography is explicitly not protected by the first amendment in the US constitution.

In New York v. Ferber (1982), the SCOTUS ruled that CP is unprotected, and importantly, is not classified as obscene edit: CP is still obscene, it just does not have to meet any of the requirements for the Miller Test, meaning it is instantly qualified as illegal and obscene, and does not have to be demonstrated as such. It is its own classification and is categorically illegal.

In 2008, the SCOTUS defended the PROTECT act, which illegalized -- and this is the big one -- knowingly advertising or distributing "an obscene visual depiction of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct; or a visual depiction of an actual minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct." That is, YOU CAN'T POST A SEXUALIZED PICTURE OF A MINOR. IT'S A CRIMINAL OFFENSE PUNISHABLE UNDER A FEDERAL LAW THAT WAS CONSTITUTIONALLY UPHELD.

I think the point has been driven home about clothed CP still being CP, but the courts also upheld that aspect in 1994.

To complete the point: this is not an issue of censorship, an issue of Reddit being a private entity, or an issue of morality: any and all forms of CP on Reddit are illegal, and any user posting such pictures can and should be prosecuted under US federal statutes. It is not protected speech, and it is not a form of free speech.

BONUS: If you would like to report CP, use the CyberTipline.

EDIT: for grammar / typo.

CONGRATS /R/CIRCLEJERK - Reddit's Best Large Community of 2011 by [deleted]in circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 12 points 13 points ago (16|3)

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CONGRATS /R/CIRCLEJERK - Reddit's Best Large Community of 2011 by [deleted]in circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 44 points 45 points ago (51|6)

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TIL black people are actually real!! Upvote to spread awareness by [deleted]in circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 85 points 86 points ago (94|8)

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TIL that not only are black people real, but they are also so very, very brave.

This image macro Increases my visibility

The taxi driver's face says it all (NSFW-ish)  by onehappybearin WTF

[–]onehappybear [S] 1 point 2 points ago (7|5)

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Partial nudity. I know, NSFW isn't a perfect tag, but I prefer to err on the side of caution.

Why master?!  by CursingFurballin fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu

[–]onehappybear 28 points 29 points ago (35|6)

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... suggesting Reddit stopped SOPA is like saying France won WWII. Technically, we were involved, but not really in any major capacity.

Slowpoke on Superbowl XLVI  by Rogue-Oin nfl

[–]onehappybear 10 points 11 points ago (12|1)

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I know, it's really too soon, but you will eventually heal. Also, your future is really fucking bright; this was Harbaugh's first season and he turned a total shipwreck into what looks to be an incoming juggernaut.

NINJA EDIT: I should say, another incoming 49ers juggernaut. You've already had one dynasty, and you could forseeably have another soon.

DOUBLE NINJA EDIT: I don't give a fuck about Spygate. Just saying.

Slowpoke on Superbowl XLVI [RES ignored duplicate image] by Rogue-Oin nfl

[–]onehappybear 24 points 25 points ago (31|6)

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You know how bad it feels to watch your team implode against Eli Manning with bad special teams?

It feels five hundred times worse to watch your team miss a sack-fumble, drop an interception, surrender a desperation first-down to a miracle on-the-helmet catch by a no-name wide receiver (who will be out of the NFL in the next season), and lose in the Super Bowl during probably the only undefeated season I'll see them have in my lifetime. And then Eli Manning got the Super Bowl MVP, like squirting lemon juice into a gunshot wound.

And now, even though we have a chance to avenge 2007 in two weeks, even if we win, there will always be the season that should have been perfect. And if we lose, I'll probably get in my car, put on "Hallelujah" by Jeff Buckley, and drive off a cliff.

I am very lucky to be a Pats fan. And weirdly, this is probably the first time I've even addressed the Super Bowl that wasn't in a conversation with anyone, really (any time it comes up with friends, we call it "the year the NFL was cancelled. No joke). And I know Vikings and Browns and Bills and Bengals fans suffer all the time, but 2007 was the worst sports moment of my life, and probably always will be. Conference championship losses are tough (we had ours in 2006, and that was a fucking horrible one too), but Super Bowls are harder pills to swallow... and I hope that if you ever have a 49ers team staring down perfection, you make it.

Slowpoke on Superbowl XLVI [RES ignored duplicate image] by Rogue-Oin nfl

[–]onehappybear 28 points 29 points ago (34|5)

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This is so unkind.

bieber practices safe sex.  by pppoein funny

[–]onehappybear 13 points 14 points ago (16|2)

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"I wouldn't call a gay guy a faggot." Direct quote from that skit.

Because a popular comedian can tactfully make a joke about racism and bigotry does not mean you can. OP is saying Justin Bieber is gay, and in his implication, implying there's something inherently wrong with that.

OP didn't make a gay joke. He said a straight male is gay, as though there's something wrong with being gay, and that's homophobia.

bieber practices safe sex. [RES ignored duplicate image] by pppoein funny

[–]onehappybear 5 points 6 points ago (11|5)

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It's not "Oh you want to be treated equally? Then I can use gay as a put-down." The whole fucking point is it's NOT OKAY to use gay as a put-down. By using "gay" and "faggot" as an insult, you are, in that very action, undermining your own point.

bieber practices safe sex. [RES ignored duplicate image] by pppoein funny

[–]onehappybear 12 points 13 points ago (38|25)

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That's not how it works.

Two Worst Martial Arts Techniques Ever by phaunain martialarts

[–]onehappybear 2 points 3 points ago (5|2)

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Well, I've always been told the best gun defense is to get shot. That way, they're unlikely to shoot you twice.


[–]onehappybear 192 points 193 points ago (207|14)

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[–]onehappybear 59 points 60 points ago (67|7)

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Drunken Fist, Jeet Kune Do, and Capoeira, are there many places that teach these? by lop987in martialarts

[–]onehappybear 1 point 2 points ago (2|0)

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No problem. Good luck with your search!

Drunken Fist, Jeet Kune Do, and Capoeira, are there many places that teach these? by lop987in martialarts

[–]onehappybear 10 points 11 points ago (11|0)

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JKD is quite common, and you can probably find a good dojang in any major city. Capoeira is slightly less common, but you still can likely find a training location in a city as well.

As for Drunken Fist, you won't find any dojang that will just teach you drunken fist. As I understand it, it's taught in some Kung Fu schools (I think Cai Li Fo, specifically) at very high levels. It's a very difficult martial art, and also incredibly specific.

If you only have a month of experience in TKD, you really have a long, long, long way to go in your martial arts journey before it's even reasonable for you to start learning drunken fist (others may correct me if I'm wrong, but it's my understanding that it's very complex and rarely taught). In my opinion, you don't really want to flit around between lots of different martial arts; you won't develop any particular skills and will end up being okay at a few different styles. Most truly skilled martial artists become proficient in one MA, and then add other arts. One month of TKD can't really teach you much of anything, nor can one month of anything, really. Even a year isn't much time to spend on an MA.

I think you need to temper your expectations. One does not simply "create a martial art." Dreaming big is great, but your life goals are all over the place, and if you are trying to accomplish a thousand different things, you'll end up accomplishing none. Your best bet right now (in my opinion) is to stick with Tae Kwan Do, figure out what you do and do not like about it, and then pick another style as appropriate to your strengths and weaknesses (rather than arbitrarily picking an MA from a movie you've seen, which is what it seems you're doing).

As for the McDojo question: I don't think any of the MAs you've listed even use belts, so it's not really an issue here. But if you're going to continue training in TKD, if the dojang feels like a McDojo, it's a McDojo. If the instructors don't seem seriously invested in student performance, or you see lots of young children at "high" belt ranks, or if there are frequent tests with testing fees, it's probably a McDojo. It should be readily apparent; if you find yourself asking "is this a McDojo?" it's probably a McDojo.

Reddit Community Has Gone Full Retard  by gamesterdudein WTF

[–]onehappybear 20 points 21 points ago (32|11)

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When I read your comments, you seem like a jackass.

It's shit like this, 16 year old girls  by 808treesin WTF

[–]onehappybear 83 points 84 points ago (99|15)

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Alternatively, she might not be 16. She could be 30, for all we know.

This pretty much sums up Rex Grossman's career  by TheRiseOfMathsin nfl

[–]onehappybear 5 points 6 points ago (10|4)

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Yet. I'm pretty sure he had a game against the packers a few years ago where he had a 0 passer rating.

Bully Karma by a_tension_centerin videos

[–]onehappybear 7 points 8 points ago (92|84)

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If you've been practicing martial arts your whole life, you'd know that a spinning hook kick won't cause a head to snap back. Same as with a hook punch, the jaw goes sideways, not back. It's basic physics; the force is across the jaw, and would spin his head, not knock it backwards. See video here, where the gentleman being kicked falls sideways, as he should.

Secondly, I don't think you know what a clap looks or sounds like. Because it sounds like the video. That is not what a kick to the head sounds like at all, unless you snap their neck in the process, which definitely didn't happen here.

Thirdly, it's not hard at all to keep from kicking the kid in the head. You'd need average balance at best (for someone who's trained enough to have a fluid spinning hook).

Fourthly, the kids laugh and smile throughout the whole video. They're terrible actors. That's why the clap isn't discreet.

Lastly, and most importantly, your screenshot proves the video is fake. You can see his heel in front of the "bully's" face. That's not a connection at all, and you can also see him clapping and moving his head away from the foot at the same time.

I'm downvoting you because you're wrong.

Good Guy Batman by canucksluoin AdviceAnimals

[–]onehappybear 53 points 54 points ago (67|13)

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I think Bill Gates is better off not being Ron Paul.

Fucking everything in music apparently uses the same progression by Farking_Bastagein videos

[–]onehappybear 0 points 1 point ago (4|3)

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Elton John uses it. Does Elton John suck? And is he not a musician?

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Fucking everything in music apparently uses the same progression by Farking_Bastagein videos

[–]onehappybear 7 points 8 points ago (11|3)

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Uh... I think you missed the point. Most musicians don't care about repetitive progressions. It's a simple progression, not a bad one.

He had ONE job (x-post from r/HardcoreSMP)  by kp10708in Minecraft

[–]onehappybear 7 points 8 points ago (8|0)

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The guy in the last row died of starvation. The person who saw him die was named PorkchopThrower. PorkchopThrower clearly did not perform the job suggested by his name.

In honor of Dear Leader.  by onehappybearin fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu

[–]onehappybear [S] 7 points 8 points ago (10|2)

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Mario Kart Rage  by onehappybearin fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu

[–]onehappybear [S] 2 points 3 points ago (4|1)

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If only there were a ragemaker that could let us use sounds.

The whole world is watching while the USA collapses by spiderfarmerin politics

[–]onehappybear 9 points 10 points ago (11|1)

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Hey, that's funny! Too bad the US has the second highest median household income in the world according to the OECD? That's higher than every country except for Luxembourg, which only has 500,000 people.

And before you jump in and tell me the US has terrible income inequality, know that for OECD countries, the US has comparable current income inequality to the UK, New Zealand, Australia, Switzerland, and Portugal among others, and that the UK has the highest rate of growth in income inequality.


[–]onehappybear 60 points 61 points ago (66|5)

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First they came for the terrorists, and I was silent, because I was not a terrorist.

Gynecologist caught with over 35,000 secret photos of patients. by MJGSimplein offbeat

[–]onehappybear 0 points 1 point ago (1|0)

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Thanks, and thanks. It was a tough crowd.

Scary shit.  by TrueWarriorin funny

[–]onehappybear 86 points 87 points ago (100|13)

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What do you call a kid with no arms and an eyepatch?


I don't think my girlfriend is going to be happy about this Christmas present.  by Stalemate9in funny

[–]onehappybear 6 points 7 points ago (8|1)

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Why aren't you studying?

I don't think my girlfriend is going to be happy about this Christmas present. [RES ignored duplicate image] by Stalemate9in funny

[–]onehappybear 484 points 485 points ago (577|92)

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I don't think she'll care, since you 1) didn't buy this shirt, and 2) don't have a girlfriend.

Wrestling is the oldest recorded sport (and MA) in the world (includes wrestling techniques from 100-200 AD). by phaunain martialarts

[–]onehappybear 0 points 1 point ago (1|0)

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Hm, then I really can't guess why MT isn't a TMA (I actually didn't know it wasn't). It could be the lack of forms, but I'd tend to think the dance makes up for that. I'm probably not the person to ask.

Wrestling is the oldest recorded sport (and MA) in the world (includes wrestling techniques from 100-200 AD). by phaunain martialarts

[–]onehappybear 0 points 1 point ago (1|0)

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Well, technically we're not talking about generalized wrestling anyhow. We're talking about freestyle wrestling, which is just commonly called "wrestling" since it's basically what everyone does (Greco-Roman being the one exception, but I've never met anyone who practices an alternative wrestling style who didn't start with freestyle).

Wrestling is the oldest recorded sport (and MA) in the world (includes wrestling techniques from 100-200 AD). by phaunain martialarts

[–]onehappybear 0 points 1 point ago (1|0)

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No worries at all, I meant it about the article. Anyhow, the point is that Wrestling is even older than that by a lot, which is just an interesting addendum. I still thought the article was a great share.

Wrestling is the oldest recorded sport (and MA) in the world (includes wrestling techniques from 100-200 AD). by phaunain martialarts

[–]onehappybear 3 points 4 points ago (4|0)

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"Traditional" just means that the art tries to incorporate a cultural aspect. You'd have a really hard time making the case that wrestling has any cultural ties to Ancient Greece, let alone all of the different places it originated.

I also don't think anyone considers Hawaiian Kempo a traditional art given its connections to competitive MMA, but I could be wrong.

Wrestling is the oldest recorded sport (and MA) in the world (includes wrestling techniques from 100-200 AD). by phaunain martialarts

[–]onehappybear 6 points 7 points ago (7|0)

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This is a misleading title. Technically, this is the oldest textual recording. Wrestling has been depicted in murals well before this text was written, as we know it was the first Olympic sport, was described in the Iliad around 850 BC, and has been depicted on 15,000 year-old cave paintings in France.

What actually happens if you delete "System 32"? by Nerdsterin AskReddit

[–]onehappybear 103 points 104 points ago (161|57)

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A useful and legitimate response as the top comment? Cannot be the case. This is /r/askreddit, not /r/askscience!

First world problems  by Polyvorein funny

[–]onehappybear 46 points 47 points ago (56|9)

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Obviously not. It's self-posts only, so OP can't get the precious karma.

From the Town of Bedrock  by onehappybearin fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu

[–]onehappybear [S] 0 points 1 point ago (1|0)

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Not really a beard, but I was using this  as a reference. Sorry if it looks too beard-y!

From the Town of Bedrock [RES ignored duplicate image] by onehappybearin fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu

[–]onehappybear [S] 3 points 4 points ago (5|1)

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He was just taking the cereal! I swear!

From the Town of Bedrock [RES ignored duplicate image] by onehappybearin fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu

[–]onehappybear [S] 2 points 3 points ago (3|0)

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I like it.

"The clock is literally ticking on Civil War in Russia." - Cold War historian, Ke$ha by ClubhouseGuyin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 54 points 55 points ago (59|4)

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So brave.

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Page 18

Shoes? by ADVentivein martialarts

[–]onehappybear 0 points 1 point ago (1|0)

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Right. They're also not so good for back kicks / hook kicks, since they won't let you strike with the heel as easily. Also, I think wrestling shoes are generally designed for ankle stability rather than foot protection. There are actual TKD shoes that are comparable (if not less) in cost and preferable in most dojangs.

Shoes? by ADVentivein martialarts

[–]onehappybear 0 points 1 point ago (1|0)

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Wrestling shoes really aren't for TKD. They're high-top, which prevent a lot of the range of motion necessary for TKD kicks.

Shoes? by ADVentivein martialarts

[–]onehappybear 1 point 2 points ago* (2|0)

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In my experience, most people who wear shoes do so for protection, not for comfort or warmth. I wore shoes for about six months when I had turf toe (one of the cheaper Adidas models since I wasn't getting them for the long-term).

I would talk to your instructors about wearing shoes for comfort; in my Dojang, we don't wear shoes unless necessary, but it could be different where you train.

If you do decide to get shoes, you'll want ones that are very light and are the right fit. If they aren't the right size, you can easily get blisters on your heels / ankles or cuts around the top of your foot / ankle. Also, be sure they are TKD shoes (low cut, tight fit, almost like indoor soccer shoes). You need the shoes to be light / low cut ankles so that you have the full range of motion for your foot for different types of kicks.

I'd recommend Adidas, as they are very high quality and Adidas is (I think) the premier TKD equipment producer.

TIL Ke$ha invented Science, and wrote a song about it in binary code. by FakeChowNumNum1in circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 135 points 136 points ago (157|21)

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"I'll probably get downvoted for this, but I just want to say that I'm [10] right now and Ke$ha should be Ron Paul's vice president."

-- Carl "/r/gonewild is that way" Sagan

I am filthy rich and will donate $1 for every upvote no limit. Make me regret this! by throwawaymkin atheism

[–]onehappybear 46 points 47 points ago (53|6)

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More importantly, the Facebook profile does not belong to the OP.

This is me , everytime I upvote your posts  by kleptobismolin funny

[–]onehappybear 55 points 56 points ago (64|8)

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Hey Reddit, what's your private hobby? by technotardin AskReddit

[–]onehappybear 0 points 1 point ago (1|0)

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My opinion is that "don't knock it until you try it" should be used for harmless or trivial behaviors and actions. You can instinctively know whether or not you are sexually attracted to a horse. You wouldn't instinctively know whether or not you enjoy having warm bed sheets on your head.

I hope that's satisfactory.

I also hope you know whether or not you like banging cows.

Gynecologist caught with over 35,000 secret photos of patients. by MJGSimplein offbeat

[–]onehappybear -1 points 0 points ago (3|3)

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You don't understand humor, and you don't understand statistical extrapolation. I don't know why I tried to explain either one to you.

Well, it was worth a shot. Enjoy life on planet lonely!

Hey Reddit, what's your private hobby? by technotardin AskReddit

[–]onehappybear 973 points 974 points ago (1463|489)

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I love taking laundry out of the dryer... and then putting it on my head.

Don't knock it until you try it.

Gynecologist caught with over 35,000 secret photos of patients. by MJGSimplein offbeat

[–]onehappybear 1 point 2 points ago (3|1)

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By all means, do so if you wish!

Gynecologist caught with over 35,000 secret photos of patients. by MJGSimplein offbeat

[–]onehappybear -1 points 0 points ago (5|5)

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A much more gracious response would've been "oops... I guess I completely overreacted to what was supposed to be a harmless joke, and then accused you of not understanding women's health when, indeed, you were actually correct and I was being an overzealous and abrasive jerk."

See how I took your obnoxious response from earlier and flipped it on you? See what I did there? LOL, get it, it's another joke!

Gynecologist caught with over 35,000 secret photos of patients. by MJGSimplein offbeat

[–]onehappybear -1 points 0 points ago (2|2)

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I don't really mind, such is the way of Reddit. Unfortunately a lot of intentions don't carry well through text.

Gynecologist caught with over 35,000 secret photos of patients. by MJGSimplein offbeat

[–]onehappybear 3 points 4 points ago* (8|4)

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Well, I guess you aren't going to be my target audience when I'm a stand-up comedian.

Since you're out for blood, I'll just revisit the issue of "how many women go for yearly exams vs. how many women go for STD treatment non-routine check-ups."

Remember, there aren't any explicit statistics here, so I'm going to do my best to piece together the picture.

There are approximately 45,000,000 women ages 18-50 in the United States. We will use them as our group.

There are 20,000 gynecologists in the US, just so we can do a sanity check later and figure out if the number of patients / day for gynecologists is reasonable.

According to the Vagisil Women's Health Center, 97% of women go for yearly OB/GYN visits. That's great! We'll just say that all women visit the gynecologist once each year. That's 45,000,000 visits each year, and about 120,000 visits each day.

According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, only 35% of sexually active, at-risk women (50% of 70%) use birth control pills. So, 35% of women probably see a gynecologist to get birth control pills, and presumably they do this during their annual exams. We add no extra visits.

5% of women have recurring yeast infections. Let's assume they have to go to the gynecologist once more per year. That's 2,250,000 visits per year.

An estimated 1,000,000 diagnosed chlamydia infections occur each year in at-risk women in the United States. We'll assume that all of these women need to see the gynecologist twice. 10% of these women develop PID, and let's assume they have to see the gynecologist 5 times. That's 2,500,000 visits for chlamydia.

Approximately 250,000 women are living with HIV in the US. I don't think it's unreasonable to assume these women go to the gynecologist 5 extra times per year. That's 1,250,000 visits for HIV.

Approximately 20% of at-risk women have herpes, but only 20% of cases are diagnosed. That's 1,800,000 women with diagnosed herpes. Since people on average have 4 or 5 outbreaks per year, we'll assume a visit per outbreak. That's 8,100,000 more visits per year.

So, for HIV, chlamydia, yeast infections, and herpes, we're at 14,100,000 visits per year.

6.4 million women get pregnant each year, 4.4 million carried to term, 1.6 million terminated, and 400,000 miscarried. Women are advised to visit an OB/GYN approximately 10 times during their pregnancy, adding 44,000,000 visits right there. I would guess abortions require two visits, though I can't be sure, adding 2,800,000 visits. Let's say that only 100,000 women who miscarry visit an OB/GYN because it makes the numbers nice, and doesn't matter much.

That's 46,900,000 visits to the OB/GYN for pregnancy related issues.

To recap, by my estimates, there are:

45,000,000 visits for annual visits 14,100,000 visits for HIV, chlamydia, yeast infections and herpes 46,900,000 visits for pregnancies.

That makes 45,000,000 visits for annual check-ups, and 61,000,000 for pregnancies / STDs.

That's about a 4:3 ratio of non-annual appointments to annual appointments.

Sanity check: 106,000,000 visits per year ~= 400,000 visits per day (I assume doctors work 265 days per year... it's a generous underestimate). For 20,000 OB/GYNs, that's a rate of 20 patients per day... which is exactly the rate physicians are recommended to see.

TL;DR women actually go to the OB/GYN more frequently for non-annual check ups. It appears I was right.

I'll add this to my higher comment that I seemed to get lambasted for.

Gynecologist caught with over 35,000 secret photos of patients. by MJGSimplein offbeat

[–]onehappybear -2 points -1 points ago (11|12)

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Well, a few points.

1) I think people missed the point in the first place that I was making a joke before I was asked to statistically justify it. It's not that I don't understand women's health. At the risk of being sexist now, I'll say it seems more the case here that women are misunderstanding mens' humor, and now nitpicking my response.

2) As per your second point, HPV may not have been the best example. But OB/GYNs deal with a lot of pregnancy related issues and sexual health issues outside of annual appointments. Yes, you have annual appointments, but having a real sexual health issue or a pregnancy will require many more visits. Men go to the urologist regularly to have prostate exams. But urologists don't spend most of their time doing prostate checks.

3) I have no aversions to vaginas. I'm sorry you didn't get the joke.

I didn't know what r/spacedicks was, and this is how I felt when I actually saw it.  by FakeChemistin funny

[–]onehappybear 2 points 3 points ago (5|2)

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That one gets reposted pretty regularly.

I mean, I have never seen that before, ever, and have no idea what you're talking about.

Gynecologist caught with over 35,000 secret photos of patients. by MJGSimplein offbeat

[–]onehappybear 13 points 14 points ago (14|0)

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Gynecologist caught with over 35,000 secret photos of patients. by MJGSimplein offbeat

[–]onehappybear 17 points 18 points ago (18|0)

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Gynecologist caught with over 35,000 secret photos of patients. by MJGSimplein offbeat

[–]onehappybear 7 points 8 points ago* (34|26)

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I'm mostly kidding. But this dude took a lot of photos of a lot of women -- not all during their annual appointments, I'd guess -- and I'd guess some of that stuff isn't what he was looking for.

EDIT: As per my other response as well, I don't care about the downvotes. But for clarity purposes, I know that women have annual appointments with their gynecologists.

Gynecologist caught with over 35,000 secret photos of patients. by MJGSimplein offbeat

[–]onehappybear -7 points -6 points ago* (21|27)

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I do. Pap Smears, pelvic exams, HPV tests, whatever.

However, given the prevalence of STDs and UTIs in women (it is estimated that nearly 50% of people will get HPV in their lifetime, and that's just for one STD) it is likely that most of his patients were not there for routine check-ups, or were at least there for pregnancy-related appointments. And since he has 35,000 photos of 3,000 different patients, I'd guess a lot of those photos aren't pretty.

EDIT: Bring on the downvotes, ladies. Annual appointments are once per year, but if you get the herpes, you probably go more often. Just sayin'.

I didn't know what r/spacedicks was, and this is how I felt when I actually saw it. [RES ignored duplicate image] by FakeChemistin funny

[–]onehappybear 19 points 20 points ago (20|0)

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No problem. Glad I could help out.

Gynecologist caught with over 35,000 secret photos of patients. by MJGSimplein offbeat

[–]onehappybear 7 points 8 points ago (20|12)

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Or gonorrhea.

I didn't know what r/spacedicks was, and this is how I felt when I actually saw it. [RES ignored duplicate image] by FakeChemistin funny

[–]onehappybear 99 points 100 points ago (108|8)

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Not even remotely as bad as /r/spacedicks. Cartoons of My Little Pony characters doing strange things to one another is no match for grown men willfully mutilating their genitalia.

Gynecologist caught with over 35,000 secret photos of patients. by MJGSimplein offbeat

[–]onehappybear 21 points 22 points ago* (99|77)

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Honestly, I don't even know why he'd want those photos. Women going to an OB/GYN often have... uh... "weird stuff" goin' on down there.

EDIT: I did some off-the-cuff math, that while not statistically perfect, should provide a pretty good sense of why women go to see their friendly neighborhood OB/GYN in the United States. Just so you all know, I know this doesn't mean their vaginas "look weird." That was apparently an ill-received joke.

But, for the sake of science, here are my best estimates.

Remember, there aren't any explicit statistics here, I'm just doing my best to piece together the picture.

There are approximately 45,000,000 women ages 18-50 in the United States. We will use them as our group.

There are 20,000 gynecologists in the US, just so we can do a sanity check later and figure out if the number of patients / day for gynecologists is reasonable.

According to the Vagisil Women's Health Center, 97% of women go for yearly OB/GYN visits. That's great! We'll just say that all women visit the gynecologist once each year. That's 45,000,000 visits each year, and about 120,000 visits each day.

According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, only 35% of sexually active, at-risk women (50% of 70%) use birth control pills. So, 35% of women probably see a gynecologist to get birth control pills, and presumably they do this during their annual exams. We add no extra visits.

5% of women have recurring yeast infections. Let's assume they have to go to the gynecologist once more per year. That's 2,250,000 visits per year.

An estimated 1,000,000 diagnosed chlamydia infections occur each year in at-risk women in the United States. We'll assume that all of these women need to see the gynecologist twice. 10% of these women develop PID, and let's assume they have to see the gynecologist 5 times. That's 2,500,000 visits for chlamydia.

Approximately 250,000 women are living with HIV in the US. I don't think it's unreasonable to assume these women go to the gynecologist 5 extra times per year. That's 1,250,000 visits for HIV.

Approximately 20% of at-risk women have herpes, but only 20% of cases are diagnosed. That's 1,800,000 women with diagnosed herpes. Since people on average have 4 or 5 outbreaks per year, we'll assume a visit per outbreak. That's 8,100,000 more visits per year.

So, for HIV, chlamydia, yeast infections, and herpes, we're at 14,100,000 visits per year.

6.4 million women get pregnant each year, 4.4 million carried to term, 1.6 million terminated, and 400,000 miscarried. Women are advised to visit an OB/GYN approximately 10 times during their pregnancy, adding 44,000,000 visits right there. I would guess abortions require two visits, though I can't be sure, adding 2,800,000 visits. Let's say that only 100,000 women who miscarry visit an OB/GYN because it makes the numbers nice, and doesn't matter much.

That's 46,900,000 visits to the OB/GYN for pregnancy related issues.

To recap, by my estimates, there are:

45,000,000 visits for annual visits 14,100,000 visits for HIV, chlamydia, yeast infections and herpes 46,900,000 visits for pregnancies.

That makes 45,000,000 visits for annual check-ups, and 61,000,000 for pregnancies / STDs.

That's about a 4:3 ratio of non-annual appointments to annual appointments.

Sanity check: 106,000,000 visits per year ~= 400,000 visits per day (I assume doctors work 265 days per year... it's a generous underestimate). For 20,000 OB/GYNs, that's a rate of 20 patients per day... which is exactly the rate physicians are recommended to see.

TL;DR women actually go to the OB/GYN more frequently for non-annual check ups. Just sayin'.

As a final note, even if y'all don't agree with my math, presumably doctors should be seeing patients at a rate of ~20 per day. We can be generous and say ~15 per day for gynecologists. If they only see the annual appointments, that leaves them at only 8.5 patients per day, which would mean 40% of their patients are non-routine check-ups. So even at the generous lower end, a huge portion of visits would remain non-routine. Math! Yay!

Contributing to the WTF Revitalization  by onehappybearin WTF

[–]onehappybear [S] 1 point 2 points ago (2|0)

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Sorry, I've never seen this on here, and I used Karma Decay and searched on Reddit. If you've seen it before, it might not have been here.

Contributing to the WTF Revitalization [RES ignored duplicate image] by onehappybearin WTF

[–]onehappybear [S] 16 points 17 points ago (20|3)

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Page 19

What is the most fucked up movie you've ever seen? by ab529235in AskReddit

[–]onehappybear 4 points 5 points ago (6|1)

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I don't think you've seen Raising Arizona, Leaving Las Vegas (he won Best Actor for this), or Adaptation (was nominated for best actor again, and if Adrien Brody hadn't absolutely killed it in the pianist he would have won).

What is the most fucked up movie you've ever seen? by ab529235in AskReddit

[–]onehappybear 8 points 9 points ago (13|4)

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Funky Forest. Not "fucked up" in the sense of involving paedophilia or anything like that, but just about as weird as you can possibly imagine.

Reddit, you hate me, so let's have a talk. IAMA NYPD Police Officer, AMAA. by [deleted]in IAmA

[–]onehappybear 11 points 12 points ago (16|4)

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People really need to stop making sweeping generalizations. It's starting to get on my nerves.

Doesn't just apply here. Applies everywhere.

Developing Striking Power? by sylkwormin martialarts

[–]onehappybear 9 points 10 points ago* (10|0)

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Technique and repetition. Most of your striking power comes from speed and precision, so I spend a lot of time with gloves on and off on the heavy bag or with a partner with pads / padded gloves. Throw lots of different punches in lots of different combinations, and try to make your techniques as precise as possible. Jabs, crosses, hooks and uppercuts in all different combinations, sometimes just two punches, sometimes combinations of fifteen or more. Practice, practice, practice.

Also, AceCasanova noted using natural resistance / natural motions for building speed. I work my strikes almost exclusively through pad- and bag-work, but for folks who want to work with resistance, Ace is right on. Try to avoid using weight, as it will alter your striking motion and diminish your total striking power, despite making you "stronger".

A knockout hook isn't thrown with the most force; it's thrown quickly and hits the jaw squarely.

Kyle Orton  by Dungrove_Elderin nfl

[–]onehappybear 2 points 3 points ago (3|0)

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Sorry about Dan Snyder.

Kyle Orton [RES ignored duplicate image] by Dungrove_Elderin nfl

[–]onehappybear 3 points 4 points ago (6|2)

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Haynesworth doesn't really fit this category. He was defensive player of the year four years ago and was quite good for several years before that. He's fat and lazy now, but at one point was the most feared defender in the league.

I nominate Tim Couch to take his position.

U.S. Soldier has been sentenced to life in military prison with eligibility for parole after being found guilty of murdering three Afghan civilians, mutilating them for "souvenirs" and planting weapons on them. by CG10277in worldnews

[–]onehappybear 0 points 1 point ago (1|0)

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Afghanistan produces no oil.

I assume you were trying to make a joke about Iraq. Regardless, I think people forget the Kurdish Genocide which was largely carried out under Saddam Hussein, that he was an oppressive dictator, and was generally a heinous individual. I am and was opposed to the Iraq war, but cracking jokes about oil is kind of stupid.

Anyhow, if you're going to make bad, overplayed political jokes, don't do it on Veterans' Day, and at least get your locations right.

U.S. Soldier has been sentenced to life in military prison with eligibility for parole after being found guilty of murdering three Afghan civilians, mutilating them for "souvenirs" and planting weapons on them. by CG10277in worldnews

[–]onehappybear -1 points 0 points ago* (1|1)

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Not in the strictest of senses, but under joint-responsibility he was convicted of murdering either nine or ten people, I don't remember exactly.

Ninja edit: according to wikipedia, he was charged with seven counts of murder and one count of conspiracy to commit murder.

Actual edit, didn't get your edit first: You're apparently also an idiot. Firstly, eye-for-an-eye is an atrocious system of justice, and you're a fucking twat for suggesting it. Letting an angry mob pull apart a criminal would be cruel and unusual punishment, and besides violating his constitutional protection against it (since I'm guessing you don't care), would be no better than what this guy did to Afghan civilians. He is going to be in jail forever. If you are screaming for his execution, you're no better than the very people you decry for excessive violence, brutality, and so on. Life imprisonment is the most severe penalty that a civilized society should impose on its members, no matter how inhumane and psychopathic their behaviors and actions.

U.S. Soldier has been sentenced to life in military prison with eligibility for parole after being found guilty of murdering three Afghan civilians, mutilating them for "souvenirs" and planting weapons on them. by CG10277in worldnews

[–]onehappybear -1 points 0 points ago (2|2)

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Consider this: Charles Manson has been eligible for parole multiple times. He's a serial killer. Obviously never granted. Jerry Brudos, serial killer, was up for parole in 2005. Obviously didn't get it. David Berkowitz, serial killer, has been up for parole 5 times and is up again next year. Obviously won't be granted.

I think you misunderstood. This guy is going to be in jail forever. Opportunities for parole exist in all western justice systems, as far as I know, and are almost never granted to anyone who commits heinous crimes like this.

Your opinion isn't humble. This entire thread has turned into a bashing of servicemen/women on Veteran's Day, and you should all be ashamed of yourselves. Yeah, this guy is disgusting, and the US justice system isn't perfect. But fuck you. There aren't double standards. I'm sorry that every teenager and 20-something on Reddit wants to think soldiers are evil and cops are pigs and the systems are broken, but they aren't. Justice was served here, and if you think otherwise, you're an idiot.

Mohammed Ali dodging punches  by Da_Fuckin sports

[–]onehappybear 0 points 1 point ago (1|0)

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I agree. I hope that it turns out they're all fine and live long and prosperous lives, but MMA is no less violent than boxing, and I don't have high hopes.

Mohammed Ali dodging punches [RES ignored duplicate image] by Da_Fuckin sports

[–]onehappybear 0 points 1 point ago (1|0)

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That doesn't make it less traumatic in the long run. If you get knocked out and then punched in the head a bunch of times while you can't defend yourself, you will take plenty of unnecessary head trauma. If I had to guess, we'll find that MMA fighters suffer just as much brain damage as boxers when all is said and done.

Also, fighters are much more likely to damage limbs in MMA; there are plenty of videos where you can watch fighters shattering limbs and irreparably damaging joints. It's a different kind of trauma, but boxers rarely damage their legs, while MMA fighters blow ACLs and MCLs or break bones like nothing.

Regardless, MMA is still young, so it's impossible to say. But I have a bad feeling about how MMA fighters will age.

Mohammed Ali dodging punches [RES ignored duplicate image] by Da_Fuckin sports

[–]onehappybear 2 points 3 points ago (3|0)

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I think you'd be surprised; there isn't really a huge surface area difference between a boxing glove and an MMA glove. This is further mitigated since you don't hit someone with the entire flat of your fist; most expert fighters strike with two knuckles (usually index and middle knuckle, but sometimes middle and ring) rather than the whole hand to protect your bottom knuckles, which are weaker and prone to break.

Also, the important pieces of force transfer are moment of impact and acceleration; the faster you hit your opponent, and the faster you pull your hand away, the harder you will hit them. Since you are removing your hand quickly, it allows the force of your strike to dissipate across their head, rather than across their head and your arm, shoulder, and chest. The shorter the moment of impact, the purer the force transfer.

Mohammed Ali dodging punches [RES ignored duplicate image] by Da_Fuckin sports

[–]onehappybear 6 points 7 points ago (7|0)

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False. Boxing gloves and MMA gloves have exactly the same effect on force reduction. That is, punching with a boxing glove doesn't make your blow less damaging than punching with an MMA gloves.

Here's a video demonstrating equal force blows from Bas Rutten with MMA gloves and boxing gloves. If you don't want to watch, he hits the bag with 290 kgs of force with MMA gloves, and hits the bag with 291 kgs of force with boxing gloves.

My sociology teacher says that gender is socially constructed. Is this true? by I_AM_LARSin askscience

[–]onehappybear 2 points 3 points ago (3|0)

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Sorry, I think I misspoke. I know that all transexuals are transgendered, I meant more that not all cross-dressers are transgendered. I think we are in agreement and have just gotten confused.

My sociology teacher says that gender is socially constructed. Is this true? by I_AM_LARSin askscience

[–]onehappybear 4 points 5 points ago (5|0)

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I've always been told to distinctly separate transgender and transexual. It's perfectly possible that cross-dressers are also transgendered, but most of the transvestites I know are not transgendered. They aren't mutually exclusive, but as I understand it, are different.

Also, I didn't mean to imply that a sex-change operation is the only way to be a transexual. Sorry if it came across that way.

My sociology teacher says that gender is socially constructed. Is this true? by I_AM_LARSin askscience

[–]onehappybear 1 point 2 points ago (2|0)

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While it isn't common by any means, I think you'd be surprised by intersex / genetic sexual complication frequencies. Here are statistics from the Intersex Society of North America that should provide more insight.

It needs to be acknowledged because, unfortunately, there's a lot of misunderstanding and discrimination against non-binary genders / sexes. It would be great if everyone was either a man or a woman and was comfortable and happy in their own bodies, but they aren't. Imposing a binary is massively detrimental socially and psychologically for these individuals, as where acknowledging they exist and being socially conscious costs you almost nothing. So actually, it would just be easier to say "the binary doesn't always work, so we sometimes have to think outside the system" than to say "you don't fit the binary? Doesn't matter, you're a tiny population."

My sociology teacher says that gender is socially constructed. Is this true? by I_AM_LARSin askscience

[–]onehappybear 7 points 8 points ago (10|2)

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They're not arbitrary. Language isn't arbitrary; we define words for specific reasons to prevent misunderstanding. If I said to you, "dog cat horse bacon narwhal midnight," you'd be pretty damn confused, and when you said "what are you trying to say," you'd be even more confused if I responded "balogna sandwich chicken turkey Hawaii."

Definitions fundamentally allow human communication. Don't say they're arbitrary.

My sociology teacher says that gender is socially constructed. Is this true? by I_AM_LARSin askscience

[–]onehappybear 5 points 6 points ago (7|1)

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Hey /r/askscience,

Longtime /r/askscience lurker here. I see in the comments a lot people saying things like "my genitals disagree" and "you are born with a sex".

It's important to understand that sociologically / psychologically, there is a major distinction between sex and gender. Your sex is your sex organs, your hormones, and all your physiological characteristics that define you as a male or a female. Your gender identity is how you socially define yourself.

There are a few other important things to clarify as well: factually, there isn't a sex binary. Some humans are born intersex, with both a penis and a vagina. So saying that there's an inherent difference between "boys" and "girls" isn't totally right, since there are children who are both male and female biologically.

Equally importantly, sex has little bearing on sexual identity. Sexual identity is your sexual preference for males, females, animals, or whatever. I don't think I have to explain to /r/askscience about the Kinsey Scale (more or less a spectrum of sexuality from homosexuality to heterosexuality), because you're all open-minded people and understand different folks like different strokes.

So, this all having been said, it's not one hundred percent true that gender is a social construct. Much of gender identity -- most notably, how we physically present ourselves (our fashions and mannerisms) -- are socially constructed, and here is a pretty good article explaining parental influence on gender construction.

However, often gender identity is associated with your sex. Transgendered individuals believe they are the opposite sex, like a biological man who believes he is a woman, or believes he has a woman's mind trapped in a man's body. Sometimes these individuals undergo sex-change operations, and become transexuals. Biologically, they are still males or females (the new sex organs don't function), but they identify with a different gender.

However, there are almost definitely evolutionary reasons why women are homemakers, and while I'm not a pre-eminent evolutionary biologist, I'd venture a guess that there are some good reasons, most basically because women are physically invested in the child for nine months before giving birth, while men can pump and dump.

So your sociology teacher is wrong, but I think being intentionally wrong to make a point. The point was to help understand that there is a major distinction between sex and gender, and to help you begin reframing your thoughts, took an extreme / polarizing position.

My sociology teacher says that gender is socially constructed. Is this true? by I_AM_LARSin askscience

[–]onehappybear 10 points 11 points ago (11|0)

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The definitions aren't necessarily arbitrary per se. Firstly, there is a serious distinction between cross-dressing and being transgendered. A transgendered person feels and believes they are the opposite sex (not a man dressing in drag, but a man believing he is a woman). It's often related to intersexuality (having both male and female organs at birth; being a hermaphrodite) and hormonal imbalances.

Being transexual as timothyjwood explained, is someone who has actually had an operation to change their sex.

A cross-dresser or transvestite is anyone who dresses as a member of the opposite sex; it's kind of silly since you can argue that dress code is also a social construct, but it's understood that men wearing dresses are cross-dressers / transvestites. Female transvestites are less common, but think something like a woman in a suit and tie.

IAMA Oakland Police Officer. Ask me almost anything. by opd940in IAmA

[–]onehappybear 0 points 1 point ago (4|3)

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Spit is a projectile; spitting on someone is no different than throwing a rock or a bottle. While rocks and bottles cause blunt force damage on impact, your spit can carry herpes, the flu, viral meningitis, or most probably, the common cold. From a public health perspective, you shouldn't even be spitting on the sidewalk, let alone in the face of a policeman.

IAMA Oakland Police Officer. Ask me almost anything. by opd940in IAmA

[–]onehappybear 0 points 1 point ago (5|4)

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A cop absolutely should arrest you if you spit on him. I not only disagree with you, but I think you're an idiot for suggesting that arresting someone for spitting on a cop is an exploitation of a "sketchy technicality". Yeah, let's just have people spit on cops, because that's a great idea, and while we're at it, let's have everyone spit on each other, too.

And FYI, every sodomy law in the US was overturned a decade ago by Lawrence v. Texas 539 US 558, 2003. If you're going to use bad examples, at least use ones that still apply.

IAMA Oakland Police Officer. Ask me almost anything. by opd940in IAmA

[–]onehappybear 9 points 10 points ago (13|3)

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Actually, you're wrong. Spitting on anyone is considered battery, and is punishable in some states by up to a year in prison.

So if you spit on a cop, he should immediately mirandize and arrest you, swab the spit off his face to make sure he has your saliva when you appear in court, and haul your stupid ass to jail. It's not "being butthurt," it's arresting you for a crime you've committed under the letter of the law.

Do you think that cops should get an extra punishment for breaking the law especially in ways that abuse their power? by mei9jiin AskReddit

[–]onehappybear 0 points 1 point ago (1|0)

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They wouldn't, because it happens all the fucking time. It's commonplace, and it's not advertised because the police, like anyone else, don't flaunt employee criminal statistics. But cops are definitely prosecuted. Here's a database full of the statistics.

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Do you think that cops should get an extra punishment for breaking the law especially in ways that abuse their power? by mei9jiin AskReddit

[–]onehappybear 0 points 1 point ago (1|0)

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Yeah, usually because there either isn't enough proof to demonstrate malfeasance or you didn't hear the entirety of the story. Very rarely, cops do something completely illegal and get suspended with pay. The rest of the time, they get prosecuted.

Here's a comprehensive database of police misconduct statistics. Knowledge is power.

Do you think that cops should get an extra punishment for breaking the law especially in ways that abuse their power? by mei9jiin AskReddit

[–]onehappybear 0 points 1 point ago (1|0)

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Presumptuous and obnoxious: thinking internet points matter, and then thinking I care about them. Enjoy my upvote, because it's completely irrelevant.

Do you think that cops should get an extra punishment for breaking the law especially in ways that abuse their power? by mei9jiin AskReddit

[–]onehappybear -15 points -14 points ago (69|83)

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It's applied all the time. Maybe you shouldn't spend all your time on Reddit.

Understanding the US National Debt by ninjaboy333in WTF

[–]onehappybear 3 points 4 points ago (6|2)

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... it's high, but not problematically so. Debt as a proportion of GDP actually isn't how you determine the problem of your debt. The problem depends on which debts you owe, and how much interest you owe on them, and your ability to pay off those debts using raised revenue.

That is, if our debt were 1000% of our GDP, and we were paying 4% interest on those loans (hypothetical situation), we'd have to generate 40% of our GDP in government revenue to pay off the interest on those loans. With debt at 100% of our GDP, if we are paying 4% interest (I don't know exactly how much we actually pay), we only have to generate 4% of GDP in government revenue.

Japan actually has debt equal to 225% of their GDP. Italy has 118%. Singapore has 96% (source). All three of those countries are fine. Greece, whose debt is 116%, has a problem because it isn't raising government revenue at all, and so it can't pay off the loans.

Understanding the US national debt involves understanding a lot of complex economics. This is a total oversimplification, but a much better basic start to understanding debt that the columnist who wrote this. Most people never will understand it because, quite frankly, they're too stupid to do so.

TL;DR This is not a way to understand the national debt. It's a bunch of numbers that don't mean anything written down by a guy who obviously isn't an economist.

It was like cleaning a poopy cactus  by FMLcomicsin fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu

[–]onehappybear 11 points 12 points ago (12|0)

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Why you frontin'? You some kind of poopy cactus?

It was like cleaning a poopy cactus [RES ignored duplicate image] by FMLcomicsin fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu

[–]onehappybear 26 points 27 points ago (37|10)

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...like poop on a cactus!

I believe this is a situation that requires variation to maintain sensibility. Any combination of "poop" and "cactus" is hilarious anyhow.

Morgan Freeman. Upvote if you agree. by [deleted]in circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 55 points 56 points ago (64|8)

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Nobody upvoted you.

Glen  by 7didnteat9in funny

[–]onehappybear 98 points 99 points ago (124|25)

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Men, what are your dating deal-breakers? by onelove_in AskReddit

[–]onehappybear 28 points 29 points ago (29|0)

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Like... duck face. 

Men, what are your dating deal-breakers? by onelove_in AskReddit

[–]onehappybear 33 points 34 points ago (45|11)

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Duck face.

I can't stress the realness of this conversation.  by EwokSlayerin WTF

[–]onehappybear 21 points 22 points ago (30|8)

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IAMA 2012 GOP Presidential Candidate. I believe in Fair Trade, No Tax Loopholes, No Special Interests, Energy Innovation & Independence. $100 Donation Limit. I am Buddy Roemer. AMA by BuddyRoemerin IAmA

[–]onehappybear 3 points 4 points ago (5|1)

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... I'm asking his honest opinion. Obama spent $730 million dollars on his 2008 campaign; Roemer will obviously have a difficult time raising money as is, and some pundits have speculated Obama could raise over $1B in 2012 (depending on his opponent).

I don't think I have to explain the importance of campaign finance to victory; I just want to know if he actually believes he can win a presidential election while handicapping his finances.

Also, I absolutely would ask him this face-to-face.

IAMA 2012 GOP Presidential Candidate. I believe in Fair Trade, No Tax Loopholes, No Special Interests, Energy Innovation & Independence. $100 Donation Limit. I am Buddy Roemer. AMA by BuddyRoemerin IAmA

[–]onehappybear 140 points 141 points ago (166|25)

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Do you honestly think you have any chance to win the 2012 presidential election taking no PAC money and limiting donations to $100?

Meet Susan:  by [deleted]in funny

[–]onehappybear 65 points 66 points ago (90|24)

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Nicolas Cage is a brilliant actor. Don't you dare insult him.

Torre Agbar in Barcelona, Spain. [2004x4962]  by turdmalonein CityPorn

[–]onehappybear 13 points 14 points ago (18|4)

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Jean Nouvel is truly a master of architectural fuck-you's. Nothing like designing a building that looks like a gigantic dildo while doubling as a middle finger from France to Spain.

Poor Guy  by thewooboostin funny

[–]onehappybear 6 points 7 points ago (10|3)

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It looks like this is a grey seal.

Not only are they classified as "least concern" conservation status, but they aren't really hunted every week. Their primary predators are Great Whites and Orcas, but they live in the coastal North Atlantic; Great Whites live at lower latitudes in the Atlantic North East, while Orca whales spend most of their time at higher latitudes closer to the arctic circle.

Stumbled across this today, what're your first impressions Reddit?  by Where-Am-Iin reddit.com

[–]onehappybear 0 points 1 point ago (2|1)

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You'd be mistaken. My point is not that the banks are "too big to fail." They can definitely fail; we saw several major banks fail in 2008.

My point is that there's a difference between a bank being too big to fail and global economics being too big to fail. You want financial reform, not global depression. This is certainly not the way to achieve reform, and certainly not a message to send if you want to be taken seriously.

Stumbled across this today, what're your first impressions Reddit? [RES ignored duplicate image] by Where-Am-Iin reddit.com

[–]onehappybear 10 points 11 points ago (14|3)

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Let me assure you: causing a global depression (note: not recession, depression) is not what you want.

If you want real, sustainable change, start by developing sophisticated, educated opinions on executive compensation and potential reform strategies that appeal to your opinions (perhaps consider carried interest as income, perhaps consider authorizing the SEC to hard-cap CEO salaries, and so on).

Learn about the Fed and existing regulations. Understand that it isn't in cohoots with the banks, that it's the primary source of bank regulation, read the existing regulations, and see where they fall short or lack enforcement.

Understand that not only have the banks paid off their bail-out loans, but the US actually turned a profit on the loans.

Remember that commercial banking has a lot of benefits; larger banks can issue bigger, more lenient loans. Larger banks can absorb bigger market shocks. Larger banks can give you better saving interest rates. Yeah, their customer services suck and Bank of America wants to charge you to use your debit card. But checking fees don't equate to pure villainy.

Understand that "the banks" aren't fucking the world. There are global issues that extend far beyond commercial banking. We (the US) have an impending medicare crisis that is totally unrelated to the banks while Europe is facing debt default from broken social security systems. No amount of banking regulation will fix either of these issues, and quite frankly, they are larger and more dangerous. Are there some questionable banking practices right now? Yes. So vote in politicians who will inspire financial reform. But don't think that crashing the system will fix it; it will only make the bigger issues worse.

TL;DR Promoting anarchy and conflict is not the way to find financial reform. Educate yourself, educate others, and elect your like-minded, capable officials. Remember that there are many problems in the world right now, and the best way to prevent catastrophe is to take small, reasonable steps towards compromise.

Stumbled across this today, what're your first impressions Reddit? [RES ignored duplicate image] by Where-Am-Iin reddit.com

[–]onehappybear 119 points 120 points ago (152|32)

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This is called a run on the banks, and is a terrible idea that would result in economic chaos, and most people being unable to withdraw their savings.

If people were on a particular day -- in this case, November 5th, because Anonymous has a hard-on for Guy Fawkes -- to remove all of their savings from banks, there would not be enough cash to withdraw.

Banks are only obligated to hold the reservation requirement, and literally cannot liquidate assets quickly enough to give everyone their money back in such an event. If everyone tried to remove their assets from banks, ultimately only about 10% of people would get their money -- after that, the banks wouldn't have any cash on hand.

Banks are obligated to return your money if you go to remove it. So why don't they hold cash? In order to turn profits, banks lend your money to businesses or invest it. The returns they get on loans and investments pay your savings interest and turn profits for the banks. When you deposit money in the bank, you are essentially lending them your money; you give them money, then they invest it appropriately, and pay you interest over time until you need to withdraw money.

The reserve requirement exists as a "catastrophe" barrier; if commercial indexes plummet on a particular day, they presumably will not fall so far that banks will need to hold more than 10% (or whatever the requirement is exactly) on hand at any time. Coordinated withdrawals -- like the one suggested here -- would force banks to recall loans and investments early, and would wreak havoc across markets and businesses everywhere.

Most businesses would not be able to pay back their loans and default. When businesses default, the banks repossess whatever assets businesses have and attempt to liquidate those assets. Ultimately, this is a huge financial loss for all parties.

When banks are forced to sell investments, the prices drop dramatically due to increased quantity (basic economics: if quantity increases, price decreases). This causes further losses.

Thus, if everyone goes to transfer their funds and savings from large commercial banks to local credit unions, they'll end up not only screwing themselves, as they won't be able to get their funds, but they'll screw everyone else.

TL;DR Withdrawing your funds en masse from major commercial banks is a terrible idea, you won't get your money, other people won't get their money, businesses will default on their loans and stock markets will crash.

If you don't understand why all of that is bad, please keep all your economic opinions to yourself forever.

See ya never, Papelbon. by [deleted]in sports

[–]onehappybear 1 point 2 points ago (2|0)

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None of us are disowning the team. Lest everyone in the world forgets, we hadn't won a world series in 86 fucking years, and a lot of the players on our team now were on the team that won in 2007. Our guys are great, and I stand by them even after one of the most memorable collapses of all time.

We're pissed off because our team was the best team in baseball from May through August, and turned in an inexcusably poor performance down the stretch. And we're equally pissed off at the Yankees for blowing a 7-0 lead because they didn't care, and equally pissed off at Dan Motherfucking Johnson for not having a hit since April, battin .107, and picking the last possible pitch to hit a just-over-the-fence-and-inside-the-line home run that went into one of the Rays' 5 fans' family jewels. I'm pissed that Carl Crawford turned in an absolute turd of a season, that J.D. Drew is probably a corpse reanimated "Weekend at Bernie's" style, that John Lackey -- who is divorcing his wife who has breast cancer -- has the nerve to post a fucking 6.41 ERA and tell the fans that his life is terrible (paid +100 million dollars to lose and be a genuinely unlikable human being, how tough). I'm pissed that Francona did a poor job motivating anyone down the stretch and started a rookie catcher who had played one game with the team in our most important game of the season, that Theo Epstein shelled out so much money for mediocrity, and that John Henry is more interested in European football than baseball in the midst of an incredible playoff race.

I love the Red Sox. I honestly thought they were going to pull it off even as I watched them implode in truly remarkable fashion. We were up 3-2 in the 7th with a rain delay, with the Yankees leading the Rays 7-0. And in an hour, the Rays came back to make it 7-7 going into the 12th with the Red Sox holding a 3-2 lead in the 9th.

Then, like watching the Hindenburg explode, in literally one minute, Papelbon allowed a run and blew the save, Crawford dropped a line drive to take us into extra innings, and Longoria hit a homerun in the bottom of the 13th. I stood by the Sox to the bitter end, and when we lost, I honestly laughed, because I could not believe that the team I was watching, that I had sincerely thought was the best Red Sox team I had seen in my life through August, just missed the playoffs, and got beaten by a team whose fans wouldn't even show up to see them play the Yankees in a game that is going to be remember for decades.

This has nothing to do with the Rays, nothing to do with the Yankees, and in fact, nothing to do with anything other than this Boston Red Sox team and its fans. We absolutely have the right to be upset. I wish the Rays luck in the playoffs, but will be rooting for a Tigers-Brewers world series.

TL;DR I love the Sox, and I love all my Boston teams, but this performance was inexcusable, and several players and the management have to be held accountable. I'm not calling for anyone to get kicked off the team, but when you field so much talent, it's hard not to be upset when you fall seriously short of your potential.

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The Enderman and the Snow Golem: a tiny Minecraft comic.  by majic13in Minecraft

[–]onehappybear 52 points 53 points ago (56|3)

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I still can't believe she falls for this... by IKnowHuhin AdviceAnimals

[–]onehappybear 35 points 36 points ago (49|13)

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quidditch problems  by [deleted]in AdviceAnimals

[–]onehappybear 11 points 12 points ago (15|3)

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From "The Sirius Black Album"?

College College College College College College College College College College College College College College College College College College College College College College College College College College College College College College College College College College College College College by mi0jin circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 51 points 52 points ago (59|7)

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AND DO IT NOW. If you're already at college, YOU NEED A FUCKING LAWYER PRONTO.


So I guess I'll go ahead and look up everything this man has ever done now... by PraiseBuddhain videos

[–]onehappybear 19 points 20 points ago (24|4)

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Holy...Shit...  by bigwilliestylezin WTF

[–]onehappybear 62 points 63 points ago (81|18)

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"i thought you would have known by now."

how sensitive.

House Build For Only $5.000 by gluokucein WTF

[–]onehappybear 23 points 24 points ago (28|4)

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Architecturally, this is a total, absolute win. This is fucking incredible.


[–]onehappybear 156 points 157 points ago (172|15)

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Autistic? More like, ARTISTIC. BA-ZINGA!!!!!!

My daughter freaked out over me having a glass of wine every night, calling me an "alcoholic" and running off to reddit to score some pity-karma. Anyone need a dad? by [deleted]in circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 32 points 33 points ago (45|12)

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I don't mean to hijack top post, but I am going to recklessly hijack top post to tell you to GET A FUCKING LAWYER.

This is so FUCKING important, that i'll have to repeat it: ** GET A FUCKING LAWYER.**

Didn't hear me? LAWYER THE FUCK UP BRO.

And once more for good luck, or if you're just too fucking stupid to read, GET A FUCKING LAWYER.


Troll:1 Douche:0  by ImaSociopathin fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu

[–]onehappybear 2 points 3 points ago (5|2)

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"Ergo" means "therefore", not "thereby". Ergo, you have misused "ergo".

Growing up, this was the greatest thing ever.  by Mellowdein sports

[–]onehappybear 27 points 28 points ago (36|8)

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We should call them the "Dream Team".

Which one of you was this?  by shoot2screin atheism

[–]onehappybear 13 points 14 points ago (19|5)

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Satan. Duh.

So there's this boy running around in a superman outfit, yelling "I just beat cancer". feel good times ensue.  by cdean51in pics

[–]onehappybear 0 points 1 point ago (1|0)

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... can't tell if troll, or just remarkably skeptical.

1) Recurrence risks are evaluated case by case, depending on cancer type. Generally, you undergo treatment, until it appears you are cancer-free. At that point, you get monitored periodically, and if the cancer recurs, you undergo treatment again. A doctor isn't going to say "you beat cancer" until a significant amount of time has passed since treatment, long enough that they are very certain it won't recur.

2) That's from the American Cancer Society, basically as reputable as you can get. They don't have averages or how recurrence risk is evaluated because neither are valuable statistics. There are so many variables -- treatment type, cancer type, cancer stage, age, gender, etc. -- that such broad statistics would be worthless unless you start to specify.

I would guess that this child had leukemia (the most common form of cancer in children), and the doctor would have said his cancer was in remission if it was likely to recur. If the kid was told he beat cancer, it's probably not going to recur.

EDIT: here is the National Cancer Institute on childhood cancer, for more information.

So there's this boy running around in a superman outfit, yelling "I just beat cancer". feel good times ensue. [RES ignored duplicate image] by cdean51in pics

[–]onehappybear 56 points 57 points ago* (71|14)

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Hello obviously well-read and good-natured sir who clearly knows what's going on,

The [deleted] comment below said that. My comment has not been edited, else it would have an asterisk (that's the * symbol) next to it.

Also, note my reply to the [deleted] comment.

EDIT: I actually am unsure whether or not you're referring to my comment or to the deleted comment. If it's my comment, no, I haven't touched it. If it's the [deleted] comment, yeah it was just a jackass troll.

So there's this boy running around in a superman outfit, yelling "I just beat cancer". feel good times ensue. [RES ignored duplicate image] by cdean51in pics

[–]onehappybear 18 points 19 points ago (27|8)

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Yeah, he's so lucky he had cancer.

I question my friends parenting.  by [deleted]in fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu

[–]onehappybear 169 points 170 points ago (288|118)

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So there's this boy running around in a superman outfit, yelling "I just beat cancer". feel good times ensue. [RES ignored duplicate image] by cdean51in pics

[–]onehappybear 5 points 6 points ago (10|4)

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It depends. Cancer sometimes goes into remission, which is probably what you're thinking of. If that case, a physician would not tell this kid "you beat cancer." If he did, he's a shitty doctor.

Cancer recurrence rates vary across cancer types. Again, presumably the doctor isn't an ass, and wouldn't tell a kid he beat cancer if there's a good chance of recurrence. You never know for sure, but usually cancer recurrence is much more manageable, and that's why you don't stop seeing doctors once you've beaten cancer. You usually get screened periodically throughout your life.

Here is a good source of information about cancer recurrence.

Freud on God  by skeptdroin atheism

[–]onehappybear 8 points 9 points ago (12|3)

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Quite possibly. She is literally just summarizing Freud's views, so it makes sense she would draw directly from his writing.

So there's this boy running around in a superman outfit, yelling "I just beat cancer". feel good times ensue. [RES ignored duplicate image] by cdean51in pics

[–]onehappybear 253 points 254 points ago (408|154)

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This is the happiest child. And he should be.

Freud on God [RES ignored duplicate image] by skeptdroin atheism

[–]onehappybear 12 points 13 points ago* (14|1)

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Wikiquote says it is commonly attributed it to Aurelius, but there is no source.

It might have been said by Marcus Aurelius, but it isn't from Meditations (the source of many of his quotes). We can't be sure, so you can't say "Marcus Aurelius quote." For good practice, you have to say "attributed to Marcus Aurelius, but source unknown."

Freud on God [RES ignored duplicate image] by skeptdroin atheism

[–]onehappybear 62 points 63 points ago (86|23)

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Not actually from Freud. From Karen Armstrong.

Freud on God [RES ignored duplicate image] by skeptdroin atheism

[–]onehappybear 134 points 135 points ago (172|37)

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You're right, it's a misquote. It's a quote from A History of God, by Karen Armstrong. She is talking about Freud's beliefs about God, but does not directly quote him.

Hey the kid wanted a kitchen, so the kid got a kitchen. Pure joy...please chop  by TolucaWoodsin pics

[–]onehappybear 101 points 102 points ago (136|34)

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tonight, we dine in the den, surrounded by a baby barrier!

Well fuck..  by EnjoyMyDownvotein reddit.com

[–]onehappybear 45 points 46 points ago (89|43)

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wouldn't it be hilarious if satan and god were really just troll buddies, and conspired to write several books that contradicted science and one another so that people would get confused and then start killing each other, and they did it just for the lulz?

Donovan McNabb trade to Minnesota Vikings in place, sources say - ESPN by onehappybearin sports

[–]onehappybear [S] 35 points 36 points ago (40|4)

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Because you're the Vikings!

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Page 22

So I decided to join The KKK... by BarrySquaredin atheism

[–]onehappybear 544 points 545 points ago (862|317)

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it's a false analogy because fuck you, that's why.

Oh how times have changed...  by q8iftwin pics

[–]onehappybear 610 points 611 points ago (833|222)

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except that real mail is just bills.

Murdoch takes out Amy Winehouse. What did she know? by bg370in circlejerk

[–]onehappybear 7 points 8 points ago (10|2)

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Murdoch's death is obviously a cynical attempt by Amy Winehouse to diver the press from the Oslo Bombing Scandal.

seriously Coors, stop it.  by onehappybearin reddit.com

[–]onehappybear [S] 14 points 15 points ago (17|2)

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Listen, you commenter who is probably very nice in real life and could likely sustain a high level of intellectual conversation, I don't buy them.

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